Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 965: Still dad atmosphere

There was no car at the entrance of the manor, and it was not the first time Wan Shihou came, but Wan Shihou's car did not drive directly into the manor, but stopped at the entrance.

A lean middle-aged man walked out of the guard box.

When the car window fell, Wan Shihou handed it a thick red seal.

Even if the middle-aged man is just a gatekeeper, every time Wan Shihou comes, he does not forget to give a little benefit, and the other party does give Wan Shihou a lot of convenience.

In fact, Wan Shihou knew very well that in the hearts of the Nan family, his status was not as good as a watchdog in the Nan family.

The middle-aged man accepted the red seal, "Master Hou wait a minute. I'll tell the housekeeper."

Wan Shihou said, "I'm here this time and want to see the Nan Family Patriarch."

The middle-aged man looked embarrassed, thinking that Wan Shihou often gave him money, he nodded, "Okay. I report it, but there is little hope."

The status of the hermit family is superb, not to mention Wan Shihou, even the richest man on the rich list, want to see the Nan family Patriarch has a good reason.

Before long, the middle-aged man returned and said, "Master Hou, the Patriarch is in a good mood today and would like to see you, but you should not make the Patriarch angry, otherwise I will suffer."

Wan Shihou immediately handed a thicker red seal.

Nanjia is located on the outskirts of Shen City, backed by mountains and lakes, and surrounded by verdant mountains and forests, a bit like a garden hotel.

Because Wan Shihou makes transactions with the Nan family every year, and is very friendly to the Nan family's subordinates, so he also got a little friendship from the subordinates. He once had a chair in the manor, sip a pot of tea, and watched the sunset cast a yellowish afterglow, falling in the lake in the manor.

Today, the bright moon is bright and the scenery inside the manor is pleasant.

But, where does Wan Shihou have the mood to watch the moon?

The only thing he hopes now is that the Nan Patriarch is in a good mood and will not speak loudly. It would be better if he could selflessly help him once.

Someone recommended that among the most impressive buildings in the manor, Wan Shihou met the current owner of the Nan family, Nan Sheng.

According to Wan Shihou’s understanding, Nan Sheng should be in his fifties, but what Wan Shihou didn’t expect was that Nan Sheng couldn’t see the slightest oldness on his body. He was handsome, ruddy, and extremely full of energy. Without makeup, but there are no age spots on the face, just like middle-aged.

Beside Nan Sheng, there was a handsome boy with red lips and white teeth.

With a smile on his face, Nan Sheng looked at Wan Shihou, "Are you Wan Shihou?"

Wan Shihou bent over, "Exactly."

Nan Sheng didn't have the slightest pressure from a master, but Wan Shihou didn't dare to sit on an equal footing with Nan Sheng. He also knew that the smile on Nan Sheng's face was just because he was in a good mood, not because he was smiling.

Nan Sheng asked, "Why come to Nan's house so late?"

In front of Nan Sheng, Wan Shihou didn’t dare to play with his mind. He said, “It’s a matter of life, otherwise you would never dare to disturb at night. A young and old came to the river bank, and he was overwhelmed by the clouds and rain in Shen City. Standing on his opposite side. Wan Shihou courageous and willing to do his best, implore the Nan family to take action and save me from the fire."

Nan Sheng did not show his expression, and was a little surprised.

Although he doesn't care much about mundane affairs, Wan Shihou is very famous in Shen City and he knows Wan Shihou.

Nan Sheng said, "You bought a good fortune pill from Nanjia a few years ago, and the cultivation resources you bought later are all useful for masters at the master level."

Wan Shihou said, "My master was shot by the opponent."

Nan Sheng did not ask in detail.

Grandmaster is not afraid of ordinary firearms, but if the opponent is a master with a gun and seizes a good opportunity to sneak attack, it is not surprising that the master can be injured.

After all, judging from the resources purchased by Wan Shihou, the Grand Master next to Wan Shihou stayed in the early stage of Huajin for a long time and had not made progress.

Nan Sheng asked, "Aristocratic children?"

Wan Shihou said, "No."

"A man in the school?"

"Neither. I came from a working family. I was just a college student last year, and then I suddenly became famous."

If the opponent is a descendant of a family or a member of the sect, Nan Sheng will not necessarily help Wan Shihou, ordinary people, no matter how strong they are, they are like ants in his eyes.

The Nan family does not make a living by taking people's money to help people with disasters.

At their level, the things that are really needed are either non-renewable resources or very rare and rare, and it is generally difficult to buy with money.

In fact, whether it is the Xiwu school or the hermit family like the Nan family, at a certain level, they can enjoy state subsidies.

If foreign masters come to make trouble, they can also come out to make things easier.

Ordinary expenses, enough allowances.

Today, Nan Sheng’s precious son, Nan Zhongyun, was successfully promoted to Huajin and became one of the masters. Nan Sheng was really in a good mood. In addition, Wan Shihou was very rich, so he didn't mind helping Wan Shihou once.

Nan Sheng said, "You have been dealing with the Nan family for many years. You should know that there is no greedy person in my Nan family."

Wan Shihou was overjoyed and repeatedly said yes.

When he entered the Nanjia, he was ready for hemorrhage. Half of his wealth accumulated over the years was good, and he expected to contribute 70%.

He didn't expect Nan Sheng to be in such a good mood today.

If you only need to pay a small price, you can invite the Nan family to take action, Wan Shihou will wake up with a smile in his dreams-this is the biggest disaster of his life!

Nan Sheng said again, "Just let your family go bankrupt. You will continue to manage all the properties under your name, but you must be placed under the name of the Nan family. Of course, the Nan family will not let you work in vain. You can receive 5% of all profits every year. Dividends."

Nan Zhongyun praised, "It's still dad."

Wan Shihou felt as if he had been beaten hard, his face turned pale.

Nan Sheng saw that Wan Shihou was unwilling, and he said again, "You have a hidden illness, and ordinary medicine can't suppress it, right? I'll let you get some medicine later."

Hearing Nan Sheng's words, Wan Shihou Nato bowed, "Thank you, Patriarch."

With this surprise, Wan Shihou felt much peace of mind.

He also knew that in front of Nan Sheng, he had no room for bargaining at all.

Whether Nanjia can obtain Wanshihou's property is not at all concerned. Without the help of the Nan family, Wan Shihou could not escape this disaster.

Compared with Lin Tiancheng asking him to pay more than two trillion yuan, he also had to behead others to pay tribute to the spirit of Lu Zhongliang in the sky, which was able to save his life and it was not bad anymore.

More importantly, in the future, Wan Shihou’s property will still have to be taken care of by Wan Shihou, and the Nan family will not come forward. He is still Shenshi Wanshihou, and he will still have a good reputation.

And the most important thing!

The hidden illness in his body has tortured Wan Shihou for many years. In order to be able to have a spring breeze with Li Rufei, Wan Shihou has not dared to act rashly in recent years. Even so, Wan Shihou felt that after he got Li Rufei, he would not have to toss a few times.

Because of physical reasons, the survival rate of Wanshihou's tadpoles is extremely low, otherwise they would not be childless.

Since Nan Sheng spoke, his Wanshihou must be cured by the cure.

He is only sixty years old, and when he gets better, the old tree will definitely bloom, and Li Rufei will give birth to a male boy in Wanjia just around the corner.

Li Rufei is so charming, Wan Shihou can't pass her.


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