The common point of these four incidents is that the monsters that killed humans in large numbers were not aliens or space monsters, but were more like "something" that was attached to humans. The Namer operator realized that the situation was beyond his personal ability to handle, so he immediately applied for assistance from the AIB headquarters.

But after the assistance arrived, it was also in a state of confusion like himself.

This made the Namer operator very sad and even a little inferior. Although their race is only one letter different from the assassination alien Nakel, their reputation in the universe is quite good. On the other side of the universe, where the AIB headquarters cannot reach, they are all judges or prosecutors.

Even within the management scope of the AIB headquarters, they are outstanding decryptors, and this Namer operator is a very outstanding existence in the AIB headquarters.

Therefore, even with the assistance, there was no substantial progress. Not to mention how his fellows would laugh at him and rob him of his job if he found out, the Namer operator felt ashamed.

So, the Namer operator began to search for relevant clues more diligently. Finally, he found some clues. All signs showed that he might find what he wanted in the dark side where the cosmic people lived.

But before that, he could not get approval to enter here because his friend had committed a crime here. AIB headquarters, worried that the situation might worsen, temporarily banned him from entering here, so as to avoid new problems because of his mouth.

But now...

It seems to be an opportunity.

So, the Namer operator immediately left the team without a sound, and moved through the ruins. He began to pray now, praying that the address building he got was not destroyed in this battle.

Fortunately, the Namer operator's prayer worked, and the warehouse was quite intact, which made him very happy to rush over. Now that everyone here has been evacuated, it is a rare time for him to investigate at will.

But... when the Namer operator entered the warehouse, he found that it was like a series of small apartments, and each room was a storage room. The Namer operator moved forward cautiously. Not long after walking, he smelled an unbearable smell in the air, sour and pungent, which made his head throb.

Then, he suddenly saw a monster, which was a thing made of ribbed semi-elastic material, with four cylindrical limbs extending from the top, each about dozens of inches long, and covered with ribs like the body.

These limbs sometimes contracted to be almost invisible, and sometimes stretched to various lengths. At the end of the limbs were huge claws, and there was a circle of high-raised elastic organs at the central base. Under its pale and smooth surface, it seemed to be an evil thing that could not be peeped.

I was tricked.

At this moment, the Namer operator clearly realized something, and immediately turned around and ran without hesitation, but when he turned around, the twisted white creature was still in front of him.

At this moment, the white gelatinous surface was slowly breaking, revealing the gelatinous green body inside. There was a faint ominous smell in the air, and black pus wrapped in asphalt-like stickiness was dripping down. It was a disgusting and grotesque color that was difficult to describe in words.

At the same time, outside the warehouse, the blood stains on the ground where the Asmodeans had been slaughtered were disappearing at an alarming speed, as if the land had life and was sucking the residue of life, and an unknown force was quietly operating...

410 Baltan Barbatos (Update 1)

"Huh? It was this guy."

Just when the blood vision on the land completely disappeared, in the temporary post-processing organization department set up by the AIB headquarters, Aizaki Moeya looked at the documents in her hand and made a subtle sound. Under the full operation of the intelligence department of the AIB headquarters, the main culprit who induced the Asmodeans to perform the cult ritual and taught the Asmodeans the details of the relevant ritual procedures had been delivered to every AIB agent -

The space ninja Baltan - Barbatos.

This name is quite familiar to a considerable number of AIB agents, and even in the universe, there are many space organizations that know this guy.

This Barbatos is a well-known "prankster". Whether it is the actions of the local ruling government of civilized planets, the coordination tasks of the Space Alliance, or even the looting activities of space pirates, there are traces of this Baltan star.

No one knows what he is going to do. In addition, this Barbatos will only carry out his interference activities on the ground. Therefore, under the technology and talent of Baltan star people, it is not easy to catch him.

