Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1309 No more acting, I’m showing off my cards, I will be the biggest and most brainless Gala

PS: I think with this word count, I can ask for a monthly subscription and reward (proud)

Also, this is a must-read chapter.

At night, regardless of physical fatigue, Xiaoguang questioned being discharged from the hospital and asked Ichijoji to lead him to the surprise Mei Ling prepared for him.

Ichijodera looked at Xiaoguang's panting and knew that his body was not feeling well yet, but he was able to make such a choice, which really made Ichijodera feel very relieved.

After all, no matter what, he would take Meiling's mood into consideration. This is Xiaoguang.

After going through the discharge procedures, Ichijoji drove Xiaoguang along the way. He hurriedly and slowly arrived at the gate of Jiangxing Primary School after dark.

Because of their efforts a long time ago, Jiangxing Primary School was saved from being demolished and is still here. Later, with the help of Meiling, the school was reopened and started to operate again.

During Xiaoguang's absence, Jiangxing Primary School even completed the enrollment process, making the school that was once on the verge of destruction operational again.

Many of the children who graduated from here dispersed to various parts of the world a few years later, and many of these people returned to school and worked hard to help their alma mater regain a new life.

It can be said that it is everyone's hard work and hard work that has revived this school.

"Jianxing Elementary School... I remember that Mei Ling is not only a shrine maiden at the shrine, but also a teacher at the school." Xiaoguang stood outside the school gate. Although his view was temporarily blocked by the iron gate, he also knew about the resurrection of Jiangxing Elementary School. .

"Yes, not only Meiling, but also Chigusa and Shota. One is a dance and music teacher, and the other is a physical education and mathematics teacher." Ichijodera said with his arms crossed: "And I am also here, but I don't come often."

"Children, have you asked where Mei Ling went these days?" Xiaoguang spoke again.

"I told the children that Teacher Mei Ling has gone away for a while and will not be at home for the time being." Ichijodera said, "But this can only be fooled for a while. If time goes by, the children will definitely notice that something is wrong."

"I will bring Mei Ling back, I will!" Xiaoguang nodded heavily, turned to face the iron door, stretched out his hand and pushed it open, as if opening a brand new door.

After the door was opened, the gentle light warmed the surrounding environment with soft tones. The children gathered together with innocent smiles and flawless faces.

The children wearing paper crowns looked at Xiao Guang who pushed the door open and opened their mouths.

"Welcome Teacher Xiaoguang!"

Behind the children, there are the security guards in Jiangxing Town; the bosozokus who were spurned by people in the past; the boxers who gave up their dreams; the social animals who work outside and have their edges smoothed by life; the mobile vendors...

There are so many people who have walked out of this school and have their own various lives, all gathered here holding candlelight in their hands.

These people said nothing and gave all the words to the children.

In the midst of them, Principal Shirai was getting older, but after seeing Jiangxing Elementary School resurrected, she was also full of energy, smiling every day, and in a particularly good mood.

"We don't know why Mei Ling summoned us, but tonight, we are all gathered here." Principal Shirai spoke, looking at everyone around him, and countless lights flashed in his cloudy eyes: "A long time ago , when Lukiel possessed me, he said that the students who graduated from Jiangxing Elementary School were garbage, waste, and cancer of society."

"This is all Jiangxing Primary School's fault. It's all my fault. It's me and this school who failed to provide them with a better education and led the students to go astray. I'm not a qualified principal."

Xiaoguang walked in slowly and looked at everyone who was so familiar that they couldn't be more familiar.

Ichijodera leaned against the gate and did not participate.

Shota appeared on the other side and did not participate. Instead, he watched from a distance, his eyes reflecting the bustle of the world with stars and lights.

"However, the children told me with their own actions that what Luciel said was wrong." Principal Shirai continued: "Xiaoguang, that is not only the light of the Milky Way, but also your light."

"With what you did, you brought us the light of the galaxy and brought a turnaround for all of us and this school."

"Yes, Xiaoguang, if you hadn't been pursuing your dream, I'm afraid I still think that pursuing dreams is nonsense." This is a boxer who has given up on his dream.

"Yes, attributing one's own failure to such an issue is just to find reasons for oneself." This is the female painter who once attempted to ignite the school to commit suicide.

