"Huh...luckily I didn't let it escape."

Geno breathed a long sigh of relief. He looked at the Ultra warrior who also breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, stretched out his hand, and said softly:

"Thank you for your help. I am Jeno. I belong to the M78 Nebula and the Kingdom of Light Space Guard. My position is Planetary Civilization Monitor. I am really grateful to you just now. Otherwise, I am afraid that the negative energy monster will really want to Ran away."

"No need to thank you, it's just a little effort."

The visitor quickly held Jeno's hand, smiled a little excitedly and said:

"I am Kengo Manaka, and I am Ultraman Triga, an Ultra Warrior from another universe. Well, you are a member of the Kingdom of Light, right? Great, I finally found you."

"Ah? Ultraman Trigga, what happened?"

Geno didn't expect this to be the case and asked hurriedly. Kengo Manaka immediately explained the situation on his side. After hearing that Beria was not dead, Ultraman Geno's expression immediately It became serious. This is something that should never be underestimated. It is something that must be reported to the Kingdom of Light. Although... there is no other way. I'm sorry Max, please hold on a little longer. I will bring people back. Help you!

The disaster caused by Beria was so terrifying that even the children in the Kingdom of Light would be frightened into crying when they mentioned this name. Geno believed that after Max got out of trouble, if he knew about this unexpected incident , he will definitely forgive himself. It took him a long time to recover from the blow he received from Beria...

Suddenly, I felt that Max was in trouble this time. He didn't hit the negative energy monster, and he might not be able to catch up with Beria.

With this thought, Geno and Triga immediately rushed towards the Kingdom of Light. While rushing, Manaka Kengo saw the node where he broke through into this cosmic plane, and then, he discovered , I was looking in the wrong direction, almost in the opposite direction...

It's so embarrassing. This kind of thing...just pretend it didn't happen.

"Um, was it Gen Subaru who defeated Beria? Is he... okay now?"

At this time, Ultraman Jeno, who was leading the way, suddenly spoke. Manaka Kengo was slightly stunned, and then said softly:

"Ah, Beria has been repulsed by Senior Yuan Subaru. Although I don't know where the battlefield was eventually moved, there is no danger on the Earth side."

"That kid is so strong."

Ultraman Jeno whispered with emotion, and then said to Manaka Kengo:

"I don't know if Senior Seven is still in the Kingdom of Light. If he is still there, he may be very emotional. You should be mentally prepared first. Don't worry, Senior Seven will not hurt you. He is just This is the first time I encountered this situation, and I just had a hard time figuring out what to do.”

"Ah? Ah..."

This statement really confused Jianwu. He was silent for a while, but couldn't help but say:

"I don't know that Severn..."

"The one who will rush over to you and grab your shoulders in a while will naturally make you know Teliga by then."


Listening to Geno's words, Manaka Kengo always felt that this Ultra Warrior from the Kingdom of Light's attitude towards Yuan Subaru was quite subtle, but then he thought about it, Beria was the one who called Yuan Subaru his son, and just now this Judging from Ultraman Geno's reaction, Beria's reputation in the Kingdom of Light must be quite bad. If you think about it this way, senior Gen Subaru will not be implicated in any way because of this.

Thinking of this, Manaka Kengo couldn't help scratching his scalp. To be honest, if he thinks about it now, he knows very little about the past of senior Gen Subaru. It can't be a blank, then it's basically clean. So pure that now I don’t know how to help Senior Yuan Subaru solve the possible troubles.

Thinking of this, Manaka Kengo couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and when he heard this, Ultraman Xeno thought that Manaka Kengo was worried about Beria, so he comforted him softly and said:

"Don't worry too much. That kid Yuan Subaru... although it's very heartbreaking, he has never disappointed anyone in combat. Even Beria, it was impossible to take him down. Back then we just When the Kingdom of Light was contaminated by the original energy, he almost single-handedly singled out the entire Kingdom of Light and rescued us. In that case, even if Beria was replaced, it would not be possible. Arrived.”


