Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 996: The family is deep like the sea

Lin Tiancheng took off the silver needle from Li Zian's back and returned to the living room with Li Zian.

Li Rufei looked at Lin Tiancheng nervously, "How about Tiancheng?"

Lin Tiancheng responded with a relieved smile to Li Rufei, "Fortunately, dizziness is not an intractable disease, there should be no problem."

Li Rulong, Li Zian, and Xiao Yun all looked at Lin Tiancheng with suspicious eyes.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng's expression at ease, not as if he was joking, Li Rulong thought for a while, stroked his palm with his nail, and suddenly revealed a blood stain.

Li Zi'an immediately turned his head away, his face became pale.

Soon, Li Zian felt that he was purely instinctive this time, so he was a little scared, and he didn't feel the palpitations he had in the past.

After hesitating, Li Zian covered his eyes with one hand, turned his head, spread his fingers, and looked at Li Rulong's palm from between his fingers.

The scarlet blood was shocking, but Li Zian did not faint.

"Zi'an?" Li Rulong's face showed a bit of surprise.

Li Zhian simply put down his palm and stared at Li Rulong's palm. His face was also covered with incredible, "This, is blood?"

"This is blood." Li Rulong replied affirmatively.

Lin Tiancheng said, "Patients are only slightly psychologically uncomfortable at the moment, and they don't even need psychological intervention. I'll get used to seeing them a few more times."

Li Rulong nodded.

I have not dared to see blood for more than ten years, and some psychological fears are easy to understand. It's like a normal person suddenly enters a funeral home to work, and he will feel uncomfortable at the beginning, but he will get used to it for two days.

Li Rufei also looked at Li Rulong with expectant eyes.

Li Rulong nodded, showing some praise and gratitude on his face, "Unexpectedly, Dr. Lin is so young and his medical skills are so superb. It is true that he is a hero."

Lin Tiancheng said modestly, "Before the Li family invited many major doctors, including Teacher Zheng Fengnian, to diagnose and treat the patient, the patient's dizziness has been reduced a lot. I was lucky, and I picked up a bargain."

Li Rulong nodded again and turned to look at Yong Bo, "A Yong, pay a million for the consultation. You personally send Dr. Lin back."

Uncle Yong stepped forward and stretched out his hand, "Please, Doctor Lin."

Lin Tiancheng turned his head and glanced at Li Rufei.

Li Rufei cast a relieved look at Lin Tiancheng.

After Lin Tiancheng left, Li Rufei suppressed the tension and anxiety in her heart, and said to Li Rulong, "Grandpa, what happened to the Nan family?"

Li Rulong said, "Feifei, since I promised you, I will definitely try my best to resolve the conflict between him and the Nan family. But you also know that Lin Tiancheng beat the son of the Nan family's head into a vegetable. Great hope."

Li Rufei's charming face turned pale, "Grandpa, you just promised me to keep him well."

Li Rulong glanced at Li Zian and Xiao Yun, "Zian, Xiao Yun, your brothers have not been together for a long time, right?"

Li Zi'an's dizziness has improved, and his mood has changed a lot. He used to think of Xiao Yun and felt inferior. Now he puts his arms around Xiao Yun's shoulders, "Brother Yun, thank you for your enlightenment to me today. Say your own mistakes first, we won’t be drunk today."

After Xiao Yun and Li Zian left, Li Rulong said, "Fei Fei, I just said that I will try my best to help him. I never said that I will be able to protect him. Moreover, you also know in your heart that faintness is a very common small problem. It's not a difficult and miscellaneous disease, let alone a terminal illness. Zi'an has been suffering from dizziness for so many years, isn't it still good now?"

When Li Rulong proposed to pay the consultation fee, Li Rufei had a bad feeling in her heart, and she still found it difficult to accept Li Rulong's personal statement.

She looked at Li Rulong with pleading eyes, and shook her head, "Grandpa, you used to say that the Li family stood upright and believed."

Li Rulong's face darkened, "Feifei, it's not that I didn't believe my words, but you misunderstood what I meant. The Nan family did not kill Lin Tiancheng and vowed not to give up. Could it be that the Li family just cured the fainting blood that he had relieved all at once? Want to take the risk of destroying my family and ruining my inheritance to become an enemy of the Nan family? And just now, he himself admitted that the reason why he was able to heal Zi'an is not unrelated to the many great doctors that the Li family had asked before. It’s cheap. A mere dizziness, where can I treat it and ask for a million consultation fees?"

Li Rufei shook her head, "Do you really think he picked up the bargain?"

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Li Rulong said, "You misunderstood my meaning again, I just think there is such a possibility."

Li Rufei said, "Grandpa, he saved my life."

Seeing Li Rufei's heartbroken look, Li Rulong couldn't bear it, and explained, "Fei Fei, in all fairness, I also hope to help him resolve this crisis. After all, Li's family is not a martial artist. It’s not a bad thing to be such a young and promising doctor."

Speaking of this, Li Rulong shook his head, "It's just that the strength of the Nan family in Shenshi is not inferior to that of the Li family, and Zi'an has been delayed for so many years. The Nan family has already let go, any hidden family, Xiwu sect, as long as If you dare to protect Lin Tiancheng, the Nan family will destroy his heritage. Yang Xuan, the head of Longhu Mountain on the river bank, was involved and had to close the mountain for ten years."

Li Rufei smiled miserably and bowed to Li Rulong, "I thought it was too simple. Grandpa takes care of your body."

After speaking, Li Rufei turned and left.

Li Rulong said, "Feifei, where are you going?"

Li Rufei said, "He saved my life time and time again. Even if I can't help him, I will help him in the same boat."

Li Rulong said, "It's not impossible to protect him, but..."

Li Rufei stopped and looked back at Li Rulong, her eyes full of expectation.

Li Rulong showed some hesitation and contradiction on his face, pacing slowly in the living room.

After a long time, Li Rulong finally made up his mind. He resigned his fate and said with emotion, "I lost Yu'er sixteen years ago, and you also left the Li family. Now you have finally entered the Li family's door, how can I bear it? See you and Lin Tiancheng die together?"

After a pause, Li Rulong made a loud voice, "His Nan family wants to deal with Lin Tiancheng, and I can ignore it. But my Li family has no turn to discipline others. Feifei, don’t worry, even if the Li family hurts a thousand enemies, Eight hundred, this Lin Tiancheng, I also want to protect the Li family."

Li Rufei is ice and smart. Of course she didn't believe that Li Rulong would pay for Lin Tiancheng's future of the Li family-the "just" Li Rulong just said hasn't finished yet.

Li Rufei said, "If you really want the Li family to lose a thousand by yourself, don't say it is me, even if it is a natural success, you can't afford it. Is there no other way?"

Li Rulong was silent and looked at Li Rufei, "There is no way. If the Xiao family is willing to join forces with the Li family, it should be no problem to protect Lin Tiancheng. It is just that the things that happened 16 years ago, the Xiao family, are still worried about it. what."

Li Rufei said, "As long as I can protect Lin Tiancheng, I am willing to give the Xiao family an explanation."

Li Rulong said, "Feifei, where did you think of it? You didn't do anything wrong with you sixteen years ago. I ask you, what do you think of Xiao Yun?"

Li Rufei stiffened.

Immediately, there was a bit of shame on her face, and her head lowered slightly, "Xiao Yun is a dragon and a phoenix among the people, and a genius of heaven and earth, naturally outstanding."

Li Rulong said, "Feifei, do you really think that way? Then do you know that you are as good as Xiao Yun's mind. You are all waiting for you now."


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