Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1448: Brother Tazi’s natural enemy: Zeta (referring to Zeta who can’t remember his name no m

If there is only one person, Zeta will persist for a long time with the continuous help of a nanny, and it will be difficult for the opponent to get past Zeta's entanglement and attack Grigio.

But that's one-on-one.

But this time it was different. With Tartarus's participation, it changed from one-on-one to two-on-one, so Zeta had nothing to do.

"There is actually one more." Zeta took a few steps back and came to Griqiao's side: "Senior Griqiao, you leave first."

"Why leave? Just leave together." Pulling Zetara behind him, Grigio's posture changed dramatically, from the original relatively childish posture to the height of a normal Ultraman. Not only that , even the stripes on the body have changed dramatically.

Of course, the biggest change is the red energy core on her chest, and the change from the original Gricho hair style to that of Nexus.

"Huh?" Zeta still remembered Grigio's image, but the same orange Ultraman who appeared from behind him made Zeta's perception a little confused.

This...is this Grigio?

"Don't look, Zeta, I'm Grigio too." As if feeling the constant attention from Zeta's diamond-like eyes, Yuan Chaoyang gave a thumbs up.

Yuan Chaoyang also inherited the posture that his old father liked to do the most.

"Sure enough, Gricho's statement of one body and two souls is true." Seeing Gricho's huge change, Tartarus said with certainty: "The daughter of the savior... the legend is true."

"Humph, I know you, Tartarus." Yuan Chaoyang shouldered the responsibility of fighting against Tartarus without hesitation. She also knew very well that there is no doubt about Zeta's ability to act as a tank, but do you expect his output? …

Before the top pilots are in place, it is better to rely on Zeta's output than to rely on Hikali to stabilize.

"Let's go." With a soft voice, Tartarus folded his arms, and the ruby ​​​​on the back of his hand flashed for a moment. The golden door did not open, but instead revealed a golden ball composed of the power of the kingdom.

The terrifying energy of the thunderous explosion lingered on the surface of the energy ball and was restrained within a small sphere.

Tartarus was very cautious. In the enemy's base camp, he chose to attack with all his strength and win a quick victory.

"This energy...you have already..." Feeling the energy level of Tartarus, Yuan Chaoyang was very surprised: "You have actually reached the transcendent?"

Yuan Chaoyang himself has the status of a transcendent, but he is absolutely unable to reach it in terms of power.

Only by merging with Rosso and Blue to become Grob, the three in one can become a transcendent.

And Tartarus... is the most orthodox Transcendent. He has reached the standard in every aspect. His personality, strength... etc. are all powerful.

Yuan Chaoyang knew that facing a transcendent figure, it was impossible for her to defeat him.

"Zeta, you leave first." Although Yuan Chaoyang also knows that the other party's target is her, not Zeta, but that also means that the other party wants a living Yuan Chaoyang, and Zeta's life and death are not that important. .

If Zeta continues to stay here and performs one move of absolute destruction, even if Zeta can block the Taurus, he may not be able to withstand Tartarus.

"Senior Grigio, I won't leave!" Although Hanhan only had recklessness in his mind, he was definitely a qualified Ultra Warrior and would never abandon his companions and run away.

"Idiot, go find me a helper!" Yuan Chaoyang turned around and kicked Zeta, sending him flying out: "Go find your master!"

As soon as he finished speaking the following words, Yuan Chaoyang's body was suddenly enveloped by a golden energy. The power of the Kingdom's Absolut imprisoned Yuan Chaoyang's body. Tartarus, who was exerting all his strength, did not hold back any of his hands. , followed closely by the expansion of the Narak space, swallowing Yuan Chaoyang in at an instant speed.

"I'm going to kill that Ultraman." With their fists touching each other in front of them, Taurus took a few steps forward and walked towards Zeta: "If I bring such a sandbag to the kingdom, I won't have to worry about it in the future. "

"Don't be willful." Taking hold of Taurus's arm, Tartarus said solemnly: "This is the Kingdom of Light, not a kingdom. Just fight and decide quickly. That guy is not important."

"...Okay." Although Taurus was very reluctant, he felt that what Tartarus said was not bad.

But in fact, deep down in his heart, Taurus still felt that Tartarus was too stable.

Gricho has been swallowed up into the Narak space, and everyone is already on their own territory. What if they just hang out here for a while?

Anyway, these Ultraman can't rescue Gricho.

"Let's go meet our old friends." The Narak Gate opened again, swallowing up Taurus and Tartarus. The moment he entered the golden door, Taurus seemed extremely dissatisfied. At the moment when the space was about to close, the rigid force of the Ox-breaking Fist was released.

Carrying one of the cosmic fantasy beast fists: the Gangli Breaking Ox Fist, the red runes composed of horn-like shock waves tore apart the floor of the Kingdom of Light and rushed towards Zeta in a mighty manner.

Zeta crossed his hands in front of him and charged directly towards the Gangli Po Niu Fist. While charging forward, he was still shouting some unclear meanings, and then collided with the Gangli Po Niu Fist.

There was another roaring explosion, and the tormented Street of the Kingdom of Light exploded to pieces. Zeta, covered in black smoke, flew upside down and hit the wall nearby, knocking a hole out of it.

But despite this, Zeta's timer still did not flash, and his body did not suffer much damage.

Unlike a guy whose chest was full of pimples, who was kicked to the ground and then flashed lights in his own country of light, Zeta knew at a glance that he was an honest person and could not act at all.

"Senior Grigio..." With a groan, Zeta stood up unsteadily: "No, I have to go find Master Zero. Now only Master Zero can..."

After this happened, the first thing Zeta thought of was Zero, because Zero's power was imprinted in Zeta's mind and never wavered.

But... if this happens, Zero will usually appear on the battlefield as the most active one, but now... Zero is nowhere to be seen.

Obviously he is not in the Kingdom of Light.

However, although Zero was not here, the successive explosions here still attracted the attention of some people in the Kingdom of Light.

"Zeta!" Ace arrived first. The energy fluctuations of Zestium's light were quite special. Ace naturally sensed this fluctuation, especially when he arrived and saw the situation here, it was even more shocking.

The battle here seems to be particularly fierce.

"Aisnisan!" Zeta was very excited after seeing Ace: "Senior Grigio, senior she..."

"She..." After thinking for a long time, Zeta was still a little dazed for a while.

What are the names of those two guys?

"Calm down, Zeta." Holding Zeta's shoulders with both hands, Ace said solemnly: "What happened here? What's wrong with Grigio?"

"Senior Grigio was kidnapped by two golden guys." Zeta could only describe it this way: "There was a gold one in that one. As soon as he stretched out his hands, Senior Grigio disappeared in front of me. !”

"Golden Man?" Ace was stunned, and then immediately said: "Is it Tartarus?"

"I don't know!" Zeta was quite confused.

Which of the two is Tartarus?

"...I know about this, Zeta, come with me to guard the Plasma Spark Tower!" Ace said in a deep voice: "I will send Ultra's signature to let Zero know about Gricho."

"Tartarus and Zero also have the ability to travel through time and space. If you want to deal with him, you can only let Zero go." Ace recalled what happened during this time.

This guy has been quite active during this period.

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