Manaka Kengo's eyes widened. On the way to find the Kingdom of Light, he had also heard about what kind of existence the "Land of Light" was. An Ultra Warrior like himself stood on the roof of the building, If you take a brick and throw it casually, you can hit several of them. Except for Ultra Warriors, they are Ultra Warriors, and there is no other existence at all.

Is this the Kingdom of Light single-handedly defeated by Senior Yuan Subaru?

At this moment, Manaka Kengo felt a little magical, and then he sincerely thanked his luck in his previous life. Fortunately, he encountered Gen Subaru-senpai when he was in a bad state. Fortunately, after Gen Subaru-senpai obtained a new form, he He left the super-ancient earth and went to chase the enemy. Otherwise, there would be no matter of his own reincarnation, and Teliga's ashes would have to be digested by nature.

"Speaking of which, why do you from the Kingdom of Light seem to be very familiar with Senior Yuan Subaru?"

Now that they had a common topic, Kengo Manaka opened up. He remembered that Subaru once said that he was Ultraman of Earth, the light nurtured by Earth. He had basically never left Earth for the first half of his life, and he was always fighting alone, with only the Earth Defense Force as his teammates. So Kengo Manaka felt a little confused. After all, judging from the tone of this Ultraman Geno, he seemed to know Senior Subaru quite well, which was more or less contradictory to Kengo Manaka’s cognition.

414 Parenting Tips in the Land of Light (Five Updates)

"This... As long as the child Gen Subaru is willing, he can become a member of the Land of Light at any time."

Jeno was silent for a while, then sighed with some regret, and said softly that many people in the Land of Light already knew about Gen Subaru's choice. After they parted in the Gulit Universe, Ultra Father returned to the Land of Light and temporarily sealed Gen Subaru's file. This also means that from now on, Gen Subaru is a person who has no trace in the Land of Light.

Senior Seven was very sad about this. According to Max, Senior Seven and his wife stored a large number of children's toys at home, whether they were from the Land of Light, Earth, or other cosmic civilizations. It was a huge warehouse, waiting to coax Gen Subaru to change his mind. He didn't even need to transfer to the Land of Light. He just needed to come to the Land of Light and live for a while every once in a while.

Moreover, if I am not mistaken, it is not only Senior Seven, but also Senior Jack and Senior Ultraman who often chat with Senior Ace and Senior Taro, and the content of the chat is all about children.

After all, among the brothers, although Seven is married, he will not share any parenting experience, and his parenting experience is also very weird and has little reference value. Although Ace is not married, he also raised Zeta alone, so he must have experience in how to coax children. As for Taro, there is no need to say more. Among the Ultra Brothers of the Land of Light, he is the most serious model of raising children. It is simply unreasonable not to learn from him.

It is only because Zoffy has been on missions frequently during this period, otherwise, he will definitely be asked.

However, when it comes to parenting, Ace is particularly distressed. To be honest, he doesn't remember being so naughty when he was a child. When Brother Zoffy was pulling him, it was not so hard. Why is this Zeta so troublesome?

Ace still remembers that when a child like that was in the Kingdom of Light, he would just be taken out of the nutrition chamber and lie in the cradle chewing his fingers, but Zeta was different. This child would not lie obediently in the cradle. He crawled everywhere, pushed his little hands on the ground, and began to move his limbs. He would go wherever there was space. If there was no space anywhere, he would just find a random direction to go.

Ace will never forget that afternoon. He had just finished his coaching work at the training ground that day. He cut down a hundred super beast targets in one breath. He felt refreshed. As soon as he opened the door, Ace took a look at his home and closed the door decisively.

Ace looked left and right, up and down, and there was no doubt that this was his home.


The question is....

What happened to my home?

Did Taro come to my home to practice Ultra Bombs?

Looking at the mess in the house, Ace couldn't help being a little dazed, and then he immediately rushed to the second floor and went straight to the baby room where Zet was. As expected, the crib had been overturned.

