Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 966: All right

It is also a fact that Nan Sheng is in a good mood today. Otherwise, even if Wan Shihou is willing to bankrupt his family, he may not meet Wan Shihou.

The Nan family is a family of hermits, which is different from what ordinary giants ask for. It's like Gao Yisong and Han Lizhi, who have their own desires, how can Jinshan Yinshan be able to stop it.

At this time, Wan Shihou almost adjusted his mood and bowed his hand to Nan Sheng, "Tomorrow, I will be sixty. I will host a dinner at home to entertain my friends, and I will send them invitations."

At this time, Nan Zhongyun, who had just broken through Huajin, said, "Dad, I will visit tomorrow."

Nan Zhongyun has been in retreat for three years in order to shock and energize. Now that his magical work has been achieved, he certainly hopes to get a chance to show it.

Nan Sheng frowned, "Zhongyun, you have just stepped into the energization, and you still need to concentrate on cultivating and steady cultivation."

Nan Zhongyun said, "Dad, you listen to me. Although my talent is indeed outstanding in the Nan family, other people may not think so. They may think that I rely on the strong resources of the family to support me. Only then can I make progress by leaps and bounds. This time I successfully made a breakthrough and did something for the Patriarch.

Nan Sheng nodded slightly.

Nan Zhongyun is naturally talented, but among the juniors in the Nan family, it is not only Nan Zhongyun who is talented, but Nan Zhongyun is his son Nan Sheng, who has been taken care of in all aspects. Zhongyun made some achievements.

When Wan Shihou saw that Nan Zhongyun was young, he was a little worried, "Patriarch, did you call more people?"

Nan Zhongyun frowned.

Wan Shihou quickly explained, "Please don't get me wrong, Lin Tiancheng is a man with insidious methods. He rises up like meteors all the way to the moon. I don't know how many heroes are falling into the sand in front of him."

Nan Sheng smiled and said, "The master is in person, no matter how many methods are used, it is vain."

Lin Tiancheng wounded Jin Man with a gun, which proved that Lin Tiancheng had not stepped into the qi.

Ten thousand steps back, even if Lin Tiancheng has stepped into energization, as long as Nan Zhongyun's identity shines, Lin Tiancheng will only be frightened.

Nan Zhongyun also said, "Wang Shihou, I am here. You can live your birthday with peace of mind tomorrow."

Wan Shihou felt relieved after hearing this.

He believed Jin Man, and Jin Man was injured because Lin Tiancheng had a gun.

He had just told about Lin Tiancheng's use of a gun, and Nan Zhongyun was still so calm and calm, obviously he had something to rely on.

After groaning, Wan Shihou said, "Patriarch, there is something that I have never understood."

Nan Sheng's good mood today is still going on, he looked at Wan Shihou with questioning eyes.

Wan Shihou said, "Last night, my grandmaster and Lin Tian traded their hands. Lin Tiancheng blocked the grandmaster twice and was already injured. Later, when Lin Tiancheng shot and attacked the grandmaster, the bullet first penetrated his own body. Hit the master."

After a pause, Wan Shihou's face was thick and puzzled, "According to the grandmaster, Lin Tiancheng's death is also a serious injury, but today Lin Tiancheng went to the funeral with me, and there was no sign of injury."

Nan Zhongyun looked interested, "Oh?"

Wan Shihou said, "I can be sure that Lin Tiancheng who appeared today is not a fake. But my grandmaster is also sure that Lin Tiancheng was hurt by him."

Nan Sheng nodded slightly, without any doubt on his face, just turned his head to look at Nan Zhongyun.

With a confident smile on Nan Zhongyun's face, he said to Wan Shihou, "You are right. Your grandmaster is right."

Wan Shihou was taken aback, and his suspicion was even stronger, "How come? Only one day later, is there such a panacea in the world?"

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Nan Zhongyun snorted softly, his complacency overflowed, "Don't talk about the mundane world, even a family of sects, there is no such miraculous medicine."

Nan Zhongyun paused for a while, stunned Wan Shihou's appetite a little, and then said, "You can think of whether Lin Tiancheng who appeared today will be disfigured, and the truth is not far away. I ask you, your master, yes Didn’t the deal with Lin Tian last night?"

Wan Shihou nodded.

"How much did he know about Lin Tiancheng before closing his hands with Lin Tian?"

"No understanding."

Nan Zhongyun smiled confidently, "That's right. Grandmaster has great vision. Lin Tiancheng was injured yesterday. Of course he couldn't read it wrong. But he didn't understand Lin Tiancheng, and it was night again. Think about it for yourself. ."

Nan Sheng looked at Nan Zhongyun's gaze, showing the color of praise.

Wan Shihou also gave an initiation, "Lin Tiancheng last night was a fake?"

Nan Zhongyun said, "Well, I will go to your house tomorrow."

In fact, there is no need for Nan Zhongyun's definite answer, and Wan Shihou also knows that the truth of the matter is just as Nan Zhongyun analyzed.

Only in this way can things become reasonable.

No wonder Lin Tiancheng deliberately chose to go to a remote and dark place to fight against Jin Man at night.

He sighed with emotion.

From Nan Sheng's calm expression, the other party should have known this situation a long time ago. It's not surprising that Nan Sheng could understand the point of the matter at once.

It's just that Nan Zhongyun doesn't look like a weak year.

Wan Shihou became more confident in Nan Zhongyun.

However, today he asked Wan Meimei and a doorman to test Lin Tiancheng.

Wanmei might not irritate Lin Tiancheng, but the doorman might not.

Wan Shihou was a little afraid that Lin Tiancheng would go to his house to kill him at night. He said, "Patriarch, Lin Tiancheng can't act with common sense, can you let Nan Gongzi stay overnight at my house."

Nan Zhongyun helped Wan Shihou to speak, "Dad, since I promised Wan Shihou, I will definitely make sure that nothing is lost."

There is no casual success.

A hidden family like the Nan family, able to pass on for thousands of years, guard one side, and endure for a long time, is inseparable from the efforts of the Nan family's children.

Not to mention other people, Nan Zhongyun alone, he is the son of Nan Sheng, the head of the Nan family. He has also suffered a lot from practicing since he was young.

Martial arts practitioners are also flesh and blood, and they also have other needs.

More importantly, because of the strict rules of the hermit sect, the various needs of the disciples in the sect are suppressed all the year round, and in fact they are more exuberant than ordinary people.

It's just like in ancient times, things like the flower candle night in the bridal chamber can be side by side with the golden list of inscriptions. It is precisely because the demand is suppressed for a long time that it will not be released until the night of the bridal chamber, so the night of the bridal chamber will make many people look forward to it.

In the open era, the wedding night in the bridal chamber is just a ceremony for most people.

Even if Nan Zhongyun is Nan Sheng's son, many needs cannot be met casually.

For example, this time he retreats in Nan Zhongyun for three years and has already stepped into the ranks of masters at the master level. However, he still needs to be humble and low-key in the Nan family. Only by leaving the Nan family can he completely let go of the joy in his heart.

After three years, he also wanted to see Huahua World.


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