Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1458 1449: Gilbaris: Except for Geed, I will not be afraid of anyone! (Sero: Take out the di


Using the strength of his arms to force down the sword of a white dragon, Leo, who is proficient in cosmic boxing, is quite capable in close combat. Although Taro is the strongest overall among Showa O, the other Ultra brothers have reached the pinnacle of this field in another aspect, each with their own abilities.

The moment he saw Zero landing with a dazzling golden light, Leo pushed the white dragon away and kicked Galatron in the chest, knocking it back.

Zero's cluster rays swept away the enemies surrounding him, but Galatron's army further out was beyond the reach of even the cluster rays.

But it doesn't matter, Zero is already prepared.

Kicking the red steel fighting instrument inserted aside and flying high in the rotation, Sero saw the opportunity and kicked the red steel fighting instrument away with a sideways kick. He rushed forward with a swift momentum, knocking all the people along the way. Galatron pushed back the obstacles and rushed towards Leo's location.

Leo strode forward without any intention of dodging. Face to face, he jumped up from the ground and grabbed the Red Steel Fighting Instrument with his head down. At the same time, his whole body completed a large spin in the air, and the Red Steel Fighting Instrument was launched. Yi brought up a handful of fiery red traces and smashed them heavily on the ground.

The steel earth was hit hard, cracks were everywhere, and the broken parts scattered on the earth jumped up after being shaken.

With the red steel fighting instrument in hand, Leo stood up again, and used the two pop-up blades from the front part of the red steel fighting instrument to penetrate the core of the attacking Galatron's chest, and broke it with one blow, directly burying him.

Different from the previous efforts to eliminate one by all means, with the Red Steel Fighting Instrument in hand, these Galatrons do not seem to pose much of a threat.

But this is understandable. After all, the Red Steel Fighting Instrument was the only thing made by the Xians in the past that could cause harm to Gilbaris.

As for the other Gigabit Combat Instrument, it has been kept by Geed, his son, and no one in the world knows where it is.

After giving the red steel to his master, Sero pressed the relief and engraved the mark of the times. Under the number 2015, the golden door appeared in front of him again. In full view of everyone, Sero directly reached in and took out The rainbow knife.

"X, let's go together!" Not only the Rainbow Sword appeared, but also Ultraman X who appeared from the golden gate.

Ax, who maintained a transcendent posture, held the rainbow knife in his hand. After nodding with Zero, he aimed at the core of Gilbaris over there.

That is, the prototype of all Galatrons, the black dragon Gilbaris.

"Aix-Beyond the Cut!" x2.

In a sense, Zero has accomplished something impossible, which is to allow two rainbow knives to exist in this world, and to make X's transcendent cutting become a two-person skill at this moment.

The colorful rainbow space formed a unique field from behind Aix, wrapping Gilbaris. Aix jumped into the air, placed the rainbow knife in front of him in a high-speed flying attitude, and rushed towards Gilbaris.

Although Zero took out the Rainbow Knife, he couldn't be concentric with the Rainbow Knife and didn't know what to do, so he summoned Aix, and under the leadership of Aix, used the Rainbow Knife's strength.

He also flew out at a high speed and placed the Rainbow Knife in front of him. Zero caught up with Aix and caught up with him. The two sides moved up and down. In the space of the Rainbow Knife, the two transcended cutting and merged. Using their combined skills, the two of them rotated together to form a terrifying storm, charging towards Gilbaris with an even more powerful form.

The opening of the Rainbow Realm eliminated the possibility of other Galatrons intervening, making this path unobstructed.

Gilbaris also understood this, so he used all his strength.

In his calculations, there was a possibility that such an attack could be resisted.

There is no emotional factor at the core of Gilbaris's rampage, so the power of purification beyond cutting is almost equivalent to being ineffective for it.

And since it is ineffective, then this is an ordinary special move.

As a prototype machine body, Gilbaris's ability values ​​in all aspects completely overwhelmed Galatron. Even the composition of the magic circle, its thickness and strength were not exaggerated.

The rainbow storm hit Gilbaris's magic shield, and the super-amount of light exerted tremendous pressure on the magic shield, forcing the entire shield to dent.

But even so, the shield still has no intention of breaking.

After struggling to block the duo's combo, Gilbaris shook the wings behind his back and unleashed an attack with full muzzle power. Whether it was physical missiles or light attacks, he fired them all, hitting the two guys in front of him.

Not only that, Gilbaris also manipulated the steel earth of the planet Kesia, popping up a solid pillar underground, and slammed into Zero and X from the ground, forcing the direction of their rainbow storm to finally It was guided towards the sky, passing over the shield that was already concave and twisted to the point of being unseemly.

The rainbow space disappeared, and Gilbaris returned to the world of Xia.

In the sky, after the rainbow light dissipated, Aix and Zero separated from each other. Zero flew upside down and landed in front of Gilbaris, releasing Emelium Cutting, killing the already overwhelmed protector. Shield broken.

Red eyes locked on Zero's body. Gilbaris stretched out his hands and released explosive projectiles from his fingertips, hitting Zero.

Brushing three reliefs at once, summoning Tiga, Dyna, and Gaia, three Ultra warriors, the Heisei Three Heroes jumped out of the three golden gates representing their respective time periods in 1996, 1997, and 1998. They came out and worked together to build a shield in front of Zero, blocking Gilbaris' full-power cannon fire.

But the real trump card is not in him, but in the sky.

A flash of light fell from the sky, Gilbaris' continuous action of pouring firepower suddenly stopped, and the functions of the entire body came to a standstill.

This situation was not understood by him, but the rainbow knife inserted into his back and half-submerged had made the situation clear.

"Good job, Aix." Jumping out from behind the three heroes, Zero summoned the gate of 2017 and summoned Ged.

"This is it, the last blow!" The rainbow knife locked Gilbaris' body. Zero knew that the time was short, so he seized the time. He also did not forget what Gilbaris was afraid of, so he called Geed again. out.

And Geed still maintains his final posture.

In the sky, Ax placed his hand on the rainbow crystal above his head.

Zero stood beside the Heisei Three Heroes, preparing to release the cluster ray.

Tiga, Dyna, and Gaia were preparing to move the light forward at the same time. Even this time, Gaia did not cut to SV, but was preparing to give up the head to V2.

This is really a strange thing for Gaia.

On the other side, Geede activated the Red Steel Fighting Instrument three times in a row, stimulating the true power of Red Steel and preparing for the final kill.

"X head dart ray."

"Chonghuang cluster ray."

"Zeperio Ray."

"Soljet Ray."

"Quantum streamlines."

"Ged's final - Crescent Slash."

Attacks from the sky, the ground, and from behind hit Gilbaris from three directions. The machine was locked and unable to move. It could only watch the light coming and destroy him in an instant.

Chi Gang broke through its defense, while the other rays hit the sure kill.

Gilbaris died suddenly in the explosion, and the entire virtual planet came to a halt in an instant. Not only that, it was also facing collapse and disintegration.

"Everyone, give me a helping hand. This planet cannot explode at the edge of the Kingdom of Light!" Realizing this, Zero pressed all the reliefs and summoned all the Ultra warriors from the Heisei era to Gricho. .

Zero raised his hand.

"Come on, everyone!"

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