Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 973: The wall fell and everyone pushed

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Hearing the name Lin Tiancheng, everyone in the huge courtyard turned their heads to look in the same direction as if they had encountered invisible gravity.

This time, everyone is not looking at Wan Shihou's performance.

All eyes fell on the entrance of the compound.

When Wan Shihou heard that Lin Tiancheng had arrived, he also paid attention to it. He looked down at his shirt and found that there was nothing wrong, so he quickly stepped forward.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng stepping into the courtyard, Wan Shihou hurriedly bowed his hands, "Lin Shao, I just sent an invitation to Lin Shao with the mentality of a try. I didn't expect that Lin Shao would really come here, and I hope that Lin Shao will not care. "

They all say that they don't hit the smiley people with their hands.

However, Lin Tiancheng could not guarantee whether Wan Shihou would hide his sword in his smile.

Besides, even if Wan Shihou laughed sincerely, how could Lin Tiancheng be soft-hearted based on what Wan Shihou did before?

It's not any mistake, it can be easily forgiven.

He is not arrogant and domineering, and he bowed his hand back to Wan Shihou, but he concealed murderous intentions in his words, "If you don't have an invitation, I will come."

Wan Shihou bowed again, "Thanks to Lin Shao for his kindness."

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and said, "Lin Shao please sit down."

Lin Tiancheng looked calm and walked over to the same table as Wei Jiahao.

"Shao Lin."

"Shao Lin."

Today is the birthday feast of Wan Shihou, but when Lin Tiancheng came, he suppressed Wan Shihou's limelight without any suspense. I don't know how many people opened their mouths to greet Lin Tiancheng.

Even some people with very ordinary identities all stood up and saw that Lin Tiancheng's eyes had no time to pay attention to them. They were too embarrassed to say hello, but subconsciously uttered the syllable "Lin Shao".

Lin Tiancheng just nodded slightly, and came to sit next to Wei Jiahao.

He is light and windy, but in fact he sees and listens to all directions.

Lin Tiancheng also felt something was wrong.

If Wan Shihou had something to rely on today, he would not have made such a low profile in front of him.

Among those who came today, I don't know how many of them belong to the same camp of Wan Shihou, and they will not be the face of Wan Shihou and treat Lin Tiancheng respectfully.

Didn't Wan Shihou invite the people from Nanjia to admit defeat?

He didn't think about it, whether he wanted to fight back or surrender obediently, it would not change Lin Tiancheng's original intention of coming here.

Of course, morality still has to be said.

At the Qiao Jiling's first-year banquet, Longhushan people knew not to disturb the children, but to wait until the first-year banquet was about to go wild.

Lin Tiancheng will also wait for Wan Shihou to pass his birthday.

Seeing that everyone was almost there, Wan Shihou came to Lin Tiancheng and sat down at the same table and ordered his entourage to announce the official opening of the birthday banquet.

Nanjia Nanzhongyun, also sitting in a remote corner.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng's scenery, everyone respected Lin Tiancheng, Nan Zhongyun's face was a bit funny, and there was a bit of expectation.

Lin Tiancheng did not let him down!

Only when Lin Tiancheng is strong enough, will he be even more shocked when slinging!

Because he had the confidence to easily hang Lin Tiancheng, Nan Zhongyun's eyes did not stay too much on Lin Tiancheng. On the contrary, a few women in the compound today attracted his attention.

Nan Zhongyun has been in retreat for three years and has grown from a teenager to a young man. He has been depressed for three years and his physiological needs are also very strong.

That Xia Nan's daughter is young and beautiful, gentle and charming, and has a good body. If any hidden family has such a girl, he will definitely think about marriage day and night.

There is also President Li of Hengmao Group and her daughter, both of whom are beautiful and beautiful, just like sisters.

Especially Li Rufei, her whole body exudes the charm of a mature woman, her skin, her figure, her eyes, tusk tusk.

Nan Zhongyun also observed that Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi appeared together with Lin Tiancheng. However, Xia Nan's daughter Xia Sisi was also secretly looking at Lin Tiancheng, her beautiful eyes wafting.

He is not surprised.

It is normal for the strong to be worshipped by others.

He is not jealous either.

Because, before long, he will let everyone know who is the unique person in the Ten Thousand Family Courtyard.

At that time, what kind of eyes will the girls look at him?

As long as he has a random look and a hint, it is estimated that any girl will surrender to him tenderly and shyly.

Since Nan Zhongyun still has to work hard to practice, he can't stay in the world of Huahua for free, so he plans to choose one of the three women.

Which one to choose?

Nan Zhongyun actually found it difficult to choose.

The birthday banquet officially began.

Wan Shihou stood up, folded his hands to the guests in the hospital, his face was full of humble gratitude, "Today, here is full of friends and distinguished guests, and the atmosphere is joyful. This hot summer also gave birth to the coolness of autumn. Here, I would like to extend my sincere welcome and gratitude to everyone who took the time to attend my birthday banquet during their busy schedule."

Wan Shihou raised his glass, "I toast everyone."

After finishing talking, Wan Shihou got up and drank it.

Even if Wan Shihou had to bow his head to Lin Tiancheng, the power accumulated over the years was already deeply rooted.

Almost subconsciously, I don't know how many people got up and picked up their wine glasses in unison.

"Master Jinghou."

In order to show respect for the birthday star, Lin Tiancheng, Wei Jiahao Kang Junyi and others also got up and drank a cup.

Wan Shihou waited until Lin Tiancheng finished drinking and watched Lin Tiancheng sit down.

Although it is a good day like a birthday banquet, no one eats wine casually. The food is also selected carefully, and the concentration is kept high.

Everyone knows that an epic picture scroll that rewrites the pattern of Shanghai is slowly unfolding, like the wheels of history, unstoppable.

At this time, Li Yanchun picked up the wine glass, stood up, and bowed slightly to Lin Tiancheng and Wan Shihou, "May I say something?"

Wan Shihou smiled, "President Li has something to say, please."

Li Yanchun looked around, "Master Hou just toasted everyone, I suggest."

Wan Shihou's entourage immediately filled Wan Shihou with wine, and Wan Shihou also made a plan to accept everyone's toast, and stood up.

"Lin Shao's status is so honorable. He was able to take time out of his busy schedule to attend this birthday banquet. Not only was the Wanjia mansion flourishing, but even the level of this birthday banquet was raised to a level, and we followed suit. I suggest that everyone respect Lin Shao together."

The smile on Wan Shihou's face was instantly embarrassed, but he nodded in agreement, "It should be."

Lin Tiancheng frowned, "Today is Lord Hou's birthday. Just respect Lord Hou. I'm not compliant."

The banquet has already begun, and the atmosphere is warm.

Some big bosses who walked very close to Wan Shihou began to speak.

"Lin Shao, you are a distinguished guest."

"Yes, Lord Hou also said that Young Master Lin should be respectful."

Seeing someone embarrassing himself, Li Yanchun became more courageous. He smiled, "Lin Shao, in your capacity, there is nothing wrong with everyone toasting you. If Secretary Han is here, do you want to toast together?"


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