Although Ace felt a little unbelievable, he immediately called up the surveillance at home-

Ace's home didn't have this originally. To be precise, the Kingdom of Light didn't have this surveillance except for those important places. Even the surveillance of those important places was installed after Belia and Zero touched the plasma spark tower. It was installed after the internal discussion of the Ultra Brothers.

And Ace installed this at home, mainly because he learned from the earth. On the one hand, Ace was not married after all, and there was only one person at home. When necessary, he could use the terminal to see what Zeta was like. On the other hand, he originally thought that he would store this video and wait for Zet to grow up and look at it with him to see how cute he was when he was a child.

But what he didn't expect was that the first time the surveillance video was called after the installation of this surveillance was because it was suspected that Zeta had overturned the house.

After all, Ace could never imagine which alien would come to the Kingdom of Light to turn over his home and snatch his child. Wasn't he afraid of being blocked at the door by the Ultra Brothers?

Then, Ace saw Zeta crawling around the house at an amazing speed, knocking down things and being pressed down, without crying or stopping, twisting his chubby body to squeeze out from the bottom, and then continued to crawl.

Finally, Ace found Zeta in the underground storage room. Looking at Zeta who was struggling against the wall of the basement, and then looking at the basement door that was broken by Zeta, the Ultra Warrior couldn't help but sigh that this child was really tough.

Ace carried Zeta out of the basement, cleaned him up, and then took him to the Silver Cross Headquarters for a check-up. After confirming that he was not injured, he returned home and put Zeta back in the crib to let him rest well, while he planned to clean up the messy house.


As an Ultraman...

Even children are very energetic, let alone Zeta. Every time Ace packs something, he can hear the movement in the baby room. When he goes over to see it, it is Zeta who is using his hands and feet to dig out of the crib. came out and started to continue crawling everywhere.

In the end, Ace had no choice but to use his skills to restrain Zeta's hands and feet. After realizing that he could no longer climb, Zeta began to cry loudly. The sound made Ace worry for the first time whether the sound insulation of his home would be good. withstand.

After various attempts, Ace finally found a way to allow Zeta to move without causing damage——

That is just to stick Zeta to the wall with light tape and let him crawl out of thin air!

Thinking of this past, Ace could not help but smile warmly, but after thinking that Zeta's whereabouts were still unknown, Ace fell into an EMO state, and the other Ultra brothers were embarrassed to continue asking questions. .

But now, there is no need to think about how to coax Yuan Subaru to go back. Yuan Subaru's own wishes are on the one hand, and on the other hand...

The deeds of that child in other parallel universes have also spread quietly in this universe. In the current universe, people may not know Yuan Subaru's name or appearance after his transformation, but a considerable number of them must know that there is an Ultra Man, created an astonishing revenge-like massacre in the parallel world.

And this kind of thing is obviously not in compliance with the laws of the Kingdom of Light. Even now, some uninformed Ultra warriors have already applied to investigate this matter to see which Ultra warrior is responsible for such nonsense. In the end, it is the Ultra warrior who My father suppressed the matter forcefully.

So...this thing...ouch...what is this thing called...

415 Regretful Teacher Eddie (first update)

Therefore, it is good that Yuan Subaru's child is not from the Kingdom of Light. At least now the Ultra Warriors of the Kingdom of Light do not have to conflict with Yuan Subaru.

Moreover, Geno didn't think too much, you see, Beria touched the Plasma Spark Tower, was captured and punished by the Kingdom of Light, and then was possessed by the soul of the Reblondo star at his doorstep, becoming an evil dark giant.

Then, Zero also touched the Plasma Spark Tower, and was captured and punished by the Kingdom of Light. In a place similar to the juvenile detention center on Earth, he was trained to become a qualified Ultra Warrior and became the main force against Beria.

There is no doubt that after Beria and Cero made similar moves, they ushered in completely different futures. This was some kind of fate that made them become rivals.

