Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1459 1450: There is a piece in this chapter that needs an emoticon, but I don’t have one, so

After pushing the virtual planet Kesia away, allowing this artificial mechanical planet to explode in the dark depths of the universe, Zero stood at the front, in position C, feeling the explosion of a planet. The aftermath of the explosion.

That was a real planet explosion, a real self-destruction that could annihilate the planet.

Although it may not be able to ruin the Kingdom of Light, it will definitely be another torture for the buildings of the Kingdom of Light.

"Thank you all for your help." Zero turned around and looked at the many Ultra warriors behind him.

These Ultra warriors who were summoned by him from different time periods and from their respective eras helped him a lot in this battle.

We are all Ultra Warriors. If there is any difficulty, everyone can lend a hand to help. Therefore, in response to Zero's thanks, the Ultra Warriors from different eras just nodded slightly and gradually dissipated in the original place. land.

Soon, many Ultra Warriors from the mighty Heisei Era, all Ultra Warriors from the New Generation to Grigio, all disappeared in front of Zero.

Also disappearing with it was the golden armor on Zero's body, which turned into a dial again and was caught in Zero's hand.

But I don't know if it was because there were too many warriors from all eras summoned in one wash this time, which caused the dial's power consumption to be so serious that the golden luster on its surface became much duller.

"It seems a bit forced to pull out so many friends at once." But in the end, it was not used to the extent of causing sparks. Although it looked a bit bleak, it was not a big deal.

"You have grown up a lot, Zero." On the other side, in the universe, the first generation, Seven, Jack, and the Leo brothers stood together, looking at Zero's back. The first generation unconsciously said this emotion.

"None of us thought that Zero could actually grow to this point."

"Strictly speaking, he belongs to both the Heisei era and the new generation." Astra still remembers what Ouou and Gensen said: "He is the last one in the Heisei era, and he is also the zero of the new generation." ."

"Therefore, only he can use this power. He himself represents the link between past and present. No one can do it except him." Jack nodded and continued: "Ksia's invasion has been resolved, we We have to deal with the things we need to deal with."

"Is there anything else?" Leo came over urgently from the King's Star. Together with Astra, he even used up a lot of energy to come here so fast.

It's just that all the Kesia have been wiped out, and the mechanical creations that invaded the Kingdom of Light have come to a standstill. This war is about to end with the naked eye.

Why did Jack say it was just the beginning?

"We received Tyro's Ultra signature before. On the Crystal Star, Baxter was resurrected." Severn said: "That Baxter guy, it would be better if he was discovered as soon as possible. If he has been hiding for too long, , and if we get him another Hypajton like that, everything will be over."

"That guy actually came back to life?" Leo was very surprised.

"Before that, Taiga and the others also took over the mission to explore the Crystal Star. Unexpectedly, they happened to meet him." Severn said: "Let's go back to replenish some energy first, and then wait for Zofi to come back and call Ace. , let’s go there together.”

"If Baxter is resurrected, let me go." At this time, Zero also flew over. After hearing the conversation between Severn and the others, he immediately volunteered and said: "That guy, I know him very well, let me go." Bar."

"No!" Seven refused without thinking: "You can't go!"

"In the Ultra signature sent back by Zofi, it was stated that Membius had been captured by the Kingdom. After Membius was captured, the Kingdom of Light was immediately invaded. Do you think there is no connection between the two? "?" Seven grabbed Zero's shoulders and said solemnly: "You have to remember, Zero, the Kingdom of Light needs you now!"

"Now that Mebius is gone, in this new era, the Kingdom of Light needs your power!"

Although Father Ao's injury will not become more serious as time goes by, it will become known to more and more people in the universe.

Now not only the local universe of the Kingdom of Light, but even the beings in other universes know that Ao's waist is injured.

Therefore, although Ultra's father has strong combat power, he will still be targeted.

Chaotai, composed of six brothers, once held up a sky for the Kingdom of Light. In this new era, Zero, who has become more and more powerful, and Mebius, who has awakened the Phoenix Brave, jointly formed the Kingdom of Light. The new top combat power of the Kingdom of Light, and the best choice to ensure the security of the Kingdom of Light.

But now, if something happens to Mebius, Zero can never leave the Kingdom of Light.

"But. If I go, I can..." Zero was still a little unwilling, especially for this kind of thing. He thought he was the most suitable.

"Sero, the Kingdom of Light has just been invaded. You are needed here." The story of Zero's retaking the Plasma Spark Tower in the past is still being told. Now that the Kingdom of Light has just been invaded, Zero is sitting in charge of the Kingdom of Light. , will provide those young Ultraman with sufficient confidence.

Regardless of reputation or combat power, Zero is more suitable to stay in the Kingdom of Light than them.

"Sero, have you forgotten what you once said to me?" Leo also spoke at this time: "You said you wanted to protect the Kingdom of Light."

"And now is when the Kingdom of Light needs you."

As soon as Leo said these words, Zero completely accepted his fate. Just looking at his old father and several uncles, Zero was still a little worried: "Then I will return to the Kingdom of Light. Please be careful."

"Don't worry, if the six Ultra brothers are together, nothing will happen." The first generation smiled and put up a flag, completely forgetting the experience of the six brothers going up one by one to send him off, and almost being shot through by Tyrant.

After agreeing on the next task assignment, Seven and others also returned to the Kingdom of Light.

After Gilbaris was eliminated, the war was over, and the Kingdom of Light only needed to carry out some finishing work.

It's just that those buildings that were finally rebuilt were completely destroyed in this war.

If you want to repair it, it takes so long, but if you want to destroy it, you can do it in an instant.

Does this scene also represent the current situation in the universe?

Even though there are countless warriors working hard to maintain the peace of the universe, this peace is still extremely fragile, and it is still something that will collapse instantly as soon as it is pushed down.

In the first generation, they landed on the platform of the Plasma Spark Tower, where Ace had been waiting for them for a long time.

As for Ultra's father and Ultra's mother, one appears in the Bureau of Science and Technology, and the other appears in the Silver Cross Society. They both have their own affairs and cannot escape for the time being.

"Brother Zuo Fei? Haven't you come back yet?" After seeing the first generation and the others coming back, Ace immediately came to greet him: "We can't wait any longer! Tyro must need us very much!"

"Brothers, the situation is urgent now, let's go first!" Ace is still the same bad temper as before, especially when he is waiting like this, it makes him lose his temper.

"Master!" Zeta, who was waiting here with Ace, suddenly saw Zero returning and immediately rushed up to him and ran to Zero's side, very happy.

Although Zero sounded disgusted, he actually liked Zeta quite a lot. This could be seen from the fact that he did not push away Zeta's hand that grabbed him.

"I just saw it. Master waved his hand! So many seniors who I didn't even know appeared all of a sudden!" Zeta was as excited as Fengyuan who was flying a plane: "It's really amazing!"

"Humph, do you still need to tell me?" Zero wiped his nose and said proudly.

"If you want to be as good as me, you still have 20,000 years to go~"

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