Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1668: Hundreds of Plasma Styles, His Thai Pants Are Hot Again

Chapter 1668: Hundreds of Plasma Styles, it’s him again! Thai pants are hot!


In fact, all universes are expanding, because the size of the bubble is never static, but reaches its own limit under expansion.

And this limit depends on the power generated by the Big Bang at the beginning of the universe, when it was still a singularity.

The force generated by the Big Bang did not disappear, but the force generated after the explosion expanded the universe. How far a universe can expand depends on how powerful the initial Big Bang was.

Perhaps no one knows what the endurance limit of the universe is, because the Big Bang cannot support the expansion of a universe to its limit. Often, before reaching this limit, the power generated by the explosion will disappear and this force will be lost. In the future, the universe will no longer expand, but will begin to shrink inwards.

And that... is the beginning of a universe returning to a singularity, or even returning to silence.

And now in the super dimension, there is this universe. After experiencing the original big bang and expanding from the singularity, the expanding universe has once again experienced an explosion.

Moreover, the energy impact and kinetic energy brought by this explosion accelerated the expansion speed of the bubble in the universe countless times, causing the universe to inflate like a bubble in a very short period of time.

But such a horrific explosion is undoubtedly despairing for life living in this universe.

The moment everyone regained consciousness, they suddenly realized that they were tied to a cross, and their hands were tied and hung high in the sky.

In the previous day's earth-shaking spin, although everyone felt sick, they were still able to maintain their consciousness.

But in the subsequent big explosion, they couldn't resist at all, and they were all knocked unconscious by the explosion.

Although powerful, their bodies are far inferior to those of Tartarus. In such a big explosion, it is difficult to maintain their consciousness.

But they would never give in to their current situation, so they started shouting one after another.

Except for a certain Teliga who had withdrawn from the eternal glow state and lowered his head as if he was still in a coma.

But immediately after, Membius snapped his fingers, and flames suddenly burst out from these crosses, igniting Carmilla, Zabiru and others who were bound to them.

In the blazing golden fire, both the power of darkness and the power of light are vaporized and transferred out as the flame rises.

"Tartarus, are you sure you can extract the eternal fragments from their bodies in this way?" Mebius raised his hand. If Tartarus hadn't said before that he wanted to be merciful, he needed to get other eternal fragments from these guys. , he had already sent them all away in the attack that was comparable to the Big Bang.

The raised hand slowly pressed down, and the cross that fixed them fell towards the earth, falling at high speed around the ruins where the eternal core is located.

The sharp bottom is inserted into the soil, bringing everyone back into the earth.

"An explosion comparable to the Big Bang, how did you manage not to harm any life in this universe?" Three golden figures slowly fell from the sky, and the little Taurus was still thinking about what Membius said just now. It's a big deal, that's why I ask this question.

"It's not harmless." Mebius replied: "In fact, all life in the universe has fallen into a coma."

"There are some strong people in other places in this universe, and there are also ultra-ultimate ones." Mebius said lightly: "But is there a difference?"

The little Taurus was speechless.

Indeed, if Brother Tazi hadn't taken him to hide in the space just now, except for Mebius and Tartarus, even he might not have been able to escape the end of being shocked and comatose.

"If you want to extract the fragments of the eternal core, let me help you." Although Tartarus is still wary of Mebius, at least the current Mebius is trustworthy.

Besides, it was precisely because of fear that he had to join in this extraction. Otherwise, if Mebius caused trouble, he would be the only one unlucky.

"Are you sure that all the Eternal Age fragments are here?" Mebius continued to ask.

"Of course, I must..." Before he could finish his subsequent words, Tartarus suddenly disappeared from the spot, and his whole person was silent and completely ceased to exist.

Little Taurus:?


No...where's the person who spoke just now? What about an older person?


While Membius and Little Taurus were still confused, a bunch of bullets hit their chests, causing sparks to explode.

Although it was harmless, it still managed to attract the attention of the two people.

"Give me... let go of Kengo!!" Running down the mountain with a pistol, Akira kept pulling the trigger one after another and kept attacking: "You two guys... let him go!"

"Kengo, we're here to save you!" Yui Ming also held a gun and ran beside Akira, pulling the trigger one after another.

In the sky, the Nasdis rushed over from the city. After seeing the one-sided victory in front of him, Captain Tatsumi made an immediate decision and asked Tiexin to prepare to charge the main gun, and then aimed at Mebius and Little Taurus.

"There is only one chance, the Nasdis...attack!" Tatsumi made a prompt decision and issued the launch order.

The main gun muzzle had been accumulating for a long time, and the blue light cannon suddenly blasted out, hitting Mebius and Little Taurus.

Little Taurus immediately turned around. Without turning on the shield, he just bent his arms in front of him, perfectly blocking the Nasdis' shelling.

"Oh, it doesn't hurt or itch!" In his spare time, Little Taurus mocked, but he ignored the most crucial thing.

On the other side, the Victory Falcon took off again from its long-hidden low-altitude flight state. Team Nanase controlled the Falcon and poured all its firepower on the cross that bound Teliga.

"Teliga, wake up!"

The fearless attack successfully broke the base, allowing Teliga to break away from the restraints, gain freedom, and fall to the ground.

The timer on his chest began to flash. Triga regained consciousness and his milky white eyes lit up, but at this moment, he did not have much fighting power.

The next moment, Ignis jumped out of the dimensional rift and landed next to Teliga. Maintaining a new posture, he grabbed Kenwu's palm and slowly transferred his own energy into Teliga's body, allowing him to The timer that had started flashing returned to its full state again.

"I'm still wondering...how long it will take for you to come over." Seeing Ignis's appearance, Jianwu breathed a sigh of relief.

"There's nothing I can do about it. I couldn't resist the attack just now." As he said that, Ignis glanced at Mebius with lingering fear: "This is a powerful opponent. I have never seen anyone who can turn over the enemy." A being who holds a universe in the palm of his hand."

"Having him as my opponent is something I never dared to think about before."

And on the other side.

Tartarus, who was knocked out by an unknown object, fell down on an unknown planet. His whole body was deeply embedded in the red soil in large letters, and he could feel the excruciating pain all over his body.

"Why did something hit me again..." Brother Tazi groaned: "It can't be that plane again."

Brother Tazi still resents the Plasma Hundred Shiki. After all, in countless cycles, he has been knocked away by the Plasma Hundred Shiki countless times. Now he has a headache when he sees that small plane.

But unfortunately, he was really knocked away by something just now.

On the ground on the other side, the red-purple giant pulled himself out of the mountain, shaking his dizzy head, still in a daze.

He originally wanted to go over and help Saka, but he was blown away by a terrifying wave of air before he could go over.

If there hadn't been a particularly large universe blocking the way, I wouldn't know where I would be flying now.

Fortunately, I hit something just now and was able to stop.

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