Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 990: Great shift

Two days later. Barracks.

In two days, the strength of the members of the'National Blade' has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Needless to say, the feelings of Ran Dongye and Lin Tiancheng of the six members of the ‘Guo Sword’, Lin Tiancheng saved Ran Dongye’s life, and Ran’s opponent Kang Junyi also surrendered after Lin Tiancheng’s defeat.

Zhou Yumeng and Tong Bao'er became one with Lin Tiancheng.

Mu Hongzhuang, Lu Ying, and Lin Tiancheng also abandoned their previous suspicions, and were deeply impressed by Lin Tiancheng's noble character.

The only person who still had some distance with Lin Tiancheng was Xi Wenqian, but this time he also let go of his grievances and accepted Lin Tiancheng's help.

Among the six players, Mu Hongzhuang, Zhou Yumeng, and Tong Baoer all stepped into the half-step. Ran Dongye and Lu Ying are great secrets. Xi Wenqian is the weakest.

With the support of Body Tempering Liquid and Good Fortune Pill, Mu Hongzhuang, Zhou Yumeng, and Tong Baoer worked together and successfully promoted to the first generation of masters.

Both Ran Dongye and Lu Ying also saw the threshold of Huajin. It is only a matter of time before he wants to enter the realm of the master.

Only Xi Wenqian remained at the peak of Anjin.

As for Lin Tiancheng, he originally had 7 batteries. The batteries charged in these two days were all used to help the members of the "National Blade" improve their strength, and they also posted 2 batteries, leaving only 5 batteries.

Based on the relationship between Lin Tiancheng and the members of the'National Blade', he did not feel much regret. Lin Tiancheng was sincerely happy to see the three members of the National Blade enter the realm of masters.

In fact, with Lin Tiancheng's leadership authority over the "National Blade", as long as Lin Tiancheng needs it, the members of the "National Blade" can even be called Lin Tiancheng's Guards.

This time Lin Tiancheng also tried his best.

According to Lin Tiancheng's experience, if the six team members cannot cooperate closely, it is basically impossible for Lin Tiancheng to charge up.

As for getting everyone to work closely together?

Lin Tiancheng couldn't even think about it.

After all, the Li family did not agree to help Lin Tiancheng come forward.

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Lin Tiancheng also called Li Rufei. Li Rufei meant that she was still fighting for Lin Tiancheng to stay calm.

But Lin Tiancheng did not intend to let Li Rufei continue to fight.

He was afraid that Li Rufei would be embarrassed.


Six members of the "National Blade" came to Lin Tiancheng.

Looking at the ‘National Blade’ players standing in a row in front of him, Lin Tiancheng nodded slightly, “I don’t need to improve my strength today. I’m leaving the barracks.”

The faces of the six people showed a look of astonishment. You look at me, I look at you, and they look at Lin Tiancheng in unison.

In the past two days, the relationship between Lin Tiancheng and the players has been qualitatively sublimated. Although everyone is improving one by one, everyone knows what's going on. They also gradually adapt in their hearts. After all, Lin Tiancheng's injection is for their good.

Lin Tiancheng said, "Hong Zhuang, Bao'er, Mengmeng, all three successfully entered Huajin. Dongye and Lu Ying, it won't be too difficult to step into Huajin. As for Wenqian, there will be opportunities in the future."

Xi Wenqian said immediately, "Instructor, I think I can continue to improve."

Ran Dongye and Lu Ying also looked at Lin Tiancheng with expectant eyes.

The members of the ‘National Blade’ are a combat group. Everyone's strength is of the utmost importance. If one person is weak, he may even become a dragger for the entire team.

Lin Tiancheng said, "Haste will fail."

Xi Wenqian was a little unwilling, "Instructor, is there no possibility of promotion?"

Xi Wenqian is very eager for a one-time promotion.

The main reason was that Lin Tiancheng Shenlong saw the head but not the end. He left this time and appeared in front of them again.

Lin Tiancheng stunned subconsciously.

To be honest, there are still possibilities for improvement.

In the past two days, Lin Tiancheng only improved the strength of the six team members. If the six people work closely together, brainstorm ideas, and bring forth new ideas, they will surely be able to charge up.

Soon, Lin Tiancheng shook his head.

Although this plan is feasible, it is still difficult to accept with Lin Tiancheng's ideas.

However, now, Tong Baoer, Mu Hongzhuang, and Zhou Yumeng are all masters of transformation, and Lin Tiancheng's expression has changed, and they have not escaped their eyes.

Because Lin Tiancheng's performance was too obvious just now, even Lu Ying and the others found out.

Lu Ying also hoped to be able to step into the energy in one fell swoop, she said, "Instructor, is there a way?"

Looking at the eyes of the six players, Lin Tiancheng knew that he couldn't hide it. If he didn't give an explanation, Xi Wenqian might misunderstand that he is in favor of one another.

Lin Tiancheng pondered slightly, "There is no way, but it is not appropriate."

Lu Ying said, "You didn't even say, how do you know it's inappropriate?"

The others nodded.

Lin Tiancheng began to make up indiscriminately, "This is the case, because everyone's physique and talent are different, Tong Baoer, Zhou Yumeng, and Mu Hongzhuang can theoretically improve, but because the three of them are already Grandmaster level masters, the effect of improving is minimal on them. But I have a big move. I can transfer the three of them during the injection to other people by using the injection method. ."

Everyone believes.

Lin Tiancheng helped them rise to this level in a short time, and there was nothing they did not believe.

When Lin Tiancheng said that, Xi Wenqian, Lu Ying, and Ran Dongye looked away, embarrassed to insist.

Mu Hongzhuang hesitated, "I, I have no problem."

Lu Ying blushed, "I, I have no problem."

Tong Baoer and Zhou Yumeng lowered their heads, "Agree."

Lin Tiancheng said, "I believe in the relationship between you, but the great shift in the universe is not so simple. Timeliness is very important. It means that if I have a little improvement effect on Mengmeng, I must shift immediately. To other people. Repeatedly. Do you understand what I mean?"

Lin Tiancheng has explained it very clearly, of course everyone understands.

Lin Tiancheng didn't think that such a thing, the members of the'National Blade' could agree, and he said, "Okay. Don't think about this matter anymore. Your speed of improvement is not slow anymore."

Tong Baoer said, "I still agree."

Zhou Yumeng and Mu Hongzhuang also nodded.

Lu Ying said, "Boa. Mengmeng, Hongzhuang. No, how can we take advantage of you."

Tong Baoer said, "Captain Lu, we are a whole."

"No. I don't agree." Lu Ying said.

That said, but the desire in Lu Ying's eyes is still obvious.

Zhou Yumeng said, "Or. Vote. The minority obeys the majority. I agree."

Tong Baoer raised his hand.

Mu Hongzhuang raised his hand.

"I don't agree." Lu Ying insisted.

"I also don't agree." Xi Wenqian said.

Everyone's eyes fell on Ran Dongye.

"I, I abstain..."


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