Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 992: Fengshan

Dragon Tiger Mountain.

The Management Committee of Longhushan Scenic Area has issued an announcement.

In order to meet the upcoming summer tourism peak and maximize the personal safety of tourists, Longhu Mountain has temporarily suspended operations and is fully investigating hidden dangers in the scenic area.

Longhushan thanked guests behind closed doors, and there were only all the people from Longhushan in white coats and black trousers.

Everyone's expressions were solemn, but at the same time, their faces were filled with high war spirits.

Everyone already knows that today there is a family of hermits, people from the Nan family in Shenshi, who will come to Longhushan to start a teacher and vowed to step down on Longhushan.

Longhushan has a thousand-year heritage, even if the strength is not as good as the Nanjia of Shenshi, but it can't stand such insults. Longhushan is united and ready to meet the enemy.

Inside the Tianshi Mansion.

Old ancestor Yang Xuan held Buddha dust, his expression also solemn.

Except for Elder Dong Ziling, the other Elders of Longhushan Qiqi stood behind Yang Xuan.

Opposite Yang Xuan, there were hundreds of Longhushan core disciples lined up in two rows, all of them with steel swords in their hands, and their faces slain.

An elder said, "Old ancestors, what kind of grudges, the Nan family of Shenshi vainly pretended to trample on my Longhu Mountain, deceiving people too much. I wait for the disciples of Longhu Mountain to meet the enemy to the death. As long as the Nan family dare One step into the Heavenly Master's Mansion, I will let them come back and forth."

Another elder said, "Demon Well in Longhushan Town, pretending to be the Xianan family."

All the core disciples shook their hands together and said in unison, "Ancestor, if I wait for a fight, I will definitely promote my celestial power."

Yang Xuan did not speak.

Not long after, a disciple came to report, "Tell my ancestors, the Nan family has arrived outside the gate of the Heavenly Master's Mansion."

Yang Xuanfochen shook his shoulders, "Good job."

After speaking, he swaggered and walked outside the gate of the Heavenly Master's Mansion.

The others followed Yang Xuan one after another.

It is Nan Xiaochuan, Nan Fei's father, who brings the Nan family master to the mountain today.

It was precisely because of Yang Xuan's intervention that Lin Tiancheng escaped from birth, and his son Nan Fei was also marked as mentally retarded.

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met.

Nan Xiaochuan looked at Yang Xuan with a cold gaze, "Yang Xuan, you don’t hesitate to be an enemy of the Nan family of Shenshi, but you also want to help you be a tormenter. The Tianshi Mansion has been passed down for thousands of years, and you have become a loyal dog slave to others. Today I am going to walk the way for the sky, to see and hear."

Yang Xuan closed his eyes slightly, "I am afraid I will disappoint you."

An elder saw that the ancestor was not afraid of danger, and his fighting spirit became even more high, and he immediately stopped shouting, "Slash the monster formation!"

"Fall the dragon and the tiger formation!"

"Troubled Immortal Formation!"

All the disciples in white coats and black trousers, holding swords in their hands, opened their formations.

Nan Xiaochuan was not afraid, and was about to attack.

The Nanjia masters are also ready to move.

A big battle is on the horizon.

At this moment, Yang Xuan opened his eyes and shouted in a deep voice, "The disciples of Longhushan take the order. From now on, Longhushan will be closed for ten years."

"Ancestor?" An elder was shocked.

The other Longhushan disciples also looked at Yang Xuan with surprised eyes.

Yang Xuan didn't explain, he turned around and walked into the Heavenly Master's Mansion, "Close the door."

Nan Xiaochuan did not expect this to be the case.

Longhushan has been closed for ten years, which means that no one can go up and down on Longhushan, participate in sect exchanges, various competitions, and various activities. In the age when everyone exchanges what they have, this is a great development for Longhushan. It is extremely unfavorable.

Starting ¤s

More importantly, closing the mountain or closing the door means unconditional surrender to the Xiwu School or the hermit family, which is a great shame. This kind of thing will be recorded in the annals of history.

In history, there have been very few secluded families of the Xiwumen School that have closed the mountain or the door.

Longhushan sitting on the bank of the Zhenjiang River is no longer considered a small school. Nan Xiaochuan did not expect that Yang Xuan would do such a thing.

The blue veins on his excited forehead raised, "Yang Xuan, you, are you shameless?"

Yang Xuan didn't look back, but just said loudly, "Compared with the sect inheritance, what is the personal honor and disgrace of my Yang Xuan?"

He thought in his heart that when I get Lin Tiancheng's resources, one day, I will force you to close the Nanjia in Shenshi for a hundred years.

Of course, since Yang Xuan ordered the closure of the mountain, he would go down the mountain secretly. If he was discovered by the people from the Nan family in Shenshi, he would be able to wash Longhushan without any scruples.

This means that Yang Xuan can no longer go to Lin Tiancheng.

It doesn't matter.

When Yang Xuan was younger, he was suave and graceful. When he was participating in an exchange event, he had a fierce emotional and physical collision with a female disciple of a martial art called the Jade Girl Palace, and he hit accurately.

At that time, the disciple of the Jade Girl Palace was trained by the Jade Girl Palace as the successor. Yang Xuan is also the successor of Longhushan.

Both are exceptionally talented.

Little Life has inherited the excellent genes of the two well, and the effect of one plus one is far greater than two. Her martial arts talent is the best in the world. She is young, and is now the speaker of the Jade Girl Palace.

Fertilizer does not flow out of the field.

Yang Xuan has already thought about telling Lin Tiancheng to his daughter who has never met. One is to make up for his father’s love. Second, he feels that since Lin Tiancheng has obtained the remains of the ancient sect, then the remains of a sect. His daughter can't eat it all alone, maybe she will read about their blood relationship and share a little with him.

Shenshi. Wanjia.

Wanjia Mansion is still magnificent, but it is exceptionally deserted.

In the huge courtyard, only Wan Shihou's daughter Wan Mei, and Wan Shihou's capable man, Qi Shaojun.

The subordinates of Wanjia have been dismissed.

As for the doormen that Wan Shihou recruited before his death, when Wan Shihou hadn't lost his mourning, he went away and chose another master. Some people even took refuge in Wei Jiahao's.

Wan Mamei stood quietly in front of Wan Shihou's portrait with a sad expression on her face.

Qi Shaojun sighed, "Charming, people are inherently dead, and Master Hou's life is vigorous and no one can hide his glory."

Wan Huan said, "People are inherently dead, why didn't Lin Tiancheng die?"

Qi Shaojun said, "Lin Tiancheng beat the son of the Nan Family Patriarch's son into a vegetable, and the Nan Family will not let him go."

Wan Meimei smiled miserably, "Lin Tiancheng just beat Nan Zhongyun into a vegetable, and the Nan family won't let him go. If Lin Tiancheng killed my father, can I let him go?"

Not only that, Lin Tiancheng also insulted her. It's just that Wanmei won't say it.

Qi Shaojun said, "Charming, I understand you, but don't hit a rock with a pebbles. I don't know what I can do. With Lin Tiancheng as a person, I can't do too much. He should leave you a way back. Lord Hou is alive in the sky, I also hope you can start a new life."

Wan Huan said, "Qi Shaojun, I know why you didn't leave, you do one thing for me. I will marry you."


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