Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 989: Don't bother me learning foreign languages

These old things of the Li family, Yong Bo couldn't be more clear.

However, even though Xiao Yun of the Xiao family was an inexperienced talent, the Xiao family and the Li family at that time were also close friends, but no one could say clearly about emotional matters.

Li Rulong's betrothed Li Yu to Xiao Yun did not respect Li Yu's opinion.

Is it wrong for Li Yu to pursue his own happiness?

Uncle Yong sighed, "Patriarch, the second lady is standing at the gate. She still has the Li family in her heart, so she will come back."

Li Rulong snorted coldly, "She is no longer from the Li family."

Uncle Yong said, "You watched the second lady grow up, and she and the eldest lady have a deep relationship, and the eldest lady was entrusted on her deathbed, how could she bear to refuse. Besides, the second lady must have figured it out when she came back this time. , Is here to admit a mistake to the Li family."

Li Rulong said, "Is it useful to admit mistakes? Can Zi'an's future be restored by admitting mistakes?"

Uncle Yong said, "The matter of Master Zi'an has nothing to do with the second lady."

Li Rulong waved his hand, "Stop talking, tell her that since she has walked out of the Li family, she won't come back again."

After speaking, Li Rulong got up and went back to his bedroom.

Uncle Yong sighed again, and stood silently in the living room for a long time, but after all, he left in despair.

Why didn't he know that Li Rulong was no longer the Li Rulong he used to be. Li Zian's affairs affected the prosperity of the Li family, and Li Rulong's mentality changed a lot.

In fact, Li Rulong said more than once that if Li Rufei didn't insist on taking away the wicked species, it might be possible for the Xiao family to use Da Huan Dan to make a deal with the Li family.

The genius of Li Zi'an has fallen. The other descendants of the Li family have no talents and no successors. Now the Li family is not as good as before.

Not only Li Rulong, but the rest of the Li family, I am afraid that they also have grievances against Li Rufei.

Yong Bo came outside the compound and smiled at Li Rufei, "Second Miss, the owner of the family has not returned to visit today. Miss Second will find a hotel to settle down. When the owner returns, I will tell him the good news that Miss Second is back. of."

Li Rufei's face showed a bit of bitterness.

If the news of her return is considered good news, even if Li Rulong is not at home, Uncle Yong will not let her find a hotel to stay.

She smiled bitterly, "Uncle Yong, does Grandpa still refuse to forgive me?"

Uncle Yong knew that Li Rufei was smart. He didn't conceal it. Instead, he said, "Second Miss, the Patriarch is now getting angry, but when I listen to the Patriarch's words, it is not that I refuse to forgive what happened in the past, but that the angry lady waited until now to return to Li's house. "

Li Rufei asked, "Is Zi'an okay?"

Seeing what Li Rufei said, the expression on Uncle Yong's face dimmed.

If you want to resolve the grievances between Li Rufei and the Li family, the key lies in Li Zian.

Yongbo also thought about it. Let Li Rufei settle down first, and then he will do Li Zian's ideological work. As long as Li Zian can see, Li Rufei can naturally return to Li's house.

However, Yong Bo was not half sure.

Li Zian's situation is pretty bad now!

Since the big competition, Li Zi'an has gained many nicknames, such as "the saddest genius in history" and "faint blood safety".

After abandoning herself, Li Zi'an began to let go of the waves and became addicted to alcohol. He often went outside to find flowers and ask Liu. Even a cousin of Li Zi'an in Li's family was molested by Li Zi'an. Thanks to that cousin's desperate wit and bit her lips, Li Zi'an This did not succeed.

Seeing that Li Zi'an could not be saved, the Li family also thought about letting Li Zi'an marry a wife and have children, and live in peace. But Li Zian did not agree.

No idea!

As Li Zi'an, if there were no girls the first time, he would definitely not accept it. But he did not dare to be there for the first time.

So Li Zian often calls prostitutes. Now, he has developed enough to call a prostitute home for the night, and today he brought a foreigner back.

Uncle Yong thinks that Li Zian hates Li Rufei most, right?

Li Rufei was not surprised by this result.

Hidden families such as the Li family care about their face. What happened sixteen years ago really made the Li family faceless.

However, it is a matter of Lin Tiancheng's life, and Li Rufei certainly would not give up like this.

She smiled, "I'll just wait here."

Uncle Yong sighed and nodded, "It's okay."

It is not a bad thing that Li Rufei is willing to take such a gesture.

Uncle Yong couldn't bear Li Rufei staying at the door of Li's house. He knew that this matter would definitely not work without Li Zi'an nodding his head.

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Regardless of the dawn, Uncle Yong went to find Li Zi'an.

As soon as he walked to the door of Li Zi'an's room, Uncle Yong heard an unbearable sound coming from the room.

He knocked on the door.

The movement in the room disappeared.

Uncle Yong said, "Master Zi'an."

Hearing the voice of Uncle Yong, Li Zi'an became impatient, "I said a long time ago, don't find me if there is nothing, let alone find me if there is something."

Uncle Yong said, "I have a very important thing looking for you."

Li Zian said, "Don't find me for important things. Go quickly, don't disturb me learning foreign languages."

Uncle Yong didn't leave, but knocked on the door again.

Although Yong Bo is a janitor, he has a very high status in the Li family. Seeing that Yong Bo is reluctant, Li Zi'an can't help it, "I will talk about it when I finish studying foreign languages."

After almost half an hour, Li Zian, who had finished studying foreign languages, walked out.

After all, he is a master in the middle stage of the transformation, with a strong physical foundation. Although he has been free from waves for so many years, his complexion is still good.

He looked at Yong Bo with a puzzled look, "What's the matter?"

Uncle Yong said, "The second lady is back."

Li Zi'an was stunned for a moment, and then his complexion changed drastically, "Li Rufei? She dare to come back?"

Uncle Yong said again, "She's still standing at the gate now, saying that she didn't dare to enter the gate of Li's house without Mr. Zi'an nodding her head."

Li Zian said, "What are you talking about? She still wants to enter the Li's door?"

Uncle Yong said, "Master Zi'an, the second lady is your cousin, and the second lady is also innocent in the things that happened back then."

Hearing what Yong Bo said about that year, Li Zi'an couldn't control his emotions and became excited, "She is innocent? I am not innocent? If it weren't for her insistence on taking away Li Yu's wicked species, Li Zi'an would have fallen to this day. Is this level? Will it become a laughing stock in everyone's eyes?"

He used to be as dazzling as Xiao Yun from the Xiao family, but now, the gap between the two can no longer be calculated.

From a genius that has attracted worldwide attention to a waste, this kind of psychological gap is difficult for people who have not experienced it.

Yong Bo didn't intend to convince Li Zi'an immediately.

He came now to tell Li Zian that Li Rufei was back, the purpose is to let Li Zian vent his emotions, and then slowly persuade.

Seeing Li Zi'an getting excited, Yong Bo hurriedly said, "Master Zi'an, don't be excited, you haven't spoken. The second lady won't enter the door of Li's house. You continue to learn foreign languages."


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