However, this Barbatos did not cause any substantial damage. Sometimes, he would take the initiative to deal with the things he was busy with. For example, on the 14th planet of the Astor Galaxy, a very tragic civil war broke out. Nearly 20 billion people were crowded on such a small planet. In order to compete for living space, different organizations and governments wanted to use war as a means to ease the internal contradictions that could no longer be adjusted.

But not long after the war started, this Barbatos used the technology of Baltan to hack into the communication networks of all the local leaders and provided them with another way——

That is to provide them with a large-scale warp space carrier that can transfer all the population to Planet No. 33, which is a large livable planet. In addition, due to the civil war, this planet has been folded. Half of the population was lost, so if you move there, you basically don’t have to worry about resource depletion for a long time.

Of course, Barbatos is only responsible for relocating the population and not transporting large equipment. In addition, Planet 33 is a primitive planet, so their civilization basically has to start all over again.

This news shocked the local leaders, and they immediately started a discussion. Finally, they asked Barbatos what the cosmic man wanted from them.

Barbatos answered in a pleasant tone:

"I feel happiness. This emotion is quite rare for me, so you have paid me. But if you feel that such an illusory price cannot make you feel at ease, then give me the ownership of this planet. For me, when I’m unhappy one day, I can come back and look at this planet and recall the feeling of having fun.”

To be honest, this planet has no resources left.

This was confirmed by AIB or other cosmic organizations who rushed there afterwards. In order to continue civilization, scientists on this planet have excavated almost everything that can be used, even the soil. , have begun to be refined into food that can barely sustain a living.

Therefore, the local leaders did not hesitate and immediately agreed to the deal. They had no way out. Even if they used civil war to reduce the population, a planet without resources could no longer see the so-called future. .

Barbatos did not hesitate, and immediately mobilized resources and connections to drive a batch of transport space carriers. As agreed, the entire population of the planet was transported to Planet No. 33. By the way, They also launched the planet outwards and tried to find a new home, but to no avail. The population of the exploration ship that had been floating in the universe was also received there.

According to one of the transport carrier captains, Barbatos only wandered around the drained planet for a few times before leaving. To this day, none of the cosmic organizations have discovered Barbatos. There are records or traces of Si’s trip to that planet.

It's like, it's really just for fun.


It is precisely for this reason that many people are still on guard against this Barbatos, because this Baltan star will save others for fun, and will also hurt others for fun.

Although no evidence has been found to prove the human tragedy on Rita Costa, almost everyone knows that the poisoning incident that caused the death of nearly a million people was caused by this Barbatos. After all, the world There is no such thing as a coincidence. Unfortunately, 'coincidence' cannot be used as evidence in the cosmic court.

Therefore, for this Barbatos, many people want to meet him by chance when they are desperate. Maybe their embarrassed appearance can arouse the joy of this Baltan star and help them get out of trouble.

But most people in the universe who live in comfort don't want to have anything to do with him, even if they just hear his name, God knows if this madman will throw himself and his family into the flames just for fun. and poisonous gas.

On the planet Baltan... Barbatos is wanted there. It is said that when he left the planet Baltan, that guy caused a shocking explosion, which caused a fellow human being to be admitted to the hospital. This is an unforgivable sin.

In this regard, everyone understands that this is just the external declaration of Baltan Star. They want to use this to express that the things Barbatos caused, no matter whether they are good or bad, should not completely reach Baltan Planet.

As for the wanted explosion... let's put it down. Who in the universe doesn't know that the Baltan planet explodes every day? God knows what these technology geeks are researching. Most of the cosmic people in the universe believe that one day the Baltan planet will explode. It is reasonable to blow up one's own home planet.

Therefore, in comparison, Barbatos only bombed the scientific researchers into the hospital, and no one was even killed. Even if this was true, given the special national conditions of Baltan, it was not a crime at all.

But this time, as far as the laws of the AIB headquarters are concerned, this Barbatos may not be able to leave as freely as before. The MPs at the AIB headquarters regard this as a provocation to the majesty of the AIB and have ordered all agents to He launched an arrest operation.

