oh? coming...

Kai looked at the Orb ring in his hand, and an idea came to his mind. This was a mission from the ring of light at the top of the warrior. He had received such missions through the air many times, so he was accustomed to preparing to check on himself. What's the next task?

"Kill a Nexus Ultra warrior named Yuan Subaru. He has been swallowed up by evil and is about to slip into the abyss of evil. You must be careful about his mental pollution, otherwise, you will also become a member of evil. a member.”

Looking at the green text that appeared in his mind, Kai decided on the next course of action without any doubt, or in other words, without any room for doubt.

In short, let’s find that Yuan Subaru first!

Ah, I have to find Yuan Subaru and kill him...

After Kai in the past accepted such a task, in reality, Kai with a splitting headache suddenly stood up, his eyes lit up with a faint green light, and he pulled out Yuan Subaru's Nexel Siot fused the card, felt the pure white energy in it, and was trying to rush into his body.

Hong Kai destroyed it without hesitation. This kind of evil power could never enter his body and make him a slave of evil. He didn't expect that guy Yuan Subaru to be such a damned existence. Sure enough, , I should have killed him in the first place!

"Senior Hongkai?!"

On the other side, after realizing that the people who had been manipulated this time were two time nodes in the past, Miken Saki and the Minato brothers began to get busy, trying to investigate first what kind of situation had occurred. After all, This situation is still quite dangerous. If it is not set properly, they will easily fall into the inexplicable turbulence of time and space after traveling through the past.

At this moment, Minato Yonghai saw Hongkai's movements out of the corner of his eyes, and his eyes suddenly became stiff. At the same time, the other two people also noticed something, and turned around suddenly to see something abnormal. Hong Kai, after all, the three of them accepted the existence of Yuan Subaru's pure white light. When Hong Kai tore up Yuan Subaru's Ultra Fusion Card, they immediately felt the pure white energy emanating from it, which immediately aroused their attention. vigilance.

"You are also filthy."

Hongkai opened his turquoise eyes and stared at the beautiful sword Saki and the Minato brothers, and slowly raised the Orb ring in his hand, as if he was about to start a battle.

"Senior Hongkai, calm down!"

Minato Yukai quickly stretched out his hand, trying to stop the possible battle, while Minato Yukai and Mikusaki Saki on the side rushed forward quite simply——

During this period of pursuit, they have realized the troublesome characteristics of this green energy, that is, there is not much room for negotiation. Once they are contaminated with this energy, just thinking about it, they feel that if there is no pure white energy, Totally don't know what to do.

Therefore, since Hong Kai (senior) has been hit by this green energy move, there is nothing to say. Although he has torn off the pure white card energy used to protect himself, we still have it, so we can use it in our bodies. Pure white energy to wake up Hong Kai (senior)! ! !

Thinking of this, Minato Hokai and Meijian Shaji's actions suddenly became even faster.


Fortunately for Misaki Saki, as a former space mercenary, not to mention his skills, his physical fitness is not comparable to that of ordinary humans. Although Minatohai has experienced Yuan Subaru's special dream training, his body has also been improved. The enhancement of Ultra Light, but even so, he is still a human being with a relatively low starting point. It is still too difficult for him to fight in physical combat and close combat with such two cosmic beings with rich combat experience.

Therefore, after a brief fight, Minato Yonghai was kicked out by Hong Kai and hit the body of Minato Yonghai, causing the two brothers to hit the wall directly. Although the beautiful sword Sha Ji and Hong Kai The beating was back and forth, but it could be seen with the naked eye that she was being suppressed by Hong Kai little by little.

"Huh, stubborn!"

Hong Kai looked at the stubbornly resisting Meijian Sha Ji in front of him and snorted dissatisfied. He didn't understand why he was controlled by pure white energy. He tried so hard to help them, but they still resisted like this. Sure enough, it was because of this Pure white energy is evil energy. In that case, there is nothing more to say. Just destroy them and their base completely!

Thinking of this, Hong Kai took a step back to avoid the attack of the beautiful sword Sha Ji, then took a step back, picked up the Orb ring, and transformed into Orb's original form!

"damn it......"