And now... there is no doubt that Yuan Subaru has also touched the plasma spark, and he has touched it and inserted it back again. He has achieved a level that neither Beria nor Cero has been able to do. In this kind of situation, Under the premise, if the same process is repeated and the Kingdom of Light sends people to capture Yuan Subaru... What if, what if, if Yuan Subaru does not fight back and is brought back, then fate will bring the child back. What direction will the future take?

Of course, this is just a fantasy that exists in Ultraman Jeno's mind. This kind of fantasy is simply impossible to happen. Even if he really wants to send people to capture Subaru, what Ultraman Jeno should be worried about is if Gen Subaru is used to fighting monsters, but suddenly he loses his strength and destroys his own Ultra Warrior. What should he do?

After all, in the battle in the plasma spark tower, both Zero and the Ultra brothers were seriously injured in the confrontation with Yuan Subaru.

Geno thought a lot, but Manaka Kengo didn't understand. He was still waiting for Geno's next words. Then, he stopped talking and started to fall into the long test here. How could he what to do? Seeing how serious Geno was thinking, I always felt that it was quite impolite to disturb others.

But I really want to know what are you thinking about.

Manaka Kengo felt like his whole body was going numb, but he had no choice but to quietly follow Ultraman Geno and continue to rush towards the Kingdom of Light. At this moment, there was another The red light came and stopped next to Jeno and Manaka Kengo. This Ultraman, whom Manaka Kengo didn't know, could only look at Jeno silently, and Jeno greeted him enthusiastically and said:

"Senior Eddie, are you back from a mission?"

"Ah, I went to the O-50 galaxy."

Manaka Kengo felt that the Ultra Warrior's voice was particularly gentle and his tone was neither hasty nor slow. Eddie noticed Manaka Kengo's gaze and nodded slightly towards him and said hello. Manaka Kengo also said hello. He quickly replied politely, and then Eddie started talking about the serious matter of his deviating from the track and coming to inquire:

"Jeno, I noticed fluctuations of negative energy in your bodies. Have you encountered a negative energy monster?"

"Ah, yes, but that negative energy monster has been successfully eliminated with the help of Ultraman Teliga."

As Geno spoke, he introduced Manaka Kengo to Eddie, and then continued:

"Senior Eddie, this matter takes a long time to talk about. In addition, there is also the resurrection of Beria to deal with, so let's talk as we go."

"Um, okay...huh!?"

Eddie nodded subconsciously. Just as he was about to start to the Kingdom of Light, he stopped suddenly and looked at Geno in surprise. But even so, his tone was so calm. Eddie was silent for a moment and said softly. :

"I must have heard correctly, Beria...is resurrected again?"

"Well, this Ultraman Trigga saw it with his own eyes, and it was Gen Subaru's child who defeated the resurrected Beria."

"This is really..."

This time, Eddie's tone changed slightly. He didn't expect that kid Yuan Subaru to actually face off with Beria. He always felt that the kid had been fighting all kinds of difficult enemies. This was considered a part of fate. Ring?

"In that case, let's go quickly."

Eddie greeted Geno and said:

"I hope Zero and the others have woken up now. Otherwise, without such a general, it will not be easy to deal with the resurrected Beria."

After meeting Eddie by chance, the group set off again. During this period, Eddie asked Manaka Kengo a lot about Gen Subaru. However, what he asked about was not whether Gen Subaru was injured, but whether Gen Subaru was injured. It has not become stronger, what will Gen Subaru look like when he fights with Beria, and other questions.

Instead, he focused on asking what Gen Subaru's tone of voice was like now, what his usual expression was like, and whether he was still committing suicide in order to learn skills. Manaka Kengo answered them one by one seriously. , at this time, Manaka Kengo also realized that what Ultraman Eddie was asking revolved around one focus -

Can Yuan Subaru still maintain the sense of ritual in his life as a human being?

