Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1670 Jianwu: Even if I carry the core on my back and drag the earth with one hand, I am stil

Chapter 1670 Jianwu: Even if I carry the core on my back and drag the earth with one hand, I am still invincible!

Although a golden man ran away with a quarter of the eternal fragments, isn't there another person here who also possesses fragments of the eternal core?

Zabiru and Carmilla all looked at Kengo.

Zabiru occupies a quarter, Carmilla occupies a quarter, Tartarus occupies a quarter, and the remaining parts flew out of the universe and scattered to unknown locations. You need to search carefully.

But... there is another option.

"Teliga, hand over the fragments of the eternal core!" Zabiru was ahead of Carmila. He maintained his current posture with dark golden color, his hands showed claw-like shapes, and he grabbed towards Teliga. .

But halfway, he was blocked by the beam emitted by Yu Ming and was forced to stay where he was.

"You... selfish guy!" Jie Ming shouted at Zabiru: "You said you became a giant of light to avenge the darkness, but what are you doing now? What you said has nothing to do with you. What does your current behavior compare to?!”

"Aren't you going to work with the Dark Giant to deal with another Light Giant?"

"This is...the giant of light you call?!"

"Yusalei, as long as I get the fragments of Teliga's eternal core, I will become stronger." Zabiru gave up chasing Teliga, stood up slowly, and said confidently : "Only when I become stronger can I destroy the dark giants!"

"This is the inevitable process that I have to do before I take revenge on the darkness."

"I have not forgotten revenge."

"That's just your excuse!" Zhang Ren crawled out of the hole in disgrace. Covered by the mud thrown up by the explosion, he looked quite embarrassed: "You are just using this excuse to convince yourself and give yourself a chance to do this. It’s just a reason.”

"You actually... don't know how to take revenge at all!" As he said that, Akira took out the microcomputer from his arms, retrieved the city's records, and projected them.

The picture he called up was exactly the final fate of those super-ancient people who were transformed into giants of light in the city.

Sinking in the dark swamp, he finally reversed his own attributes and fell from a giant of light to a giant of darkness.

That dark figure, that devil-like posture, that wanton destruction and contempt for life are no different from those dark giants.

"Is this the outcome after you super-ancient people transform into giants of light?" Zhangren roared: "In order to turn yourself into evil dragons in these 30 million years, let us people become the old ones. Super ancient people?!"

Gazing at the giants transformed by him with his own hands, Zabiru couldn't believe it, but in his perception, he was indeed unable to detect the existence of other giants of light.

Over there in the city, it was as quiet as a dead place.

"Impossible... How is this possible... The Giant of Light could actually turn into the Giant of Darkness... This kind of thing... This is impossible!!!" The impact of this incident on Zabiru was obviously very huge, so much so that he has been Something that I believed in, or that heart that could always find a reasonable explanation for my actions, broke at this moment.

"Zabiru." Yousalei's shadow flashed over Yu Ming's body: "The dark giant can transform into a light giant, so the same is true for the light giant."

"Whether it is light or darkness, the choice of power and what it will be used for depends on one's heart."

"Yousha Lei... don't talk sarcastically here!!" Zabiru waved his hand suddenly, completely breaking his guard and losing his previous graceful demeanor: "My plan that has been planned for 30 million years cannot go wrong!! "

"These are just fake and synthetic!!"

"definitely is!!"

Before he could finish the next words, Carmila kicked him directly on the shoulder, knocking Zabiru to the ground.

The dark spell suddenly lit up, and Carmilla pressed her whole body against it, hugged Xie's body, and transmitted her dark spell to Xie's body, covering his whole body bit by bit.

Under Zabiru's body, countless hands stretched out from the same dark swamp, pulling their bodies, falling into the darkness together, and completely disappeared in place.

"Let's be alone for a while." Carmilla's pleasant voice contained a hint of teasing: "I'm very curious about you."

"With the darkness."

After the trio left the kingdom, Carmilla and Evil also fell into darkness and disappeared completely.

When Hitram and Dagon, who were fighting with Ignis over there, saw Carmilla disappear, they immediately retreated, escaped into the darkness, and pulled away from the battlefield.

They know where Carmilla is now.

In an instant, all the opponents on the battlefield disappeared. Even the super-ancient ruins that had finally been brought to light fell into the ground again with a roar and disappeared completely.


After a series of battles, Teliga's spirit was indescribably exhausted. After all his opponents had disappeared, he was finally able to cancel his transformation and return to his human form.

Ignis also canceled his transformation and fell next to Jian Wu, supporting him who was a little weak.

"Are you okay?" Ignis asked.

"Fortunately, I have you, otherwise I would have been miserable this time." Jian Wu forced a smile.

"Even I can't be of much use." Ignis shook his head helplessly, spread out his palm, and handed a fragment into Jianwu's hand: "This is a fragment that flew towards me. The fragments are left to you.”

"A fragment of the eternal core?" Jian Wu looked at the pale golden fragment and felt a little embarrassed for a moment: "I'm sorry... I was only thinking that it would be great if I could completely destroy this source of the fight."

"In the end, even though I tried my best with my sword, I couldn't completely destroy it. Instead, it seemed to cause even greater chaos."

"There is no way..." Ignis looked very relaxed: "If you hadn't smashed the core with a sword, no one would have given up."

"Although everyone has some now, they are not all, it's just..."

It's just that no one can predict how terrible the turmoil those fragments scattered throughout the universe will cause.

It is conceivable that the existence and secrets of the Eternal Core will be made public from now on.

No matter who it is, they can know the existence of the eternal core.

This earth will have countless troubles from now on, and the eyes of the entire universe... no, even other universes may focus here.

"It doesn't matter." Jian Wu nodded heavily: "I will stand on the front line and block everyone!"

"I am the gatekeeper. No one can obtain the power of the eternal core until I defeat me!"

"No matter how many, no matter how powerful."

"You have to defeat me first!"

These words were categorical and could not be argued with, but Ignis looked at Jian Wu deeply, as if he wanted to see even a trace of hesitation in his eyes.

Gatekeeper... Facing the swarm of people from all over the universe, facing countless prying eyes and attacks, can you defend it by yourself?

There is no shortage of careerists in the universe.

"Hey! Kengo!!" At the foot of the hillside, Akira Rento and Yumei ran towards this side waving their arms.

"Go, your teammates are waiting for you." Ignis released his hand supporting Jianwu.

"Aren't you going back with me?" Jian Wu asked, "You are also now..."

"I still have some things to do." Ignis interrupted Jianwu's subsequent words: "When I confirm something, I will go find you."

After saying this, Ignis waved his hand and walked slowly towards the distance.

Jianwu stared at Ignis's back, always feeling that he could sense some firm decision in him.

Do you want to do something? Ignis had looked confused from time to time before.

What is he confused about?

Now, have you made up your mind?

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