Seeing the giant that suddenly appeared in front of her, Meijian Shaji couldn't help but cursed, not only because this Hongkai was quite difficult to deal with, but more importantly, this is my home! ! ! If he transformed directly in the basement of my house, wouldn't my house be directly bursting! ! ! !

Thinking of this, Meijian Shaji also had a gloomy face and said nothing. Then she turned into a monster form and started fighting with Hong Kai. The Minato brothers who had recovered from their fatigue also immediately transformed and participated in this battle. During the battle.

To be honest, when it came to the transformation battle, the Minato brothers felt very familiar. It was much easier to fight than the physical battle.

However, there are so many forms of Uub that the Minato brothers and Meijian Saki never thought of. Especially the Minato brothers. They had obviously fought against Uub's projection in dreams before, but it was just Uub. ·Native form, so when they saw Orb, they were quite confident, as if they had achieved the original question in the exam.


The original question is the original question, but it changed from single choice to multiple choice. There are only four options! ! !

For a time, the fight between the Minato brothers and the beautiful sword Shaji was extremely difficult.

At the same time, the enemy's movements have not stopped. It seems that after realizing that the Ultra Fusion Card that could prevent his actions was destroyed, he immediately started to operate frantically.

This time, at the world node chosen by the Green Spider, Kai returned O-50, and he was given new props on the Warrior's Summit. That is the legendary [Orb Ring] that can turn Ultraman's light power into cards for fusion and upgrade.

Because the powerful monster that can only be fought against with this Orb Ring - Demon Kingmon has begun to move. The source of Demon Kingmon's power, if compared with a bee, is the big Demon King [Maga Orochi] that is equivalent to the queen of the bee. Maga Serpent flew from the Monster Galaxy and parasitized on a planet. After eating up its energy, it turns into an egg and moves to another planet. Many planets have been destroyed by the serpent.

And now, the evil soul of Maga Serpent, its egg, has flown to the third planet in the solar system, the Earth, and is preparing to be conceived deep underground somewhere.

At the same time, the energy of the evil soul combined with the elements of the earth, resulting in the birth of six demon beasts. Demon Kingmon has a major impact on the environment of the still unstable Earth. The Ultra Heroes who came to this earth before realized this, so they did not completely defeat those Demon King Beasts, but used their own energy to seal them.

This time, Kai is given the task of protecting the earth from the great demon beast Maga Orochi.

To be honest, this is not an easy task. Once a monster of the level of Maga Orochi awakens, even Kai does not have much confidence that it can be subdued. No, we cannot say surrender. Just successfully escaping is not a big deal. Things that are certain.

Not to mention....

At this moment, there was a shadow watching Kai from a distance. That was Jakura who escaped from the burning spaceship and saved his life. Especially... Kai got the honor because Jakura belittled his battle. Jakura saw him like that and went crazy. , Jagula stepped on the ground hard and hit the ground hard with his fist.

At this time, a strange scene happened. When the Orb Circle emerged and its image floated into the air, the shadow of the Orb Circle fell to a certain place like a living thing, while it was constantly hitting with fists. Jakura on the ground touched that place, and at this moment, the ground glowed.

"The person with the most evil heart in the universe..."

Waves of shouts came from Jiagra's ears, which made Jiagra immediately alert. He stopped attacking the ground, carefully looked around, waited for a while, and then said softly:

"Me? Are you calling me?"

"That's right. Enjoy this crazy world!"

At this time, the shadow appeared from the earth, and a dark ring similar to an Orb ring made a sound next to Jakura's ears.

"Kai is sent to Earth, don't you want to go crazy?"

Hearing this, Jagula suddenly tightened his grip on the dark ring, with a ferocious smile on his face, and then burst into laughter:

"Hee...hee hee hee...hahahahahaha!"

Obviously, Jakula thought of something wonderful, and the battle between the two was left to the ancient earth.

At the same time, at another time point, in the Northern Islands of the Arctic Hellpasika Territory, Ultraman Orb fought with the frozen monster Priscilla Bejira that appeared in the drifting ice. Bejira was quickly defeated by Orb. .

