Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 993: Make things happen

"Instructor, this is the chicken soup I stewed for you. You replenish your body." Ran Dongye brought a bowl of chicken soup to Lin Tiancheng.

Ran Dongye can see how hard it has been for Lin Tiancheng to administer acupuncture in the past two days.

"As long as I can see you grow, it will be worthwhile for me to work harder." Lin Tiancheng said.

"Then I won't disturb the instructor to rest." Ran Dongye put down the chicken soup and turned to leave.

Lin Tiancheng has been really hard in these two days.

The six members of the "National Blade", Mu Hongzhuang, Zhou Yumeng, and Tong Baoer are Huajin, but Ran Dongye, Lu Ying, and Xi Wenqian are not.

Because according to the conventional method, there was no way to charge, and then Lin Tiancheng had no choice, so he proposed the concept of a great shift in the universe.

He thought that the members of the'National Blade' would not accept it, but who knew it was voted through in the end.

In fact, even if the members of the "National Blade" voted, Lin Tiancheng still could not accept it, but he said six people alone, and the six members of the "National Blade" already have three masters, even if they are forced to deal with Lin Tiancheng Can succeed.

In desperation, Lin Tiancheng could only move the world.

The six are all charming and charming, but each has its own merits. If it is an ordinary person, it will definitely be overwhelming, thanks to Lin Tiancheng being a master at the master level.

After mobilizing the universe, the charging capacity is really ideal.

Anyway, this step has already been reached, and there will be no such opportunity for recharging in the future. Lin Tiancheng simply put aside his thoughts and began to mobilize everyone to make a breakthrough again on the basis of the great shift of the universe, and to innovate in his actions.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, some creativity and some charging methods were really developed later, full of fantastic ideas.

Everyone benefited a lot from the whole process.

Ran Dongye and Lu Ying both stepped into half-step energization, supported by Body Tempering Liquid and Good Fortune Pill, the breakthrough should be quick.

Xi Wenqian also stepped into the peak of dark energy.

Lin Tiancheng still has 9 electricity balances.

More importantly, through this great shift, Lin Tiancheng has another new discovery - after Mu Hongzhuang, Zhou Yumeng, and Tong Baoer stepped into the energization, the power of their bodies has increased. According to Lin Tiancheng's estimation, it should be twice the amount before the breakthrough.

This was a surprise to Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng's energy alone is limited, so the importance of the quality of the power bank is far more important.

Lin Tiancheng's helping the members of the'National Blade' to improve their strength has to come to an end. He took out his mobile phone and prepared to contact Li Rufei.

At this moment, Li Rufei called.

"Sister Fei." Lin Tiancheng answered the phone.

"Tiancheng, do you know about dizziness?" Li Rufei asked.

As a doctor, Lin Tiancheng certainly knows about haloemia.

Haloemia is also called'blood phobia', also known as'Ayer's syndrome' or'Anier's syndrome'. It is a mental disorder in a special situation and a manifestation of phobia. There is no necessary connection with timidity. Aside from being unable to see blood, people who faint with blood are no different from ordinary people.

Haloemia is not an incurable disease, it can be cured by psychological intervention or systemic desensitization.

In fact, even if it cannot be cured, it will basically not affect the quality of life of patients with haloemia.

Lin Tiancheng said, "I know."

"Can you cure it?"

With 360 antivirus, Lin Tiancheng can cure everything.

However, Lin Tiancheng would not agree to a mere dizziness that would consume electricity for treatment.

He thought for a while, "Sister Fei, the treatment should be able to cure, but the best way to treat haloemia is psychological intervention."

Li Rufei said, "My cousin Li Zian is suffering from dizziness. I have tried both psychological intervention and medication, but it didn't work. Do you have time now? I'll pick you up."

Lin Tiancheng didn't refuse--the people from the Nan family might still be waiting near the Li family.

Li Rufei finished the phone call and said to Bo Yong, "Bo Yong, my friend should be able to treat Zi'an's dizziness, but I need to trouble you to pick him up in person."

Uncle Yong didn't believe it.

