Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 972: frenzied

Hearing that Wei Jiahao and Kang Junyi were coming, there was an immediate sensation in the Wanjia compound.

Who doesn't know that Mr. Wei Jiahao is Lin Tiancheng's spokesperson?

What's more, everyone wants to know what kind of attitude Wan Shihou, who is respectful to everyone, will be when facing Wei Jiahao.

Hearing that Wei Jiahao was coming, Wan Shihou was not surprised and took the initiative to welcome him as usual.

Wei Jiahao took the lead. Kang Junyi was half behind and followed Wei Jiahao. Both of them were well-dressed and neither humble nor humble.

Seeing Wan Shihou taking the initiative to welcome him, Wei Jiahao also quickened his pace a bit, raising one hand over his head to greet Wan Shihou, showing a hearty smile, "Honey is overjoyed."

Wan Shihou stepped forward and bowed slightly, "Mr. Wei."

Although Wan Shihou's attitude was still humble and not flattering, this was the first time he called Wei Jiahao Mr. Wei.

This proves that Wan Shihou recognized Wei Jiahao's identity.

If everyone was only suspicious before, then everyone can be sure that Wan Shihou is kneeling in front of Lin Tiancheng.

I don't know how many people are embarrassed, feeling the impermanence of the world.

Yu Qilin Kang Junyi's surrender to Lin Tiancheng is already a miracle created by Lin Tiancheng. Wanshihou kneeling is no longer a miracle.

Wan Shihou was in Shenshi, but he was like a god. Everyone had never dreamed that Wan Shihou would be defeated so simply.

Of course, even if they knew that Wan Shihou was going to kneel in front of Lin Tiancheng, everyone still did not dare to look down at Wan Shihou.

It's like a mayor who failed when he was competing for the secretary of the municipal party committee and ended up being hired to provide for the aged in a spare time department. That was not caused by ordinary people.

A few exceptions.

For example, the deputy mayor of the Standing Committee, or the head of a real authority organization, at this time, in front of the former mayor of retirement, he is a bit dare to talk.

It's like a powerful person like Xia Nan, seeing Wan Shihou obviously kneel, and adding that he has Xia Sisi's hole card, he doesn't care about Wan Shihou at this time.

However, Xia Nan will not show it easily.

Without seeing Wan Shihou kneeling in front of Lin Tiancheng with his own eyes, he would no longer take risks easily.

Xia Nan did not perform, someone did.

Li Yanchun came in behind Wei Jiahao and Kang Junyi.

Li Yanchun is also a wealthy man in the city of Shenyang. Although he is no better than Wan Shihou, he is more than enough to fight against people like Xia Nan.

Of course he is also fine, and it can be seen that Wan Shihou is kneeling.

Seeing Wan Shihou reject Wei Jiahao's wishes, Li Yanchun said, "Master Hou, it's not anyone's birthday banquet. Mr. Wei will come."

Wan Shihou nodded, "I know, but I am satisfied that everyone can come today, and I don't accept everyone's gifts."

Li Yanchun said, "Master Hou, the others are other people, and Mr. Wei is Mr. Wei."

Lin Tiancheng is a young man on the river bank. Judging from the speed of Lin Tiancheng's enchanting rise, Lin Tiancheng will definitely not stay in Shenshi forever. In the future, Wei Jiahao should be respected in Shenshi.

Someone immediately said, "Master Hou, Mr. Li is right. It doesn't matter whether we accept our gifts or not, but you must accept Mr. Wei's."

Wan Shihou's face was embarrassed.

Wei Jiahao smiled, "It's okay, I can't break Lord Hou's rules today."

Wan Shihou said gratefully, "Thank you, Mr. Wei, for your understanding, and Mr. Wei is invited to be here."

By the time Wei Jiahao, Kang Junyi and others sat down, Li Yanchun's face was already a bit ugly.

With Wei Jiahao's current position, if he insists on breaking the rules of Wan Shihou, he will lose his status.

But Li Yanchun can make Wei Jiahao look at Wan Shihou embarrassed-for so many years, Li Yanchun has been a dog in front of Wan Shihou, and he has to use this opportunity to draw a clear line with Wan Shihou. At the same time, a mouthful of grievances accumulated over the years.

Fearing that everyone would misunderstand and be self-defeating, Li Yanchun first looked at Wei Jiahao and asked Wei Jiahao for his opinions before attacking Wan Shihou.

He smiled a little to please, "Mr. Wei, I have been friends with Master Hou for many years. It doesn't matter if you give him a gift?"

Wei Jiahao smiled, "You don't need to ask me this, just ask Lord Hou."

Li Yanchun nodded, and then handed a rectangular brocade box to Wan Shihou, "Master Hou, with our many years of friendship, on this occasion, you can't stop clicking too much, right?"

Wan Shihou raised his hands and declined, "President Li, we have a good relationship, so you shouldn't embarrass me."

Li Yanchun said, "It's okay, I've already said it, just click to the end, I know Master Hou likes to write, so I specially presented a calligraphy."

Wan Shihou smiled, "It seems that President Li still doesn't understand me. I'm not afraid that everyone will laugh when I say it. I am a vulgar person, how can I understand calligraphy? It's just arty."

Li Yanchun said, "If you don't understand calligraphy, it doesn't mean you don't like it. Just like me, I am so ugly, but I can also love beauty."

Wan Shihou stopped answering, but just reached out and said falsely, "Mr. Li, please, please come to your seat."

"Master Hou!"

Li Yanchun emphasized a little.

He believes that through his performance today, after Wei Jiahao takes control of the overall situation, although Wei Jiahao will not reuse people like him, he will not be disadvantaged because of his good relationship with Wan Shihou.

He looked a little impatient, "Master Hou is too far-sighted. Based on our friendship, I won't call you Master Hou today. Wan Shihou, are you not willing to give me any face today?"

Hearing Li Yanchun calling Wan Shihou by his name, I don't know how many people gasped.

Although Wan Shihou's name is loud, but looking at Shen City, except for a few high-ranking bigwigs, who doesn't respect the Lord?

Even if he is a high-powered boss, he will not call Wan Shihou by his name, but will call him Wan Zong.

Li Yanchun was frantic in order to behave in front of Wei Jiahao.

No one looks down on Li Yanchun, they also want to get frantic, but because they don't have enough status, they dare not.

Even if they dare, Wei Jiahao won't be interested in watching.

In front of people like Wei Jiahao, Li Yanchun's performance is performance, and their performance is the world.

To sing in front of big people, you need famous actors, they don't have enough wrists.

Wan Shihou had no choice but to personally accept Li Yanchun's gift.

In order to stop other people from giving gifts, Wan Shihou said, "Then I will accept it. It just so happens that I have also collected some gadgets over the years, and Mr. Li can take it away as he chooses."

When Wan Shihou said it for this reason, Li Yanchun didn't say anything.

He turned his head and walked towards Wei Jiahao, with an embarrassed smile on his face, "Mr. Wei, I'm sorry, let you see the joke."

Wei Jiahao didn't like Li Yanchun as a person, but just nodded slightly without making any connection.

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"Jiang An Lin Shao, bring President Li Rufei Li of Hengmao Group and Ms. Li Xiaoyi, the daughter of President Li, to arrive."

At this time, loud voices came from outside the compound again.

Today's real protagonist, Lin Tiancheng finally came to the door.


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