"It's so noisy. Don't let me make trouble in front of the grave."

"Don't resist needlessly. If you make a small move, you will be fired."

"Stop it. Your salary is only that much, right?"

The soldiers holding laser guns moved forward. Jakula pulled out the Snake Heart Sword.

After thousands of tempers, the cold light is unsheathed, and the snake heart sword is revealed.

Laser bullets were fired at Jakura like a torrential rain.

And he spun the Snake Heart Sword like a windmill, deflecting all the bullets.

Jakura jumped up from the front and rushed into the center of the queue, fighting his way out of the laser swords of the soldiers. So he ran out in the pattering acid rain.

Jakura ran.

But the high-power electromagnetic rifle in someone's hand was aimed at him.

That man is a sniper with a space helmet covering his face.

The sniper pulled the trigger of the electromagnetic rifle at Jagula.

A gunshot!

Jakura was suddenly hit by an electromagnetic pulse bullet in his right chest.


His muscles and nervous system were paralyzed, and Jakura fell to the ground.

Click... click... the sound of stepping like a metal prosthetic foot sounded. Close to myself.

The sniper walked over and looked down at Jagula.

"Who are you"

Jakula gasped in pain and asked:

"My name is Sajithali."

The next moment, Jakula waved the Snake Heart Sword with his active left hand.

The sniper caught the sword using the electromagnetic rifle's sword mode. Jakura's snake heart sword and the electromagnetic rifle's sword burst out with sparks. And Sajitari beat Jakura hard with the butt of her electromagnetic rifle.

The last thing Jakura saw was Sajitari's figure leaving with her back to him.

When reinforcements from the Alliance soldiers arrived, the sniper had disappeared.

Dozens of Hongkai are playing the Orbu harmonica.


Jakura woke up screaming from a nightmare caused by an unimaginable headache.

And his hands have been cuffed with electronic handcuffs.

"I still have such annoying dreams now."

Jakura is now in a room with a thick blanket on the floor and surrounded by bookcases supported by mahogany. Ganon's high-rise buildings can be seen from the window wall.

This is the top floor of a mechanical building modeled after the "Tree of Life". It is the office of the Interstellar Alliance Ganon's ruling province.

Standing in front of Jakura was Archon Rebejie.

It was an Interstellar Alliance bureaucrat with a soft smile on his face. There are interstellar alliance security officers with guns next to them.

"You are Jakura-kun, right? The man who cut down the Tree of Life in the past. You are also the bodyguard of many space terrorists, and sometimes undertake assassinations. You also let Demon Kingmon ravage the earth, causing huge casualties."

"I really miss you. So...are you planning to punish me?"

Lei Beijie looked out the window at the traffic jam on the sky bus.

"The tree of life creates the light that breeds life, and the shadow that harms life. Light and shadow are brothers. The tree of life also spreads the fruits of life and brings wisdom to the universe."

Jakula interrupted and said:

"This broken tree looks like the garnish on a ridiculously large salad. You're really good at blowing it."

Lei Beijie smiled and said:

"I respect your opinion."

Jakula quietly unlocked the electronic handcuffs at this time and said while diverting his attention:

"On the earth I lived on, there were also stories of humans who ate the fruit of wisdom and were exiled from paradise. Do you know who seduced humans into eating it?"

"who is it?"

"It's a snake."

Jakura let the venomous snake he brought from Okinawa, the rice snake, fly out of his sleeves. This rice snake was named "Crowly" by Jakura and was once used as a pet with Jakura. Travel in the universe.


The guards became frightened when they saw a snake thrown at them. At that moment, Jagula pulled out the Snake Heart Sword from the void and held it against Rebeijie's neck.

"do not move."

But Lei Beijie was not afraid at all.

"Jagula, you are a little too dazzling. It can be said to be a snake heart sword pulled out."

"What's the meaning?"

"A good knife should be kept in its sheath."

"Don't act like you know everything."

Lei Beijie still had that soft smile.

"I'm not arresting you for anything else. I want to make a deal with you."


Jakura took away his sword.

Lei Beijie played a three-dimensional image in the air, and a man wearing golden armor appeared in the image. The body is strong and muscular. The armor has large horns like cattle.

"Ferraris, the space weapons dealer. Commonly known as: Bull Ferraris. Whether it is the Interstellar Alliance or the hostile Imbat Federation, he sells monster houses. It can be said that he is a veritable merchant of death and destruction."

Lei Beijie continued:

"Ferraris got the Fruit of Life at some point."

"Fruit of life?"

