Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1669 Diavolo: Tiga? Hum will teach him that there is no return

Chapter 1669 Diavolo: Tiga? Humph! I’ll teach him that there’s no coming back!

This world is magical, and when you don’t want to see something, you often find that you just hit it.

But another argument will be born in your heart to convince yourself.

Everything is an accident.

Everything is impossible.

Everyone has this kind of fluke mentality, but after Brother Tazi faced Gu Jia a long time ago, this idea completely disappeared, replaced by the caution that cannot be exaggerated no matter what.

There is actually some story behind this kind of caution.

But the past is too painful to look back on, so just let it go.

Brother Tazi felt this way before recently, but the feeling of being knocked away by something again made him have some aftertaste.

Similarly, after he finally pulled himself out of the soil, his mood suddenly worsened when he saw Tiga who had also pulled himself out of the mountain.

He is really the one who is afraid of whatever comes his way.

"Diga." Standing up with his hands on the ground, Brother Tazi patted the dirt off his body and said in a calm and confident voice: "I didn't expect you to show up here."

"But that's right. After all, this is the world where your peers live. You appear here and are included in my calculations."

With that said, Brother Tazi took a step forward and slowly walked towards where Diga was.

For Diga, Brother Tazi is also an old acquaintance. After all, the two parties have known each other for who knows how long, and they already know each other well.

"It's you" Diga rubbed his wrist: "I didn't expect to see you here."

"Could it be that the person I bumped into just now was you?"

Brother Tazi did not answer, but changed the subject in a muffled voice: "Why are you the only one here? Where is the savior? Isn't he here?"

"Without that savior, you can't change Gujia by yourself, right?"

Although he spoke in a declarative tone, Diga always felt that if he answered no, this guy would really be able to open the portal on the spot and run away without saying a word.

"Actually, before I bumped into you, we were together." As soon as he finished speaking, Brother Tazi's body suddenly became tense, and even his brilliant golden figure became much more rickety.

"But before that, the air wave caused by the battle of gods that broke out in the super dimension blew us away, along with all the bubbles in the universe." Diga spread his hands and expressed his helplessness: "So, he and I separated .”

"War of Gods?" But Brother Tazi is obviously more concerned about this thing. Can a war of gods still break out in this universe, that is to say, in super dimensions?

It can't be those evil gods, right?

Aren’t those evil gods almost extinct?

"It's a battle between mystery and mystery." Diga continued: "It's not far away in this universe."

"Also, although you can't feel it, this universe is actually advancing at an extremely fast speed in the super dimension. I don't know when it will stop."

Brother Tazi:?

Did so many things happen in the super dimension?

"It doesn't matter, since you are here, I am willing to leave from here." Brother Ta Zi waved his hand, not thinking that there was anything wrong with what he said: "I should just give you a face, after all, you..."

If it were an ordinary stupid young man, after learning that Diga was separated from the savior, he would immediately take action, turn his back on the person, try to kill Diga here, and completely cut off the possibility of Gujia coming.

But as someone who has been there, Brother Tazi clearly knows that this guy is extremely dangerous even if he is separated.

Let's not talk about whether the savior can beat him, but just talk about the Tiga in front of him. The relationship between the two of them is that as long as one person calls, the other person can go to the other person's side no matter where they are.

With this kind of relationship, even though they are far apart now, if you really go up to fight him, you will definitely be the one whose head is chopped off by the holy sword.

Brother Tazi obviously understood very well, so he had no intention of taking action at all.

"What you said, do I think that you are doing some secret things that are not known to the public in this universe?" Diga hit the nail on the head and hit the point accurately: "I'm still talking about you."

But Brother Tazi lost his mind to gossip here. After opening the space, he chose to jump in and leave directly from here, heading towards the earth in this universe.

You have to seize the time and lead everyone to moisturize quickly before Diga reacts.

Seeing Brother Tazi running away without looking back, Diga was a little surprised, because Tartarus was really not that easy to talk to. Being able to give up something so simply meant that this guy had already received enough benefits. ?

Jumping out of the gate, Brother Tazi just happened to see Mebius slap the greatly changed Nexus with one hand, knocking him away.

"Where have you been? Tartarus!" On the other side, the Little Taurus stopped Dagon and Hitram to ensure that Membius would not fall into multiple encirclements.

Looking at Tartarus falling from the sky, the little golden bull burst out with strength, forcing Dagon back and questioning him at the same time.

"I met a very annoying guy." Brother Tazi immediately said: "Membius, Diavolo, we should go."

"Diga is here."

As soon as the word "Diga" came out, Mebius turned his head in surprise.

Clamping Carmilla's wrist under his armpits, and grabbing Zabiru's knife-wielding hand with the other hand, Mumbius easily restrained the two opponents and threw them away, letting them fly. Pillars of fire emerged from the ground and rose from the sky, engulfing their bodies.

"Diga. In the thousands of universes, there are too many individuals of Diga. Who is the Diga you are talking about?"

"Who else could it be?" Brother Tazi spread his hands: "Of course it's Ultraman Tiga."

"What are you afraid of! It's just Tiga! If he dares to come, I will make sure he never comes back!" Little Taurus roared dissatisfied.

"Yes, what if the savior is here?" Brother Tazi said angrily: "Just accept it when you are ready. We have already obtained a quarter of the eternal fragments. If we wait for that guy to come over, we will lose these four." Not even a fraction of it can be saved.”

When he heard that the savior was there, little Jin Newton shrank his neck and did not dare to speak louder anymore.

The three of them had a perfect tacit understanding and immediately got rid of their opponents. They stood on the left and right sides of Brother Tazi. After opening the space, they immediately enveloped the three of them, escaped from the universe, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

A handful of gold was left alone, vaguely still lingering in the air, never fading away for a long time.

Once the three golden men left, what was left was a battle between the locals in this universe.

But compared to fighting foreigners. Obviously the intrigues and grudges among these guys are more passionate.

It's just that once Tartarus and the others left, everyone knew that the missing quarter of the eternal core would be completely impossible to get back.

At least don't expect to recover the missing quarter until you find that guy in countless universes.

But instead of worrying about that, it is more important to get back the other fragments that are within easy reach now, in other people's bodies.

The moment Carmila and Zabiru got up, they attacked each other at the same time. One of them pressed his light rod against Zabiru's chest, and the other swung his fist and hit Carmila's chest hard. Both of them hit the target together. , also staggered a few steps while their footing was unstable, and once again distanced themselves.

On the other side, Ignis assumed the position previously occupied by the little Taurus, standing in front of the big Dagon and Hitram, stopping the two dark giants and preventing them from disturbing the battle over there.

On the frontal battlefield, Teliga took a deep breath and stood on the edge with the ring sword, turning the confrontation between the two into a struggle for hegemony among the three.

But both Zabiru and Carmilla knew that Teliga, who had already used Yonghui, was not qualified at all in his current appearance.

Wait, isn't there an eternal fragment in Teliga's hand?

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