Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1449: Someone took Julian’s script, I can’t say.

"Come in you."

It’s still that familiar room, it’s still that familiar place.

Mebius was lying on the ground as always, and Regulus was tied up as always.

No matter how you look at it, this is a place where only a group of semi-disabled people would stay.

But at this moment, the place where these half-disabled people stayed once again welcomed a new guest, but this time it was not a golden bull, but Brother Tazi and Yuan Chaoyang, who was bound by a golden ring.

"Now that you're here, don't think about having another chance to go out." He snapped his fingers and untied Gridqiao. Brother Tazi looked at the three people here and said with great satisfaction: " Just wait and wait until the dust settles, and you will be the end of everything and the final witness to the arrival of our kingdom."

"Does the last witness mean to kill us in public?" Membius raised his head, and the timer still flashed as fast as before. This was intentional on his part, otherwise it wouldn't be possible. Didn't Brother Tazi recognize him at a glance?

In such an energy-isolated place, if the flashing of the timer were restored, wouldn't it be self-exposed?

Besides, Mebius doesn’t think Tartarus is so outrageous.

"Huh, of course we'll talk about what happened at that time." Brother Tazi clapped his hands, and then, a group of faceless kingdom fish... I mean the kingdom guards entered them, captured Mumbius, and escorted him to Go outside.

"Let me see why you can give birth to a being like the Phoenix Warrior..." Brother Tazi turned around and looked at the back of Mebius who was gradually going away, his milky white eyes shining with the light of wisdom.

We have already studied Regulus, so what is the point of studying another Mebius?

If the secret of the Phoenix Hero can be found out, or the Kingdom can have a Phoenix Hero, then this is the best thing for the Kingdom.

As for offending the Kingdom of Light... I have already captured Mebius. Doesn’t this count as offending the Kingdom of Light?

So what if I offend you more harshly?

"What do you want to do to Membius?" He never expected that Membius would appear here. Yuan Chaoyang was very shocked, but a little enlightened.

No wonder Mombius has been missing for so long. She hasn't seen any trace of Mombius for a long time.

"Ha, this matter has nothing to do with you." Shaking his head, Tartarus pushed Yuan Chaoyang in: "As the daughter of the savior, you may be able to get something from the savior."

"Want to threaten my father?" Yuan Chaoyang said.

"That's not necessarily true." Tartarus did not want to be a question-answer star and resolutely eliminated the possibility of becoming such a person: "It may also be used to threaten O-50? Or... it is used to prevent Grob from appearing. possible."

"Of course, it's possible because your Transcendence Crystal is what I also want." As he said that, Tartarus looked up and down Yuan Chaoyang's body wantonly: "Isn't it that a Transcendent like you is like a piece of crystal?" Is it delicious?"

"If you want, just bite something off your body." The wanton look showed no intention of concealing it: "Don't worry, after Mebius, it will be your turn."

"Don't expect to get anything from me." Yuan Chaoyang said firmly.

"Then let's wait and see who will come to see you next." After walking out of the golden door, Tartarus's confident laughter was still echoing.

But this still doesn't change one fact.

"You are..." Regulus raised his head and looked at this orange Ultraman he had never seen before.

"Yuan Chaoyang, Ultraman Nexus." Turning around, Yuan Chaoyang looked at Regulus who was obviously in poor condition, and was also very curious: "Speaking of which, who are you? Why have I never seen you before? .”

"I am Ultraman Regulus, from D-60 Draconis." Regulus said, and then seeing Yuan Chaoyang's look of sudden understanding, he knew that she did not understand.

Purely ignorant, pretending to understand.

"Looking at your condition, it doesn't seem to be very good." As he spoke, Yuan Chaoyang knocked on his forehead and completed the switch between one body and two souls in an instant, and Nexus, who was in an orange fighting posture, also followed suit. It became the normal appearance of Grigio.

"You..." Although it is still orange, both its height and aura have undergone tremendous changes.

Especially that head, the change was so huge that Regulus was not sure it was the same person.

"Hi! I'm Grigio, Ultraman Grigio." Unlike Yuan Chaoyang, Grigio, who made the sign of six, seemed to be introducing herself: "You should have met Xiao Yuan just now, right? , Hehe, that’s my other half, my best best friend!”

【Hello! To describe our relationship as friends is not enough! 】

"It's okay, it's okay." Gricho, who whispered something, turned around again and looked at Regulus sheepishly: "Well... I'm sorry, mainly because Xiao Yuan is not good at treatment, so he asked me to come."

As he spoke, Gricho condensed a golden energy ball and threw it into Regulus' timer.

The golden particles spread in all directions with Regulus' timer as the center, and soon dispersed into Regulus's limbs and bones.

Regulus felt it. Although his body was still empty and his physical condition was not satisfactory, it was indeed better than before.

"Thank you, I'm much better." Regulus raised his head: "But this kind of treatment cannot make me recover, and there is no way to replenish it here. You should keep it and help yourself."

"My injuries cannot be cured even if you exhaust your own light."

"Eh? But I really don't feel any consumption." Grigio was a little stunned, and then in Regulus's disbelieving eyes, he condensed the same energy ball again and threw it into Regulus' timer again. .

Not one, but several such energy balls were thrown one after another, all of which sank into Regulus' body.

"It's not...you...this..." A wave of questions came directly. Regulus had never seen Ultraman like this.

As we all know, treatment requires more energy than destruction, but the Ultraman in front of him seems to have broken this convention and turned treatment into a particularly simple matter.

Grigio, on the other hand, ignored Regulus's surprise. Disliked that the ball was thrown too slowly, she raised her hands forward and funneled the golden light particles into Regulus' timer bit by bit.

If it was like water droplets of pen and ink melting away before, then this time, it is a trickling river, flowing continuously, rushing like a dragon into Regulus's body, continuously repairing Regulus's wear and tear.

Now, if in the past, something like this happened where a seriously injured strong man was locked up with a wet nurse, most readers would ask: Is there something wrong with the author's brain? Is this scenario possible?

But Brother Tazi's operation made this matter from impossible to possible.

Then Brother Tazi has done this, so I can’t say that I will be criticized if I imitate him, right?

Regulus did not speak, but concentrated on his own thoughts, mobilized the remaining energy in his body, guided the foreign light to travel throughout his body, and reconnected the blocked body.

This was also the reason why he couldn't control his body at the moment and didn't even have the strength to stand up.

"Okay, okay! Gricho!" Feeling the huge repaired trauma in his body, Regulus quickly spoke to stop Gricho's behavior: "We can't continue."

"If those guys come in and see that my timer has been restored, then they will definitely notice something is wrong." Regulus's voice lost the despair for the future and instead burst out with a breath of life.

If there was hopeless despair before, then this time, there is clear hope that can be seen in front of you.

"That's right." Grigio stopped her treatment: "How is your condition now?"

"It's already very good." Regulus responded with a smile.

"Thank you, Ultraman Grigio."

"Go tell Titan, the Ultra brothers who are fighting with him at the moment, no matter who it is, let Titan tell him that Taiga has been captured and will be executed soon." After leaving the Narak space, Brother Tazi immediately started giving orders to the kingdom's miscellaneous fish...I mean guards.

"Next, if the possibility of Super Tyro is eliminated, the Kingdom of Light will be completely within my grasp." Brother Tazi looked firm.

"The fate of the kingdom will also undergo a complete change..."

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