Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 991: A blessing in disguise

South of Shen City.

Thanks to Nan Sheng rushing to the Wanjia compound in time, and even more because the Nan family is a hermit family with a thousand-year heritage, this saved Nan Zhongyun's life.

The current Nan Zhongyun is still in a coma, and Nan Zhongyun's situation is quite unoptimistic, and the probability of waking up is very slim.

Nan Zhongyun, but the leader of the Nan family.

Nan Sheng is Nan Zhongyun's father, and even the head of the Nan family. Of course, he can't wait to kill Lin Tiancheng soon afterwards.

One person in the middle stage of Huajin, and three in the early stage of Huajin, thought it would be easy to kill Lin Tiancheng, who knows, under the intervention of Longhushan ancestor Yang Xuan, Lin Tiancheng escaped smoothly.

What made Nan Sheng furious even more was that Nan Fei, the grandmaster of the Nan family, was slapped by Lin Tiancheng's brain.

Idiots are not terrible, and Grandmaster Heng Lian is not terrible, but if a master Heng Lian is an idiot, the consequences are quite terrible.

For two days, the huge Nanjia was restless.

There are even more terrible!

What Grandmaster Heng Lian is most particular about is to rush forward. After Nan Fei was slapped and slapped by Lin Tiancheng, Nan Fei became as brave as iron and bone, not to mention ordinary masters in the early stage of Huajin, even in the middle stage of Huajin. Nan Sheng, the head of the Nan Family, Nan Fei dared to fight.

It was precisely because of this that Nanfei was a blessing in disguise and broke through to the mid-term of Huajin in one fell swoop.

This is very scary.

Looking at the entire Nan family, there are not no people who can defeat Nan Fei, but if you want to defeat Nan Fei unscathed, unless Nan Batian returns, no one else will be possible.

In just two days, Nan Fei injured the three of the Nan family.

Today, a master in the early stage of Huajin's spleen ruptured by Nan Fei.

Before solving the trouble of Nanfei, Nan Sheng couldn't even go to Longhu Mountain to find Yang Xuan trouble.

Now, Nan Sheng convened a meeting with experts above Nanjia Huajin.

Nan Sheng glanced at everyone present and cleared his throat, "Everyone, Nan Fei, the successful promotion of the middle stage of Huajin, it is a blessing in disguise. We should sincerely congratulate Nan Fei."

Everyone nodded.

Nan Sheng said again, "It's just that Nan Fei was mentally retarded by Lin Tiancheng's slap, these two days..."


Nan Xiaochuan shot the case and raised his tone, "Patriarch, my son Nan Fei was just a little irritated."

Nan Xiaochuan is also a mid-level master of Huajin, no worse than Nan Sheng. Although Nan Sheng is the head of the family, he is Nan Sheng's cousin.

An older man with an older generation also frowned, "Patriarch, Nan Fei is labeled as mentally handicapped, everyone knows it, but don't say it."

Nan Sheng said, "I take back what I just said. Since Nanfei has been a little irritated, four people have been injured in a row in the past two days. I propose whether to take coercive measures against Nanfei."

Nan Xiaochuan said, "My own son, I will discipline myself. Moreover, Nanfei's situation is getting better. He injured three people yesterday and only one person today."

Nan Sheng said, "Uncle Seven. It's impossible for Nanfei to hurt people."

Someone immediately agreed, "I agree to restrain Nanfei."

"I agree."

Everyone didn't think Nanfei's situation had improved. Today, Nanfei only injured one person. That's because everyone avoided Nanfei.

Nanfei is now a master of horizontal training in the middle of Huajin. Even if the mid-level master of Huajin provokes it, it will be quite troublesome.

It's like a mental illness with strong body and energetic in the community where ordinary people live.

The entire Nan family was in panic these past two days.

Nan Xiaochuan is also a little guilty, but Nan Fei is his son after all, how can he bear to watch everyone do something to Nan Fei?

Nan Sheng sighed, "Uncle Qi, you also know that this will not work. Otherwise, you can communicate with Nan Fei. If it still does not work, everyone will take action. Uncle Qi, rest assured, we will not hurt. Nanfei. When will Nanfei be normal, we will let him go."

Nan Xiaochuan couldn't help but snorted and turned to find Nan Fei.

A group of masters got up one after another and followed Nan Xiaochuan.

When Nan Xiaochuan found Nan Fei, Nan Fei was playing in the lake, holding a clay figure in his hand.

"Fly south, my son." Nan Xiaochuan called affectionately.

"Dad." Nan Fei said.

Nan Xiaochuan was overjoyed, "Yes, yes, my son, I am your father."

Nan Fei raised the clay figure he had squeezed out in his hands, which looked a bit like Lin Tiancheng, "Dad. My father."

A group of masters shook their heads.

Seeing that Nan Fei's state was wrong, Nan Sheng winked at several masters, who immediately began to outflank Nan Fei.

Nan Xiaochuan said, "Nan Fei, I am your father."

Nan Fei even knew that Nan Xiaochuan's words were taking advantage of him, so he coldly said, "I am your father."

At this moment, Nan Fei saw the Nan Family Grandmaster who was facing Lin Tiancheng, throwing a clay figure in his hand and rushing towards that man.

"Dare to beat my father, I will kill you!"

Nan Sheng immediately ordered, "Quickly, let's get on together and catch him quickly."

Although the Nan family masters are like clouds, it is not easy to capture a mid-level horizontal training master unscathed.

In the southern courtyard, chickens and dogs jumped up again.


Li family.

Li Rufei was at the gate of Li's compound, and one stop was two days and two nights.

During these two hours, she hadn't entered the grain, but there was a shallow bottle of mineral water on the ground in front of her.

Seeing Li Rufei increasingly haggard, Uncle Yong's heart was broken.

In the past two days, Yong Bo tried his best.

Li Rulong, the head of the Li family, no longer sees Yong Bo, and ordered that no one in the Li family can see Li Rufei.

As for Li Zian, he has been busy learning foreign languages ​​in the past two days.

Uncle Yong came to Li Rufei and shook his hand heavily, "Ah, second lady, you can go back to Shen City. Don't blame your grandfather and Young Master Zi'an for things that are too exciting for him."

Li Rufei showed a bit of bitterness on her face, "Is she not willing to see me anyway?"

Yong Bo shook his head, "Shenshi Nanjia is here."

Li Rufei understood what was going on.

If Li Rufei went home sincerely and confessed his mistake, there might be a chance for things to change. But when the people from the Nan family in Shenshi came, the Li family naturally understood Li Rufei's purpose.

Uncle Yong couldn't bear to look at Li Rufei's gaze, and turned his head aside, "Go back, Miss Second. The Li family is not the same as before."

Li Rufei leaned slightly, "Uncle Yong, I have caused you trouble these past two days."

Yong Bo just belched.

Just when Li Rufei was about to turn around and leave, a flash of light suddenly flashed in her mind, and she asked, "If I can find someone to cure Li Zian's dizziness, can I enter the door of Li's house?"


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