Jakura also obtained the wind attribute card of "Vegira" through the Dark Circle, and then Jakura went to Japan to resurrect the Wind Demon King Beast Banewing. Soon, ominous signs, namely global climate anomalies, began to appear.

Gai, aware of the extraordinary changes brought about by the resurrection of Wind Demon Kingmon, traveled south from the North Pole and landed in Japan. Got into the refrigerated truck heading to Tokyo....

At this moment, green light appeared on the body of the Wind Demon Kingmon, and then, using the summoned medium, the green spider once again extended its claws towards Jakura...

"Captain?! Captain!!!"

Almost at the same moment, Jagula, who was in the armory, fell to the ground holding his head and groaned in pain. The other members rushed into the medical room and brought the first aid equipment here. The reason was very simple. Because Jagula's appearance at this time doesn't look like he can still move...

In Jagula's mind, his memory returned to the period of [Standard Cosmic Calendar Year 3069]...

The interstellar alliance's resource transport ship Aprohors carried a shipload of Enmanium ore from Centaur to the capital planet K'inmamon.

At that time, the relationship between the Star Alliance and the emerging military planetary country "Imbat Federation" was very tense.

The area where the Yaprohors is sailing is next to the Imbat Federation, so you need to be extra careful when sailing.

At that moment, a pilot shouted:

"There is an unconfirmed flying object approaching on the starboard side!"

At first this object looked like space junk, a huge sphere formed by a bunch of inorganic matter, but something glowing like blue blood vessels on the surface of the sphere was breathing and squirming.

"Start neutrino scan."

The captain issued instructions to the investigating technician.

"Half of that object is a special alloy...the other half reacts with life forms."

As these words fell, the huge sphere began to deform, and a horned head sprang out. The smooth skin was reminiscent of reptiles, but a huge turret emerged from it! The name of this monster is the Bio-Electronic Monster Grugio Thunder. The protruding part on the back of the monster glows, and the pulse-light-like substance is concentrated in the turret.

"It's a monster! Avoid it!"

The Aprohors hurriedly changed direction, but it was too late. The electromagnetic pulse cannon and lightning destruction cannon fired from the turret of the biochemical monster had already hit the Aprohors.

The ship was severely damaged without even having time to send a distress signal, and then the Georgio Thunderbolt approached and began greedily devouring the wreckage of the Aprohors.

After this, the Inter-Star Alliance analyzed the data of the recovered Yaprohors and believed that the ship's death was man-made. In other words, they learned that it was a terrorist attack.

The Star Alliance characterized this incident as a sabotage work carried out by the military planetary state Imbat Federation, and made things extremely difficult for Imbat. The Imbat Federation fiercely protested, believing that this was a groundless rumor fabricated by the Star Alliance. Therefore, , the relationship between the planets has become more tense, and the crisis of cosmic war has fallen on everyone.

This was the era.

An era that was extremely chaotic in Jagula's memory.

There is no doubt that as Jakura's memory begins to look back, this means that the green spider has begun to take action against Jakura's past, but this time, the pure white light in Jakura's body did not Action, to be precise, cannot find the direction of action.

Because this time the green spider used Hong Kai's past as a transit point to intervene in Jagula. If Yuan Subaru himself was there, he would naturally be able to easily bypass this transit point to deal with this abominable person. of spiders launch unerring attacks.


This logic is still too difficult to respond to a beam of pure white light that is just left in other people's bodies...

On Hong Kai's side, the Minato brothers and the beautiful sword Saki are still fighting hard in Orb. This ever-changing form has brought about different forms of attack modes. Even if the three of them work together, it is difficult to restore the situation that is gradually declining to failure. Seeing this, Hong Kai became even more crazy and his attacks became more fierce.

I'm going to lose....

Minato was aware of this very clearly. He saw the green light wrapped around the big sword of Orb, but he couldn't move even if he wanted to. It was wrapped around himself, his brother, and Meijiansha before. The beam of light on Ji's body formed an extremely powerful restraint, making it difficult for them to advance even an inch.

I hope that when I am defeated, I will not be contaminated by this weird green energy.

Meijian Sha Ji also realized this and could only prepare to bite the bullet and face the next impact.

