Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 997: Don't recognize you for the future

Li Rufei's face was even more embarrassed.

But, who knows how bitter her heart is?

She was also a witness to what happened 16 years ago. She knew very well that when her sister Li Yuyan crowned Jinghua, Xiao Yun also bowed under Li Yu's skirt.

Seeing Li Rufei’s performance, Li Rulong continued, “Feifei, sixteen years ago, Xiao Yun’s favorite person was you. It’s just that when you were young, Xiao Yun was embarrassed to approach him. He approached Li Yu’s purpose, just hoping to be able to Stay by your side. Xiao Yun said this to me himself."

Li Rufei didn't say anything, but the expectation and sweetness on her face were obvious.

Li Rulong said again, "I want to understand Feifei and Yu'er. The Li family can no longer withstand such a blow. Therefore, you don't have to force yourself. Without the help of the Xiao family, the Li family will do their best to protect you. Lin Tiancheng is well-rounded."

Li Rufei bent slightly, "It's all up to grandpa."


Li Rulong laughed, "Okay, okay. Lang loves concubine, perfect match, a match made in heaven. Feifei, you stay at home for the time being, I will discuss with the Li family as soon as possible."

Li Rufei left.

Although there is sadness in her heart, she has no regrets.

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She was able to repay Lin Tiancheng's life-saving grace three times, and to fulfill Lin Tiancheng and Li Xiaoyi, is this not a good result?

After Li Rufei left, Li Rulong's face turned gloomy.

If Li Rufei had gone through a difficult choice and was reluctant to agree to Xiao Yun, Li Rulong would be more assured.

Li Rufei's promise was so refreshing, enough to prove that she really did not hesitate to pay any price for Lin Tiancheng.

If it was the same as it was sixteen years ago, when Li Rufei and Xiao Yun were overjoyed, they suddenly disappeared, I am afraid that the Xiao family will immediately turn against the Li family.

Even if Li Rufei would not escape the marriage, after Li Rufei and Xiao Yun got married, if Li Rufei still couldn't let Lin Tiancheng go, it would still be a hidden danger after all.

Did you watch the Nan family kill Lin Tiancheng?

No way!

If Lin Tiancheng could die without the Nan family doing it, his Li family would be happy to do it for him, and by the way give the Nan family a great favor.

Is Baolin Tiancheng?

No way!

Even if the Li family and the Xiao family are married, the Nan family will brazenly take action. Even if the Nan family can be destroyed by that time, the Li family and the Xiao family will be greatly injured.

Li Rulong had a headache.

Before long, Li Rulong's mind flashed.


He can forgive Li Rufei and Li Yu, but the evil kind taken away by Li Rufei is a shame to the Li family and the Xiao family. Whether it is the Li family or the Xiao family, there is no need to forgive it. Both the Li family and the Xiao family are qualified to clean up the door.

Li Yu was guilty of dying. With Li Rufei's character, he should choose between that evil kind and Lin Tiancheng, right?

The towering Huashan, with the Qinling Mountains in the south and Huangwei in the north, is known as the ‘first mountain in the world with strange danger’.

Where tourists can reach, they can see lush forests, a quiet environment, and strange flowers and weeds that are not well-known. Tourists walk through them, and incense sticks are forbidden.

What the world does not know is that inside the majestic, precipitous, cloud-filled Qifeng, there is also a martial arts sect, the Jade Girl Palace.

At this time, a plain-looking, plainly dressed man with a slightly fat figure was walking through the Huashan Mountains.

In places that have not been developed, the mountains are more precarious, and there is no narrow path, but the man's footsteps are steady, as if walking on a flat ground.

Passing through a canyon, a faint white mist began to linger in the mountains in front of the man. The more you go forward, the denser the fog, and gradually you can't see your fingers.

This did not affect the man's footsteps.

All the way hurriedly, before long, the front was suddenly enlightened, as if seeing the sun in the sky.

It was like a paradise in front of him, green grass oiled oil, and streams ding-dong. There are towering trees but not crowded, and thorny shrubs are not messy. The place is full of jungle atmosphere, the trees are lush and delicate.

In front of him, there stood a bluestone tens of meters square. On the front of the bluestone, the three words "Jade Girl Palace" were vigorous and powerful, and a stylus and silver hook.

"Who dare to be good at Jade Girl Palace."

With a clear drink, a beautiful Tsing Yi woman walked out from behind the blue stone and looked at the man warily.

As the ancestor of Yang Xuanlong and Hushan, it is not difficult to visit the Jade Girl Palace.

However, Yang Xuan secretly went down the mountain and did not dare to reveal his identity. He took out a half-mutilated jade pendant from his body and threw it at the woman, "Give this to your palace lord."

The Tsing Yi woman hesitated, then turned and left.

After about ten minutes, the woman in Tsing Yi returned and threw the jade pendant back to Yang Xuan, "You want to go, I won't stop, you want to enter, I won't stop."

Of course Yang Xuan wanted to see the Palace Master of the Jade Girl, he raised his leg and walked into the Jade Girl without any hesitation.

In the Jade Girl Palace, all female nuns.

Yang Xuan also knows the rules of the Jade Girl Palace. He keeps his eyes open, watching his nose and his heart, following behind the woman in Tsing Yi.

Before long, Yang Xuan was led by a woman in Tsing Yi into a unique hut built on the hill.

There was a layer of gauze curtain blocking the room, and Yang Xuan could vaguely see, behind the gauze curtain, there was a graceful figure.

"Retreat." A cold female voice came from behind the curtain, not half the color of human fireworks.

When the woman in Tsing Yi left, the cold female voice sounded again, "Do you know the consequences of trespassing in the Jade Girl Palace?"

There are all female sisters in the Jade Girl Palace, who always reject the opposite sex. Since Yang Xuan's successor was **** by Yang Xuan more than 20 years ago, the rules of the Jade Girl Palace have become stricter.

Yang Xuan said, "I know, I have enough reasons."

"Just because of that half piece of jade pendant?"

"No. I found a relic of an ancient sect. The resources left behind are beyond our imagination. An ordinary Chinese medicine doctor got the resources from the relics. It took a year from an ordinary person. , Became a master of the Grand Master Realm."

Even among the Xiwu sect, how many people have exhausted their lives and cannot enter the realm of masters.

Even if it is a talented person, it is a foolish dream to step into the energization without ten years.

The woman's voice finally fluctuates slightly, "One year?"

"One year!"

"If there is such a good thing, would you tell me?"

There was a bit of embarrassment on Yang Xuan's face.

Although the person in front of him is his daughter, Dadao is ruthless. Moreover, Yang Xuan had never seen each other, apart from the blood bond, there was no deep relationship.

Yang Xuan didn't conceal it, and explained the story in detail.

In the end, he repeatedly emphasized, "This person has a strong temperament, and it is not what you and I can imagine. Even if the palace master is martial arts, we must remember that we must never use strong means, but must be smart."

The other party fell silent, and said lightly, "If what you said is true, the reason is good enough. You trespassed into the Jade Girl Palace, I will only dig your eyes and not take your life. I will go to Longhu Mountain in the future. , If there are relics, I will heal your eyes and divide you in half. If not, I will behead your head."

Yang Xuan was taken aback, "Palace Master, what do I say is you..."

Thinking that he did a tortoise with his head shrunk for the sake of his future, Yang Xuan was also embarrassed to speak.

The woman was holding half of the jade pendant in her hand and twisting back and forth, her voice still did not waver, "I will keep this half of jade pendant, not to recognize you in the future, but to kill those who were unhappy."


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