It's just... they don't seem to have any intention of hiding...

411 Why didn’t it show up? (Second update)

After the AIB agents received the message from the headquarters, they clearly realized that their immediate superiors were really angry this time, and even included swear words in the voice messages.

But it’s understandable if you think about it. After all, AIB has just been established not long ago. Compared to those organizations in the universe, AIB is like a baby, and... Let’s talk about a secret that is not a secret, the councilors at the AIB headquarters , many of them are considered to be destitute people who are not powerful in their original fields, or have to leave the original organization due to various reasons.

Therefore, after the establishment of AIB, the organization's external intensity has been quite tough. Sometimes, even its own agents feel that the members of AIB Ya have gone too far when it comes to responding to certain matters. It is almost like It's going crazy.

But if combined with this background setting, it seems quite normal.

Just like now, these congressmen who were counting on using AIB to make a comeback have fallen into complete anger, and without any hesitation, they want Barbatos to die here.

But putting aside the fragile hearts of those congressmen, the agents of AIB really want to capture this Barbatos. No matter what he has done, at this moment, on earth, within the scope of AIB, Barr The Tan star Barbatos has caused unforgivable crimes. He has destroyed the stability of the earth and caused extremely bad effects. No matter what the response from the Baltan star is afterwards, this Barbatos will be sanctioned by the AIB. !

Thinking of this, the AIB agents became more motivated and vowed to capture the Baltan Barbatos no matter where he fled and let him face trial by AIB and the Earth government!

Thinking of this, AIB agents immediately dispatched, some to gamble on the cosmic starport, some to search the dark side where other cosmic beings live, and some to intercept all unofficial communications outside the Earth-Moon galaxy. It can be said that , this is setting up a dragnet.


In the end, this Baltan star Barbatos was captured, no, it was the person who discovered it, named Aizaki Moya.

At once....

Very lucky.

Aizaki Moya just came to manually confirm the edge of the disaster, and then saw a Baltan star staying where he was, as if he was possessed by an evil spirit, and kept talking there, and this Baltan star had something on his waist. Several scars are the characteristics of Barbatos. These scars are the marks left by the explosion when he was doing experiments on the planet Baltan.

As a result, Moya Aizaki immediately drew her weapon and notified the AIB headquarters.

Soon, a large number of senior agents arrived here. After seeing this Baltan star, there was almost no hesitation. They immediately performed their duties and completed the blockade in a tacit understanding, and then...

The Baltan star Barbatos was captured without any resistance or struggle.

Seeing Barbatos being handcuffed with an electronic restraint, all the agents breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt a little strange. This was too smooth and unreasonable.

There were also senior agents who came close to Barbatos and tried to listen to what he was talking about. However, Barbatos was not speaking the language of Baltan or the lingua franca of the universe. In the end, it was uploaded to the database at the AIB headquarters. , and got the answer from there——

‘Why why why, why didn’t it appear? Why didn’t the world of bliss come? It shouldn’t have happened, it shouldn’t have happened, I didn’t calculate wrong. I’ve been successful before, so why did I fail this time? ’

After seeing this translation, the senior agents of AIB immediately broke out in a cold sweat. There is no doubt that the Asmodeus is itself a part of the Baltan star's plan, but I don't know why, Barbato Si's plan failed.

Now, what they have to do is to pry open Barbatos' mouth, find out what his plan is, and find out what the so-called 'Elysium' is!

So, the senior agents immediately escorted Barbatos to the interrogation room at the AIB headquarters. Of course, before leaving, these senior agents still gave Moya Aizaki a certain amount of recognition, although Moya Aizaki felt that this was just her good luck. That's it, but not everyone can have such good luck. Luck is also a part of strength.

"Speaking of which, where is Zena? Why is that guy missing?"