"Each of us may not be able to do our best, but we will still stand up when this school needs us." This is the security guard in the town: "Xiaoguang, Mei Ling summoned us and wanted us to tell you. Convey a word.”

"No matter what." The people holding the candles all spoke together, with the weak candlelight reflected in their eyes. The swaying hope was like the flame in their hearts, which would never be extinguished.

"Even if we stop, Xiaoguang, you will stride forward and keep moving forward, taking our share with you."

"As long as you never forget us, we will always exist."

In the end, starting from Principal Shirai, they all said a sentence that Mei Ling gave them and also learned from a certain Quan.

"Because you will be the proof of our existence."

As soon as the words finished, the children shook the light sticks in their hands and, together with the adults, sang the school song of this ill-fated school, which has been passed down from generation to generation.

Just like when this school was built, hopeful people sang together and looked forward to the future.

Just like now, children who have never fallen into a new age, graduated from here and returned here are singing here, looking back on the past, and looking forward to the future.

Generation after generation.

"きみはなぜ歩いていく (Why are you moving forward?)"

"そこにぼくらのTomorrow tomorrow! (Because there is our tomorrow ahead)"

"The time to stand still"

"The time when you are sad and painful"

"Hoko を见てごらん (Look around)

"Smiley face (full of smiles)"

"Ichigo learns んだ (Let's study together)"

"みんながいるよ(Everyone is here)

"だから歩んでゆける(So I kept walking)"

"Falling star no もと (In this place where stars fall)"

"Forget the future (please don't forget your future)"

"ぼくらの梦を (And our dreams)"

"What's going on? (Why should I run forward?)"

"The dream of Brilliance is chasing after that shining dream"

"When you lose your way"

"The time of mourning and hesitation"

"だから信じていける(So I chose to believe in each other)"

"Falling Stars" (In this place where stars fall)

"The future will definitely come to you"

"ぼくらの梦に (In our dreams)"

"What Mei Ling wants to tell, what we want to tell, is all here." Qiancao held the wreath, and the wreath weaved together by everyone was handed to Xiao Guang.

"Although, the person who should hand over this garland at this time should be Mei Ling, and the gems she should inlay on it with her own hands are not available yet, but..." Qiancao burst into tears, raised her head and looked at Xiaoguang stubbornly: "But, This is Meiling’s wish…”

A big hand covered Chigusa's head, interrupting her subsequent words.

Xiaoguang took the garland and put it around his neck without any resistance.

"I used to be hesitant between two ideas."

"On the one hand, I want to continue fighting side by side with Yinhe, but on the other hand, I can't bear to leave you all."

"Because I know that time will not wait for me. When I don't pay attention, everyone will leave me and disappear around me."

Being able to talk about this in front of so many people shows that Xiaoguang is indeed facing his own heart at this moment.

"I'm scared, hesitant, and hesitant. I can't make a choice. I don't want to give up anything, but I...have to choose one."

"Everyone, to this day, I still have not made a choice, even at this moment."

"But you made me understand that there are some things that transcend time, life and death, and are passed down from generation to generation and will never be extinguished."

"Right in my heart, in front of me."

"That is the real eternity."

Xiaoguang closed his eyes, and the galaxy sparks and dark sparks appeared out of thin air in front of him, and there was a sacred and thick voice that sounded together.

"Eternity is intercepting the happiness of the past and staying in that moment."

"Continuously open up towards the future. Beautiful things need to be created all the time. That is eternity."

Two different voices sounded one after another. The next moment, the dark spark and the galaxy spark approached each other until they completely touched each other. Light and darkness were intertwined. In the end, the two sparks merged into one, and a new spark completely appeared in Xiaoguang's head. before.


At this moment, countless causal lines collapsed and severed, and the entire universe was shaken. Even the Shadow Universe was greatly affected.

Because of one person's awakening, the two big universes all changed.

"He finally figured it out!" The King of Ultra jumped up, extremely excited: "The Milky Way! The Galaxy without division!"

"The strongest of the new generation, the true first Ultra Warrior of the new generation, has finally returned!"

"In this way, one of the most important forces that made up Lingjia's advent has finally been restored. It seems that this war is just around the corner." Saijia nodded with satisfaction. As an old otaku, he is naturally paying attention to the new generation. growth.

Among them, the Milky Way is the top priority.

Saka was very happy to see the light in the auditorium awakening, transcending his predetermined destiny, and walking out of a new future.

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