He only thought that Li Rufei deliberately made this excuse, and would give up on seeing Li Rulong with his own eyes.

Of Li Rufei's request, Bo Yong couldn't bear to refuse.

At this moment, a Hongqi sedan slowly stopped at the entrance of Li's compound, the window of the car dropped, revealing an energetic face inside.

"Uncle Yong."

The man took the initiative to say hello to Uncle Yong, but his gaze stayed on Li Rufei's beautiful face, even with his state of mind, his eyes showed a bit of surprise that could not be concealed.

Bo Yong bends slightly to give a salute, "Master Xiao is here."

Xiao Yun ignored Uncle Yong, but looked at Li Rufei, "Are you Feifei?"

Li Rufei leaned slightly, "Young Master Xiao."

Yong Bo has opened the door of Li's house.

Xiao Yun nodded slightly to Li Rufei again, and drove into the Li Family Courtyard.

Xiao Yun came this time because of Li Rulong's trust.

Now Li Zi'an is getting more and more uncomfortable, and he openly asks a prostitute to come to Li's house for the night. Li Rulong said to him, he said that it was the foreign teacher he invited.

Li Zian also told Li Rulong frankly that he had developed a keen interest in linguistics and his goal was to master more than one hundred foreign languages ​​or dialects.

In Li Rulong's heart, he still didn't want Li Zian to fall.

What if fainting blood can be cured?

There was no one in the Li family to take care of Li Zi'an, so Li Rulong asked Xiao Yun to come over, hoping that Xiao Yun and Li Zi'an could have a good talk.

After Xiao Yun entered Li's house, he did not go to Li Zian for the first time, but went to visit Li Rulong first.

Xiao Yun was a grandson in front of Li Rulong, but Li Rulong did not dare to neglect Xiao Yun at all.

This genius of the Xiao family is already the peak strength of Huajin!

Seeing Xiao Yun, Li Rulong took two steps forward, showing a bit of ashamed on his face, "Xiao Yun, I have to trouble you to go there for this kind of thing yourself. The house is unfortunate, the house is unfortunate."

Xiao Yun comforted, "Grandpa Li, the Li family and the Xiao family were originally family friends, and Zi'an and I were even younger. Even if you don't tell me, I'm going to have a good talk with Zi'an."

After a pause, Xiao Yun asked, "Feifei is back?"

Li Rulong was surprised.

He did not expect that Li Rufei was still in front of Li's house.

He immediately stated, "What happened sixteen years ago was my Li family's fault. Li Rufei must keep that wicked species..."

Before Li Rulong finished speaking, Xiao Yun interrupted, "Grandpa Li, you can't blame Li Yu for what happened 16 years ago."

Li Rulong looked at Xiao Yun suspiciously.

A bitter smile appeared on Xiao Yun's face, "It is true that emotional matters cannot be forced. At that time, Li Yu already had someone he likes. In fact, why am I not? The difference is that Li Yu bravely stood up and resisted, and I chose Flinched."

Li Rulong didn't believe it at all.

At that time, Xiao Yun thought to Li Yu day and night, how did he deceive him?

If Xiao Yun had no feelings for Li Yu, how could he still be single for so many years?

More importantly, even if Xiao Yun really doesn't have feelings for Li Yu, why would he say it at this time?

Li Rulong is also a piece of spicy ginger, thinking that Xiao Yun took the initiative to intervene with Li Rufei, he vaguely thought of a possibility.


Li Rulong sighed deeply, "Yes, you can't force your emotions. At that time, Li Yu really belonged to you, but Feifei treated you..."

Having said this, Li Rulong shook his head, "Forget it, let him pass the past."

Xiao Yun's face showed a little excitement, "Grandpa Li, you mean Feifei had me in his heart?"

Li Rulong didn't answer directly, but sighed again.

Xiao Yun closed his eyes, with a bitter smile on his face, "Creation, make people, what I was thinking at the time, is it not Feifei. It's just that Feifei was young and I didn't dare to express my feelings at all, so I frequently contacted Li. Yu, just to see Feifei more."


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