However, just as the senior agents were leaving, a curious Mothra star began to ask. To be honest, Zena usually takes this Earthling named Aizaki Moya as his daughter. Is his little one okay now? It's easy to make a lot of achievements, but he didn't even show his face, which is simply incredible.

"Stop talking. I don't know what kind of stimulation Zena received today. His whole body is cold and scary."

At this time, a senior agent wearing a hood said in a delicate voice that was completely inconsistent with his strong and burly body:

"He didn't even say hello back. He always beat him to death. It was as if he had just come out of Xia Dexing. Everyone was scared to death."

This is a Candela star. This race of cosmic beings is very interesting, ah, from the perspective of an earthling, it is very interesting, because Candela star women have beards and other things, and, in terms of the culture of Candela star, It is said that the more external organs such as beards and tentacles grow, the more beautiful it is, and at the same time, it also represents its powerful combat effectiveness.

Don’t be fooled by the fact that the Candela star who just spoke to me looks very burly. In fact, her body is weak. Some people have seen that apart from the tentacles and beards, she still has a loli body shape that conforms to the public aesthetic. Now this tall and strong appearance is just the retracted external organs that prop up this customized combat uniform.

Of course, the defensive and offensive power of these external organs should not be underestimated. This Candela star relied on those things to become a high-level agent for attacking.

As for the men of Candela star...

To be honest, if there is no external organ to distinguish between men and women of Candela star, it is impossible to tell them apart. Moreover, most of the male cosmic people of Candela have made achievements in scientific research, so there are very few male Candela star field operators.

"Yeah... Then I'll go have a drink with Zena in a few days. I hope that Aizaki Moeya's meritorious service will make him feel better."

As he said this, the senior agent looked up at the sky with some curiosity, looked at the place where Barbatos was looking, and said softly:

"Come to think of it, there's nothing there, why are you staring at it... I'll go take a look at the spacecraft."

412 The appearance of the negative energy monster (three more)

Of course, even if this senior agent drove the spacecraft to inspect it once, and checked it there several times with various equipment, there was no result in the end. After all, Barbatos said that the so-called "paradise" had not descended.

So, the senior agents put aside their attention to this matter, and began to busy themselves, waiting for the results from the interrogation room.

However, what they didn't know was that if the coordinates of the location where Barbatos was looking were brought into a specific calculation formula, a loophole in the cosmic barrier would be found.

At this moment, on the other side of the barrier loophole, Ultraman Geno was floating there. Now that he had completed the collection of various data, he began to try to open the time-space vortex to see where Max was sucked to.

But just as he tried to open the time-space vortex, a terrible figure suddenly rushed out of it, with ominous black air rising around him. Ultraman Geno immediately dodged to the side, then frowned slightly. This... If he was not mistaken, it should be a negative energy monster, right?

After Leo Ultraman left the earth, the earth fell into a short period of peace.

However, such peace only lasted for five years. Monsters may appear on the earth again under the influence of negative energy, so Eddie, as a negative energy investigator of the Kingdom of Light, tracked to the earth.

After investigation, Eddie was very worried that the ugly mentality of the human world would lead to the gradual increase of negative energy and the reappearance of monsters. At the same time, in order to enable children to distinguish between justice and evil from an early age, Eddie transformed into a young human being named Yade Meng and became a teacher of junior high school students, hoping to curb the generation of negative energy through education.

But such an action is not enough to save the nearby fire. Negative energy monsters finally appeared. These monsters are created by the negative energy condensed from human negative emotions, such as sadness, anger, and resentment. They can attach to the surface of objects and organisms, and their power and ability are usually higher than ordinary monsters.

It took a lot of effort for Eddie Ultraman to suppress the concentrated outbreak of negative energy monsters, allowing the earth to safely pass through that dangerous period.

After that, the number of negative energy monsters will be relatively small. If it weren’t for Geno Ultraman as a civilization observer, who had experience in contact with negative energy monsters, he would not have recognized it at once.

