Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1534 All humans can do is to protect themselves (Gauss Earth:?)

"Why did Zetta-san stop me from destroying that monster this time?"

After the battle, the Armory still has a lot to do to deal with the problems that arose in this battle. For example, the issue of Jinguqiao is completely different from the previous Severnga and Uyingdam, and is almost a powerful robot from another dimension. and issues beyond your control as a driver.

And most importantly, the issue of Zeta's position...and the issue of King Red's handling.

"Perhaps, he felt compassion." Jakura said inadvertently, telling the truth of the matter directly: "After all, Ultraman is not a combat weapon, he also has his own ideas. .”

"Isn't it normal to be difficult to deal with a parent who protects his children?" Jagula knocked on the table and repeated his words in a rhythmic voice: "But, this kind of kindness, for human beings For me, maybe I don’t need to accept it.”

"You don't need to accept it?" Yaohui, who was already in an extremely low mood, heard Jakula say this, his eyes widened, and he raised his head in disbelief: "Captain, why do you say that?"

"Because he is an Ultra Warrior. Even if King Red goes crazy, he still has the ability to stop him." Jagula turned his head and stared at Haruki through his hair: "But humans are different."

"Human beings can really feel the threat of King Red."

"And..." Jagula has seen a lot of this kind of thing, so he sees it very clearly: "Human beings will desperately want to eliminate that kind of danger because of this feeling of being unable to control their own safety."

"In other words, Ultraman's choice is Ultraman's choice, but it has nothing to do with us humans?" Yuhua also responded: "But in this way, if we remotely eliminate that King Red and his children, Ultraman Zeta…”

"Maybe he will appear, stand on the opposite side of us, and become our enemy." Jagula's tone was erratic, like a dandelion floating in the wind, which never falls.

"No, Ultraman Zeta won't do that!" Haruki stood up excitedly and said loudly: "He will help us humans defeat powerful enemies, and he will also...also..."

"Yohui, do you really believe in Ultraman that much?" Jakura's eyes were fixed on Yaohui. He knew that of course Zeta would destroy King Red.

The person who blocked Pedanim Cannon before was Yaohui.

"I believe in Ultraman Zeta." Yaohui said seriously: "Just like I believe in everyone."

"Okay." Hearing what Yaohui said, Jagula handed a document he had pressed under his hand to Yaohui and pushed it in front of Yaohui.

"Then take a look at this thing."

As soon as Jakula finished speaking, he turned on the TV nearby and began to adjust the TV station.

Over there, Haruki, Yoko, and Yuka came together to open the document. After Yoko took it in his hand and looked at it carefully, he passed it on to the next person.

"The second battle against the underground Red King in Shenjian City?!" When it was finally conveyed to Haruki, what he saw was this bloody reality.

"Why? Why do you still do this?" Yaohui slapped the document on the table and asked loudly.

"Just like you just did." Jakura glanced at Zeta, crossed his hands in front of him and leaned on the chair: "They also believe that Ultraman Zeta will stand on the side of mankind."

This short sentence left Yaohui speechless and he didn't even know what to say.

"Where are you two? What do you think?" Jakura knew that he needed to give Haruki some buffer time at this time, so he did not continue to press the question and began to ask Yoko and Yuka for their opinions.

"In my opinion, such a topic is still a bit too profound." Yuhua grimaced, shrinking her head and not answering: "I still don't know why such a thing happened."

Yuhua's answer was expected, so Jakura had no hope from the beginning and simply turned his attention to Yoko.

"Monsters are existences that must be destroyed." After only a moment of deliberation, Yoko quickly gave his answer.

"Yoko-senpai!" He never expected that Yoko would give this answer. Haruki was extremely shocked: "That's not a monster. It's a parent who wants to protect his children. It's...!"

"Haruki!" Yoko also stood up from his seat, looking down at Haruki with a serious expression: "We are human beings!"

"That monster threatens our existence as a human being, do you know?"

"Threats or something like that..."

"Yaohui, twenty years ago, the total number of human beings in the world was only 6 billion, but now, it has almost reached 8 billion. Everywhere and every corner of this planet is about to be set foot by humans."

"The life that the planet can accommodate is limited. Sooner or later, King Red will raise its children. No matter where it lives, it will eventually compete with humans for living space."

"This is inevitable."

"Yaohui, at that time, everything in front of you now, didn't everything still remain unresolved?"

"And at that time, will the grown-up King Red take his children to seek revenge on humans?"

"At that time, what are you going to do about the people who died fighting the two Red Kings, Haruki?" Yoko's aura was extremely strong, and the oppressive Haruki was almost nothing. He murmured, but didn't know what to say. .

"In the world where humans live, there is no place for monsters anymore." Yoko shook her head. Although she said such cruel words, she was not in a good mood.

After seeing this matter clearly, Yoko felt only pain in her heart, but after the pain, she still carried this realization.

Yaohui sat down slumped and opened his mouth to murmur, unable to say any words.

Jakura didn't have any answer, because Yoko had already said everything that needed to be said and told to Haruki.

Yuehua on the side looked at this and that, and consciously shrank her head without saying anything.

Since you don't understand anything, don't say anything and just wait for the whole thing to end.

"...I understand." Just four words seemed to have taken away all Yaohui's strength, making him slumped in the chair, as if he had lost some of the persistence he had always had.

This kind of dejected look has never appeared on Haruki. At least neither Jakura, Yoko, nor Yuka have ever seen Haruki like this.

Although she had said very true and cruel words before, Yoko did not mean to attack Haruki, so after Haruki was frustrated, she kept silent and stopped talking about this topic.

"Okay, instead of thinking about this here, let's go check on the repair of the Jingu Bridge." Jagula stood up with a slap on his thigh and said to the people in front of him: "And you, Yoko, you were driving the Jingu Bridge before. The operation of the bridge is a bit different from when you simulated it."

"The Jingu Bridge is really too flexible." When talking about this, Yoko also had a sad face: "I still used the old method of driving in the simulated training battle. That method can't drive the Jingu Bridge at all."

"So, you have to develop a new driving mode before the next monster appears, and then control the Jingu Bridge faster." Jagula put his hands on his hips: "The enemy won't give us too much time."

"Yes!" Yoko echoed loudly.

"Yuhua, let's go!" With that said, Jia Gula picked up Yuihua who was fishing on the side and took her to leave.

"Eh?" Suddenly she was also caught, and Yuhua was stunned: "Captain, what does this have to do with me?"

"Of course." Jagula put his face in front of Yuhua: "I'm thirsty and want to drink the coffee you made."

Saying that, with a speechless Yuhua, Jakura left with a smile.

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