Unfortunately, regarding this point, even Manaka Kengo, who has never had contact with Gen Subaru a few times, has noticed that there are very few traces of being a 'human' in Gen Subaru's body, just like back then. The way he looked during the conversation in the subconscious dream, Manaka Kengo felt that the pressure brought by Gen Subaru at that time was simply more terrifying than the way his adoptive mother was angry. That kind of pressure has almost become It seems to have an offensive skill.

"That's it."

Listening to Manaka Kengo's words, Eddie sighed quietly and said with a tone full of self-blame:

"I am partly responsible for how Yuan Subaru's child turned out. I... really... was derelict in my duty."

Kengo was really confused by what he said, but Geno understood what Eddie was referring to as "dereliction of duty". That kind of "dereliction of duty" was not Eddie's dereliction of duty as an Ultra Warrior, but his dereliction of duty as a "teacher" .

Eddie indeed thinks this way. In the entire Kingdom of Light, he always believes that he is the luckiest one when it comes to Yuan Subaru, because he was the only lucky one in the fourth-dimensional channel. Before [Noah·Final·Seal] was fully activated, the Ultra warrior broke into Yuan Subaru's plane. Even there, he only had to grit his teeth, sacrifice most of his life, and force his way out of the passage. Arriving at Yuan Subaru's side and becoming a protector on his path of growth.

But it's a pity... It's a pity that Eddie, who didn't think much about it at that time, missed that precious opportunity...

416 Jianwu: The universe is so dangerous (second update)

Whenever Eddie heard about Yuan Subaru, he couldn't help but think of the good opportunity of that measure. He remembered that he had clearly noticed that there was something wrong with Yuan Subaru's mental state, but he failed to take the initiative to follow his past behavior. The rather complex emotions were like wild beasts, biting at my heart bit by bit.

Eddie believed that if he followed him, even if it was like Severn, who had his right leg broken by a monster in the battle on Kuroshio Island, and later even damaged the Ultra Transformer and was unable to fight in giant form, But he can still provide necessary help to Yuan Subaru, just like Severn taught Leo... No, what he can do is definitely much better than Wen.

But it's a pity that he missed it and will never have the chance to make up for it. Thinking of this, Eddie felt that the 'beast' in his heart became more and more ferocious.

At the beginning, Eddie didn't understand what the complicated emotions were, but it didn't take long for him to realize it. After all, he was an expert in fighting negative energy monsters. How could he not recognize negative energy? .

That's right, because of this incident, Eddie has begun to be affected by the negative energy generated in his heart.

In this regard, the other Ultra brothers also noticed this and hurriedly came to comfort Eddie. Ultra's father and mother also made time to have a heart-to-heart talk with Eddie.

But Eddie understood that this matter would be completely over only if he figured it out. Even if he couldn't figure it out, he still had to vent this negative energy, so he temporarily resigned from all positions in the Kingdom of Light and worked in the Country of Light. After bidding farewell to everyone, he embarked on a journey called cosmic wandering alone, which was actually a self-exile. In this process, Eddie tried every means to eliminate the negative energy in his heart and not let himself be affected by that negative energy. The guilt was completely overwhelming.

For this reason, Eddie went through a series of very arduous practices, and finally he got rid of that dangerous situation. Although the guilt still existed, Eddie would no longer become a negative energy monster.

"Well, I know it's inappropriate, but excuse me, could you tell me a complete story about the relationship between Senior Yuan Subaru and your Kingdom of Light?"

At this time, Manaka Kengo couldn't bear it anymore. The two of them were talking without any further details. It was like listening to a story halfway and then there was no follow-up, and it was not certain when they would be heard again. Later, he could only interrupt Eddie's contemplation rudely.

In fact, even from the perspective of the Kingdom of Light, the story of Subaru is not so complete. If you put it together, it is simply a biography of the unparalleled baby god of war that no author in any universe dares to write. How did Subaru grow up, what enemies did he deal with, what kind of education did he receive on Earth, and what made Subaru's ideas become so extreme...

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