Speaking of which, this monster is a bit like [Negative Energy Monster·Mind Moving Monster·Zaludon]. It relies on its incredible mental power to perform telekinesis to move objects instantly. It is also an extremely cruel carnivorous monster that feeds on humans and will not be satisfied until it eats twenty humans at a time.

This Zaruton is quite cunning. It usually hides in a hidden place and sleeps to enhance its mental power. But even during sleep, Zaruton can use teleportation to transport people to itself. In order to prevent people from escaping, it will use hypnosis to hypnotize people and eat them after waking up. Zaruton uses this method to continuously enhance his mental and physical strength.

When Ultraman Eddie was stationed in the Earth Island, Zaruton first committed crimes all over Europe, attacked many human gathering places, and fought with the European Defense Force base several times, and then came to the island country to hide.

However, Director Ito Junkichi of the European base carefully studied Zaruton's teleportation ability and came up with a way to crack it. After being transferred to the island country, he taught the method to the members of the island country base and tried to encircle and suppress it.

However, due to the recklessness of the members of the island country base, Zaruton was accidentally awakened. The angry Zaruton began to wreak havoc on the city. At the same time, Zaruton also used the teleportation light wheel to transfer a large number of city buildings, either dropping them from the air or directly into the sea, causing a large number of casualties, and also made the fighters that came to fight only able to protect themselves and unable to launch an offensive.

Fortunately, Ito's method can crack the teleportation effect of the light wheel, so that the situation can be reversed. When he found that his trick was broken, Zaruton became more violent and turned to use destructive light to destroy the city.

At this time, Ultraman Eddie transformed and appeared, and began to fight with Zaruton, and gained a great advantage in close combat. After being suppressed by Ultraman Eddie's fighting, Zaruton immediately distanced himself and launched a counterattack by destroying the light and teleporting the light wheel, but Ultraman Eddie used [Halo Mirror] to rebound the teleporting light wheel and transferred Zaruton to the other dimension.

Afterwards, Ultraman Eddie entered the other dimension with [Ultra Teleport] and continued to attack Zaruton. At the moment when Zaruton showed a flaw, Eddie used [Ultra Double Light Arrow] to cut off Zaruton's horn that fired the light. Zaruton was seriously injured and lost his ability to fight. He was eventually killed by Eddie's [Shakusium Ray].

The figure that just rushed out of the time and space vortex made Ultraman Geno think of this guy at the first time. After all, when Max discussed the negative energy monster with him, he hated this guy who had been killed by Eddie Ultraman. He wanted to beat him up himself...

No! This is [Negative Energy Monster·Mind Moving Monster·Zruton]!

Just when Ultraman Geno was immersed in his memories, he suddenly saw the face of the monster that emerged from the ominous black air. That look was exactly the same as in the archive records!

No, it has been destroyed. Because of its special nature, it is difficult for negative energy monsters to have identical individuals. Could it be that the time-space vortex just now also involves the existence of the [past]?

Many conjectures flashed through Ultraman Geno's mind, but no matter what, he had to destroy this guy first! Such a dangerous thing, he couldn't let it escape from him...


Just as Ultraman Geno was ready to fight, the negative energy monster seemed to have noticed something, turned around and ran away, with no intention of fighting with Geno at all, and its running speed was not low. Geno, who started late, actually felt that he seemed to be unable to catch up.

At this moment, a blue-white light bullet came and blocked the way of the negative energy monster....

413 Triga goes to the Land of Light (fourth update)

Seeing the blue-white light bullet, Geno was slightly stunned. He looked up and saw that the Ultra Warrior who came was someone he didn't know. He shouldn't be from the Land of Light. But no matter what, since he helped him stop the negative energy monster, he was now his good comrade. Whether introducing each other or chatting, he had to deal with this monster first!

Because he had the file record of Ultraman Eddie, it was not a troublesome thing to deal with this negative energy monster. In addition, with the help of others, it didn't take much time to end the battle.

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