Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1308 Eryuan: I haven’t done anything yet, so your U-40 Great Sage is gone?

It is indeed difficult for ordinary Ultra Warriors to fight against the Starry Sky Monster in the form of an ordinary Ultraman, but the two Ultra Warriors who came to U-40 said that although they had never fought against the Starry Sky Monster, they He has fought against existences comparable to giant beasts in the stars.

And there's more than one.

Of course, the two Ultra Soldiers who did not go to the Kingdom of Light but stayed in U-40 did not participate in the special training and did not need to.

Their duty is to try their best to find the last ray of light.

And this last ray of light is very difficult to find. Even the earth cannot condense a new light in the sky.

Light, which has a particularly broad conceptual nature, is particularly difficult to deal with.

Carrying the things given by the will of the earth from their own universe, they traveled through the star gate and came back to this universe again. Gaia and Aguru finally arrived at the outskirts of U-40 after destroying the starry beasts blocking their way.

"Why is your armor useless?" Gaia asked before coming.

"The last time I fought a starry sky beast that was nearly a thousand meters high, I was hit by one of its claws. The armor offset most of the damage, but it was also seriously damaged." Aguru said regretfully: "It cannot be used for the time being."

On Aguru's shoulder, a certain beetle flapped its wings, but it could no longer fly.

Gaia was speechless, and the two of them entered the Tower of Sages together.

"You're back, Gaia, Agur." Inside the Tower of Sages, the great sage who was moving the stars looked at the two Ultra warriors from Earth who entered from outside the door, and spoke again: "Still haven't found the one in the sky. Light?"

"We went back to our own universe and found the will of our planet. He couldn't condense the light of the sky, but he gave this thing to us." As he said that, Gaia held up his palm and condensed a diamond shape. crystal, inside this crystal, the appearance of a bird spreading its wings and about to fly is particularly prominent.

"This is the concept of the sky, but the concept is not enough. We cannot turn it into the light of the sky." Gaia shook his head: "There is still something missing, that is, something that is enough to convert the concept into light. .”

"We think the Great Sage might know." Aguru also spoke: "So we came back."

"I do know what it is that can transform the concept of the sky into the light of the sky." The great sage was not surprised. In the future he saw, he had already seen this scene happening, and he was working hard to realize it. This possibility.

"Go to Ax, only his Rainbow Knife can do it." The Great Sage said an expected name: "Only the Rainbow Knife can transform the concept of the sky into the light of the sky."

"Who is Aix?" Gaia and Aguru looked at each other. They rarely set foot in the new generation. Generally speaking, they don't know many new generation warriors, and they spend most of their time in their own country. Stay in the world and won't come out and run around.

They had no idea who Aix was or what he looked like.

"This is Aix." The great sage had already expected it, and arranged the stars in the sky one by one, showing the appearance of Aix, and the appearance of Aix holding a rainbow knife.

"Go quickly, the decisive battle is about to begin, the stage has been set, and all the supporting characters, protagonists, and villains who should be in place should be on stage."

"There is one thing I don't quite understand, Great Sage." Aguru spoke again, his dark blue figure shining with unique charm under the light of the galaxy: "Is all this the will of the universe?"

"Just like our world and the earth have their own will, the multiverse is all unified in the new era, and their independent wills have become a collection."

"Does the will of the universe have arrangements for all of this?"

The great sage glanced at Aguru in surprise, as if he did not expect Aguru to ask such a question.

"The big universe itself does not have the ability to make rules and decide who lives and who dies, but the rules for the self-operation of the big universe have its own set of rules, which are based on time and space, fate, cause and effect, and various rules. Uncertain factors formed due to entanglement." The great sage moved the stars and arranged them one by one.

"In the cognition of people on earth, there is the concept of constellations, and it has never changed since the sages on earth observed the stars thousands of years ago and named them various constellations. Thousands of years later, this has never changed."

"For humans, a thousand years is a long time, but on a planetary scale, a thousand years is just a moment."

"On the scale of the universe, a thousand years is so small that it is not worth mentioning."

"One day, the constellations will change, but humans will not be able to observe them. And will that be considered a change of the times?"

Agururuo had some realization, and Gaia was also pondering.

“Everything only becomes a fact when it appears in the right place when it should appear, and then is observed and determined.”

"Protagonist, supporting role, big stage, villain, all causal interactions are jointly determined under the rules compiled into uncertainty, and the so-called stage and protagonist are those of us who have observed certain scenes in this uncertainty. And something that is affirmed.”

“Because I saw it, I was identified.”

Aguru understood: "So that's it, is this the so-called prediction of the future, or is it omniscience and omnipotence?"

"It cannot be called omniscient and omnipotent. It is just that in this fog of uncertainty, we can see more, observe more, and then be certain that there are more."

“The more you are seen, the more you are affirmed.”

"That's what it means to be omniscient and omnipotent."

"How much has the Great Sage seen since he observed it now?" Gaia asked.

"I tried my best, but I could only see a little bit." The great sage shook his head: "And just this little bit is enough to cause one thing to have a more profound impact later."

"By the way, go find Jonias. He is giving Victory special training. That new generation warrior should be able to lead you to find Ax."

"We understand." Gaia and Aguru nodded and exited the tower together.

After these two people left, the Great Sage's body suddenly became looming, and his entire existence began to become uncertain, even a little illusory.

"Observe with your own eyes and make sure, it's not free of charge." The great sage closed his eyes and sighed: "Jonias, the U-40 will be left to you for the next few days. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the great sage's body suddenly collapsed and scattered into countless dots of light, which merged into the surrounding sea of ​​stars and dispersed into the sky.

Gaia and Aguru, who were not aware that the Great Sage had "become an immortal", thought that the Great Sage continued to stay at home, so they did not find it any surprise that the Great Sage did not leave the tower.

After all, he is an old otaku and has never left the tower once in thousands of years, so everyone has become accustomed to it.

"In my dream, you go to Jonias first, I want to go to the Kingdom of Light." After leaving the tower, Aguru said: "I want to strengthen this armor with Shikari. "

A mechanical beetle rested on Aguru's shoulder, leisurely and contented. Gaia also knew very well the power of this mechanically created beetle.

After all, he can now transform into SV, and Aguru is not far behind and can also transform.

"But if you go alone, you may encounter danger. We don't know if you are in the shadow universe." Gaia said, "And those guys don't act alone."

If we can go up side by side, we will definitely go up side by side, single-on-one or something like that, the Film Universe doesn’t do that.

During the time when Gaia and Aguru went out to look for the light in the sky, they saw too many such situations and took action to solve many of them. They basically had some understanding of the style of Shadow Universe.

"It doesn't matter, I shouldn't have this in the Shadow Universe." Aguru pointed to the beetle on his shoulder.

"Even if I do encounter it, I'm sure of it."

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