Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1740 1732: Unexpectedly, this chapter is truly heavyweight (a true must-read, brothers)

No! Calm down! Eryuan! Do you have to believe whatever others say?

It makes no sense! This kind of thing makes no sense!

You have to kill all the sources one by one with your own hands, and you have to absorb the existence of all sources one by one.

How many sources are left in this world? Is there anyone who knows better than you?

Now a person suddenly jumps out, saying that he is also the source. Although all signs indicate that he is, but...but what if? What if?

Even if he can enter this world, what does it matter? Among the thousands of sources, no one has ever been able to cultivate with Xiao Hui to the end, whether it is the source or me.

What neither our savior nor the destroyer can do, why can any other source do it?

In short...it's not until the end, you have to trust your own judgment and your own actions...

In the midst of the torment of inner struggle over and over again, Er Yuan raised his head, as if the shock he received was too great and revealed a different expression. Not only was Er Yuan not as heartbroken as before, Instead, he laughed, looking extremely happy.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" He denied with his hands in front of him one after another, and Eryuan laughed and said: "I personally entrusted the wish to the red ball, so that it can hunt all the sources in the infinite world. This is what I personally told it. You said it! I still remember it!"

"So how could something slip through the net? This kind of thing is absolutely impossible!!"

"Have you finally remembered?" Watching Er Yuan tell one of the beginnings of this cycle, Yuan Quan said again: "It is precisely because of your wish that ultimately led to all our tragedies!"

"Don't make it sound like you can figure it out!" Eryuan raised his hand and pointed at the source. Eryuan sneered and said, "Why did I make a wish to the red ball? Why did I find the red ball? Why did I target you alone?"

"Because I had heard Xiao Hui's wish before that. Before that update, I was searching for you all over the universe." Er Yuan clenched his fist fiercely: "Why are I looking for you? Because you opened This cycle got me!"

"Then why did I start this cycle?" Source asked: "It's precisely because I met you, Zaki and you, the other Source, are of the same mind!"

"After a battle with you, you became stronger and stronger in subsequent battles, but I didn't change at all. At that time, I knew that you would eventually defeat me!"

"So I launched Future Annihilation in order to change the past and the future. I also wanted to delay your time to become a god, and also to destroy your plan!"

"You stole the other me and made a wish to the red ball, which ultimately led to the destruction of my world. I will never let you go no matter what!"

"Ha! Do you still want to argue with me? If you hadn't started the future of annihilation, how would I have noticed you, and how could I be of the same mind as [Source]?" Er Yuan spoke again. The cause of this cycle has long been known. It is no longer certain. Whether it is him or the source, they have turned everything into a perfect circle, and no one can escape.

If not for the accumulation of enough variables in the end, coupled with some "little" help, the mysterious Gujia was born in this cycle, otherwise this cycle would continue.

"Then, how come you, who are not of the same mind as [The Source], made a wish to the red ball, which ultimately led to the destruction of my world, forcing me to embark on the road of exile, and then I met you, and finally chose to destroy the future? "Yuanquan will not give in at all. If he must find the reason for this matter, he will never admit defeat.

"So, this perfect circle, no matter who is in it, is so perfect that not even the mysterious Four Odes can break it." Er Yuan turned his palm downwards, and the darkness spewing out completed the construction behind him and materialized it. The scene that was most difficult to let go of came out in his heart.

That was me who was wailing helplessly under the collapsed tall building, holding Xiao Hui who had lost the breath of life.

"Even if Gu Jia appears, the winner between you and me will still be me." Directly ignoring the unknown Chao Ba Yuan, Er Yuan still only had the source in his eyes.

"Then, I have the same reasoning." The entangled pure white light condensed behind him, and the same scene also materialized.

But the difference from Er Yuan is that Er Yuan held the lifeless Xiao Hui and howled helplessly, while Yuan Quan pushed a piece of gravel with all his strength, but couldn't shake it at all, and finally fell to his knees. Cry loudly.

"That is, the sin of being weak as a human being." Looking at Yuanyuan's past, Eryuan continued: "You and I, who can't even protect the people we love, are ridiculous compared to today. ?”

"Oh, even with such power, we can't go back. Everything we have experienced has been...irreversible." Yuanquan closed his eyes slightly, and the handsome man standing in the sea of ​​​​stars met him. The girl's appearance is exactly the same as before.

But there is no longer a possibility for her and herself.

"Even if it's close to a mystery, can you save that regret?!" Pointing at the picture behind Er Yuan, and then pointing at the reality behind himself, Yuan Quan said in a deep voice.


"Well..." Before Er Yuan could finish his words, Chao Ba Yuan suddenly interrupted: "Although I don't really want to join in and quarrel with you at this time, but..."

As he said that, Chao Bayuan scratched his cheek in embarrassment: "But I also..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the gorgeous colorful lights formed a soft screen, materializing the most unforgettable memory in Chao Bayuan's heart.

In the sacred cathedral, the two people exchanged rings under the solemn oath of the priest, Chao Ba Yuan with a silly smile on his face, and Xiao Hui who was shy but still extended his hand.

The guests who were dressed formally and kept applauding to celebrate the wedding all gave their most sincere blessings to both of them.

It was touching Keiko's belly, feeling the surging life in the process of pregnancy, the sweet smile and tacit understanding between the couple.

It was her holding Keiko's hand and walking on the seaside at night, her tenderness as she carefully cared for her big belly, and she was as relaxed and cheerful as ever with Keiko.

That was the scene when Chao Bayuan was waiting anxiously outside the delivery room, and a loud cry sounded in the delivery room, making him jump for joy and keep telling everyone that he was going to be a father.

She takes care of her daughter, takes care of her wife who is weak due to childbirth, and also takes care of her work. Although she is tired, she enjoys it and is full of energy every day.

His daughter is growing up day by day, and the daily life of a family of three is a precious memory that he cannot forget and is the most important wealth in his life.

Until, the father and mother held their daughter's hands and left the witness of this moment in front of the camera together, permanently stopping this moment on a small piece of film, freezing it into a picture of complete happiness. In life, embodied memories.

"I, Oma, will kill you!!!!"

Pulling out the particle lightsaber, the black lightsaber glowed with a dangerous red light. Er Yuan, no matter how hard it was to deceive himself, finally saw this undisputed scene, which was also... the most lethal scene for him.

All self-congratulations, all self-persuasion, all in this happy life, are made so humble and pitiful.

Compared with Er Yuan's hysteria, Yuan Quan seemed very calm, but his clenched fists still made his fingers look white after all, and he was not as calm as he appeared on the surface.

Get married, have children, have children, and live with them for a lifetime...

This is such an ordinary life. It is the most ordinary life for a person. It is far less than the magnificence of the Savior and the ups and downs of the Destroyer.

But if you can...if you can.

"I want to trade with him..."

The clenched fists finally loosened, and all the patience turned into a long sigh, letting everything out and no longer thinking about it.

That has been my dream all along.

Because it is a dream, so... it is always out of reach.

Source: I am the savior, an invincible gesture that responds to the legend of the universe!

Chao Ba Yuan: Wow! Amazing!

Eryuan: I am the Destroyer! He is the God who will turn the universe into darkness!

Chao Ba Yuan: Wow! So powerful!

Chao Bayuan (takes out a family photo): I don’t have that much power, so I can only show you my wife and daughter.


Eryuan: Die! I want you to die! I'm going to kill you! It's not enough for me to kill you a thousand times! ! !

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