Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1535 Oh! You are miserable! Jakula, the King of Ultra hates it when others say bad things ab

"Okay, what are you going to do next?" Leaving Yaohui alone in the base, Jagula sat on a chair and waited for Yuhua's coffee, but at the same time he was also asking the other person in his mind.

"Next, let's see if he can find the answer himself." However, the source gave Jakula an unexpected answer.

"Eh? Don't you go and enlighten him?" Jagula didn't expect Yuanquan to make such a choice. He thought that at this time, when Yaohui was extremely confused, he would come forward and say something to Yaohui.

"It's not the time yet." Yuanquan shook his head and was multitasking, accepting the message from the other direction: "Jagula, I want to know, if your armory is delayed in taking action after receiving the order at this time, what will happen to public opinion? How about it?"

Jakula was stunned for a moment, and seemed to vaguely capture some of the source's plans.

"Jingu Bridge is not something that can be controlled just by saying it can be controlled. Our armory also needs time to prepare." Jagula understood and immediately followed up with this sentence: "So even if you want to attack, you can't attack now. "

"Otherwise, the Jingu Bridge, which cannot be controlled freely, will cause much less damage than the monster."

"Is that so?" Source confirmed Jakula's answer: "So it will take some time for the armory to launch an attack?"

"Of course." Jagula crossed his arms and said confidently, "I can only say that we will attack soon."

Soon is always going to be very fast, but not anywhere fast, right?

Jagula obviously has some confidence in his heart and can figure out some of the source's plans.

And his answer was almost the same as what Yuanquan wanted.

"What if someone forces you to attack at this time?" Yuanquan asked again.

"Then I can only let Haruki and Yoko drive Uyingdam or Severnga to fight." Jagula looked up at the lights on the sky and smacked his lips: "But in that case, everyone is evenly matched. In the city The scale of the battle here is beyond my control."

"Go talk to the commander of your armory about these words." Yuanquan smiled: "Jagula, although people's hearts have always been unable to withstand the test, what I am testing this time is not the human group, but the remote Hui himself.”

"You fancy him so much?" Jagula showed a look of understanding.

Sure enough...he knew it was like this.

"It's not fancy, he still has more to grow." Yuanquan shook his head: "But how to awaken, we can only guide him."

"You will stay on this earth probably because you are waiting for Celebolo."

"Don't you think so..." Jagula was stunned for a moment, then said, "Did that guy's game of self-destruction of civilization attract you here?"

"Actually, I didn't know about Cerebros before this, but the fall of a certain light of salvation still attracted me." Yuanquan said: "Because of this, I knew about the existence of Cerebros. And the game he’s been playing.”

"So, what are you going to do?" Jagula asked: "If you take action, Celebolo will not be able to continue the game at all."

"It's a pity that I decided to let him continue his game." Yuanquan ignored Jiagula's curious eyes and continued: "Although I can kill it at any time, I want it to die willingly, naturally. To be killed by the people he treats as a game.”

"Hey, what if he kills too many people?" Jagula asked.

"Then the worst I can do is launch a large-scale vortex of cause and effect and rescue all the people who were killed." Yuanquan said extremely calmly, as if he was just talking about an ordinary thing.

Jagula was also choked successfully, and then he couldn't help but smile helplessly.

"Is this the arrogance of the savior?" Jagula said with emotion.

"There once was a bad old man...I mean the King of Ultra. After I came out of the Tiga world, he told me in an understatement that he had stopped a world and a universe of time." Yuanquan still remembers the past events: "At that time, I felt that I must do something like this one day in the future, and I must become a person who can say such things."

"You just wanted to call the King of Ultra a bad old man." But Jagula keenly grasped the most important point, and he didn't care about the rest at all: "You are so disrespectful to the King of Ultra. Are you really not afraid of his revenge?"

"You're miserable." Hearing Jiagu La say this, Yuanquan immediately curled his lips and became concerned about Jiagu La: "The King of Ultra hates it when others say bad things about him behind his back. You are dead!"

"That guy's ears can hear any issue involving him in the entire infinite universe. He must have heard what you just said!"


On Haruki's side, he got completely different answers from Yoko, Yuka, and even the captain, which made him very disappointed for a while.

He knows, he fully knows that what everyone said is right, and it is also a true portrayal of the relationship between earthlings and monsters in the earth today. This is what his reason tells him.

But humans are never rational creatures, nor can they remain rational forever.

Therefore, because he knows that what everyone says is right, he has no way to refute and does not need to refute, but he cannot pass his own test.

His inner emotions prevented him from being indifferent to such things.

"Zeta-san... what should I do..." When he was confused, Yaohui subconsciously asked Zeta.

In his opinion, Zeta, as an "elder" with a life span of five thousand years, must be well-informed. He must have seen a lot about this kind of thing and knows exactly what to do.

"Ah? What?" But Zeta's answer was full of confusion. He didn't even know what happened, nor did he realize that there was something wrong with the one-minded state between him and Yaohui.

"I blocked Senior Yoko's attack before and let King Red go. Everyone must blame me." Haruki said in a self-deprecating voice: "And it also implicated Zeta-san and made Zeta-san misunderstood by everyone." ."

"There is no such thing." Zeta didn't care about it, or he didn't feel anything at all: "There are some things you want to do Yaohui, just do it, other people's eyes are not important."

"Just do it if you want to?" Such a free and easy answer made Yaohui realize something.

"Yes, you want to let King Red go because you don't want the little King Red to lose his parents." Zeta slapped his chest loudly: "There are also Nissans in the Kingdom of Light that treat monsters like this. I’ve seen it too.”

"Ah? Is it really true?" Yaohui asked blankly.

"Master Severn!" Zeta replied immediately.


Although he always felt that what Zeta said was different from what he thought, but since he said so, Yaohui reluctantly admitted it, which meant that he was comforted.

"Everyone is so determined, but I am..." Yaohui felt very disappointed with himself when he thought that he was the only one among the four in the armory.

After running quickly and returning to the training room downstairs, he took off his clothes and started working out like crazy, hoping that with such busyness, his brain would no longer be able to think about these things.

Zeta, who saw some changes in Haruki with his own eyes, didn't understand why Haruki became like this, but Senior Hikari had a good saying.

Don't think about things you can't figure out, just let nature take its course.

Zeta feels the same way.

It was at this time that Celebro found the high-level organization of the earth, which was what the Earth Defense Force had been hiding all this time.

That is the monster that was buried deep in the underground base, transformed by people, and fell to the earth from a long time ago - Grugio.

It is also a monster that was obtained and studied by the people on earth. It is a biological weapon dropped from the universe a long time ago. It is also... used by him to select the next being to be used in his civilization self-destruction game.

And the earth, and even the people on earth, did not disappoint it.

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