"It is the seed of the tree of life. When the tree of life withers in one universe, new seeds of life will sprout elsewhere. The seeds of life that bring life and knowledge to the universe are the return of life itself. Once this backflow is used in a bad place, it can create a genetic bomb that will destroy the world."

A structural diagram of the DNA and genetic factor sequence of life was displayed on the screen.

"The genetic factor bomb is said to be able to rewrite and destroy the sequence of organisms by reading their DNA. In other words, it is a bomb that can make a specific race extinct, or turn a specific race into a monster."

"Don't lie to me. Did he really create such an outrageous thing?"

"The source of my information is indeed true. The accuracy is extremely high."


Jakura twisted his neck and made a sound.

"To make a long story short, you just want me to blow up that person."

"Can you tolerate the birth of such an inhumane weapon? It is innocent people who are harmed."

"Isn't that what war is? It makes my ears go numb."

"Didn't you stand on the side of justice in the past?"

"Justice. War is basically started under the banner of justice. Compared with evil, the scale of justice's destruction is greater. And it has nothing to do with me."

Jagula's pet snake swung into his sleeve.

"Bye. If I don't go back early, my mother will worry about me."

Jakura walked towards the exit.

"It seems like there's no way to get him interested."

Lei Beijie asked the guards to put down their guns and said softly:

"But there's also a very interesting image."

Another image began to play on the stereoscopic screen.

The image shows a hooded and restrained girl.

Blue and white sparks splashed out, and the girl screamed.

"Lord Jagula, come and help me! Come and help me!"

Jakura opened his eyes wide

"This is...."

"It's Bilanqi, a prisoner who was imprisoned by the Star Alliance in the past. Her brain waves are connected to another dimension and she can summon monsters. She is a dangerous princess. I heard that she escaped from prison with you."

"what happened."

Seeing Jakula stop, Rebeijie continued:

"She is a unique commodity to Ferraris who control monster weapons. Now she has been captured somewhere in the Imbat Federation."

"What happened to her?"

"If you rescue her and bring back the Fruit of Life, all your crimes will disappear."

Jakula said as if he was about to vomit:

"She's just a bastard who keeps causing trouble for others. It's none of my business."

Rebeijie looked at Jakula with pleading eyes.

"The weak little girl needs your help. Are you really not going to save her?"

Jakula was furious.

"You bastard, do you think I am a good person? How could I go! I will never go to the Imbat Federation!"

So Jagura came to Baphomet, the capital planet of the Imbat Federation. .....

In a cosmic bar in a remote area of ​​the capital planet Baphomet, there are gamblers, mercenaries, evil men, fraudsters from the entire galaxy, spies from various planets, and spies from the Imbat secret police. This is a very unscrupulous person. The place.

Originally, Baphomet was a desert planet, and it was also a desolate planet with only nomadic villages. However, there was a large amount of rare metals buried under the surface. As soon as this came out, it was developed in one go.

Just a few decades later there were mines and processing plants, as well as cities with space immigrants working there, and huge chimneys everywhere.

Then the downtown appeared, and crime and cosmic drugs spread, turning the city into the evil giant city of Baphomet.

The original interstellar alliance puppet government was overthrown and has experienced many coups since then. Now the Imbat Military Council holds the dominance of the planet, and together with the surrounding planets, it forms the Imbat Federation.

The fierce confrontation with the Interstellar Alliance has led to the approaching cosmic war. Baphomet has gathered many mercenaries from the galaxy, so Ferraris' base must be somewhere in Baphomet. Jakura sneaked in to obtain information. Went to a bar near the space airport.

At this time, two gravity-free dice stopped at the center of the celestial sphere. The surface of both dice was one. This is called snake eyes, that is, the two dice will have the same number after being thrown.

As soon as the result came out, Jagula, who was wearing a black coat, caught the Galaxy Credit Card thrown towards him.

"Damn it! One more round"

The Knuckle star who lost consecutive bets with Jagula was a gunman. Unwilling to be reconciled, he started another round. On the stage, the dancers of the Salome star danced under the seven-color lights, and the deformed speakers played the ancient universe network. The popular song "Twinkle Little star".

"Don't mind, I told you to buy you a drink."

A two-headed space man who looks like a man from the Altair galaxy is entangled with a Salome dancing girl. It is a member of a mercenary group stationed in the city to fight the war.

"Please don't do this, we are not that kind of store."

The shopkeeper Godhra stepped in to stop the two-headed spaceman's behavior.

"Is it really okay for you to do this? I don't care if you make big brother angry." One of the heads of the two-headed spaceman said this. So he beat up the Godhra people. The spaceman mercenaries clapped their hands and cheered.

"Let me go! Don't touch me!"

The Salomeian bit the two-headed spaceman's hand

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