And just when Hong Kai swung his sword and the beam of light was about to hit the Minato brothers and the beautiful sword Sha Ji, pure white light emerged from their bodies, and the three energies merged together and turned into a circle. A shaped shield blocked the three of them. The attack of Orb's great sword fell on it, but it was unable to break through it for a while.


The evil thing is still stubbornly resisting!

Seeing this scene, Hong Kai's anger surged. This level of shield is not enough to stop me! ! !

As Hong Kai raised the Orb sword and sent it forward, the torrent of light energy became even more terrifying. Under such an attack, the pure white round shield became full of cracks almost in the blink of an eye, and then, no more Unable to hold up, it collapsed.

But at this moment, something happened.

Time did not stop, but both Hong Kai and the three of them felt that the flow of time had become extremely slow. The scattered pure white shield fragments stopped in place, and then flew out upside down. , merged into a huge pure white vortex, and then, a familiar figure walked out of it, and a huge energy palm smashed down on Uub's face.

Hongkai tried every means, but could not escape the restraints. He could only watch helplessly as the palm pressed down...

"Ouch, senior Hongkai, why did you get hit? Don't move. Just give me a slap. It might hurt a little. Senior, please bear with me."

There is no doubt that the visitor is Gen Subaru. He heard the voices of the Minato brothers and came here.

the other side.

"The Star Alliance very much welcomes people who immigrate to the planet. Now there are many discounts, such as reducing most of the cosmic taxes. Let's fly to the wonderful star world together."

There are many buildings, and the radio is blaring. This is the space airport of Planet Ganon. The acid rain falling from the sky is pattering, turning into mist and soaking in the light of the neon lights.

The man who got off the space liaison ship wore sunglasses, a black uniform made on Earth, and held a black umbrella. He was also holding a lion stuffed doll, a specialty of Okinawa.

He looked at the huge buildings on the planet Ganon that had been changed beyond recognition. It had been several centuries since Gagula and Kai last visited this place. Now Ganon has joined the Interstellar Alliance. Ganon, with its favorable natural environment, has now become one of the few high-end resorts in the universe.

At the same time, the Interstellar Alliance built a comprehensive leisure building that looks very similar to the "Tree of Life" on the huge piece of land where the "Tree of Life" grew in the past. The first floor of the building is a shopping mall. It is completely unrememberable that there was once such a sadness here.

"The Tree of Life, it has grown more gorgeously."

Gagula murmured in a low voice, and at this time, the stereoscopic image began to play a promotional video in the air.

"The beauty of life is spreading in the universe, and the Tree of Life Building is a monument to praise it. When the flower of life blooms, the universe will be wrapped in the light of hope..."

Hearing this, Gagula's expression gradually became gloomy, because Gagula was the one who cut down the Tree of Life and greatly changed the fate of this planet.

For the residents of Ganon who have lived with the "Tree of Life" since ancient times, Jagger is as disgusting as a snake and scorpion. If you don't wear Earth sunglasses and wear a uniform to hide your true body, you can't sneak into this planet at all.

But why did Jagger go to such trouble to come to this planet?

The rain began to fall again. Jagger was standing in the cemetery outside the city.

The tombstone in front of him reads-Miko Warrior Yuyan.

Jagger offered a flower and a specialty he brought from Okinawa, a lion doll, in front of the tomb.

Yuyan was a female warrior who admired him in the past and hoped that Jagger would accept her as a disciple and fight with him, but unfortunately died in the battle.

In that sad chaos, behind the huge life reflux of the "Tree of Life", there is the cosmic demon Baalzebub staring covetously. Unable to contain his outburst of anger, Gagras Gagra drew his sword and cut down the "Tree of Life" itself in order to eradicate the demon Baalzebub.

Gagras committed countless crimes in the universe. Cutting down the "Tree of Life", escaping from the space prison, releasing the demon beasts on Earth, and other various crimes made him wanted by the Interstellar Alliance and seven universes.

But Gagras came to visit Yu Yan's grave even at the risk of being arrested.

"Gagras Gagra, surrender immediately"

Looking back, Gagras saw a figure holding a gun in his eyes. It was the garrison of the Interstellar Alliance. He had been surrounded by a team.

It seems that his kindness that was not in line with his status was taken for granted.

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