Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1741 Source: No, I personally measured the winning rate against the evil god!

"Ignis! Ignis!!"

On the ground, Kengo kept waving his arms and shouting to attract Ignis's attention.

Although others haven't noticed it yet, Jianwu can feel something strange, that is, some strange changes are taking place in Ignis, that is, in Heite's body.

Jianwu couldn't tell what kind of change it was, but it was definitely not a good thing.

Especially when the surging darkness of the evil god made Hete's body become darker and darker, it made him feel even more uneasy.

Ignis... must not be controlled at this time!

No one can bear the price of defecting at this time.

Because you are the only dark giant, the only one now!

Emperor Hope grabbed a pair of the Evil God's pliers with both hands. Gamma Mirai, who suddenly appeared behind him, floated behind him. He raised his hands and used Zestim to cut, waving two light whips, one red and one blue. Instead, they entangled themselves in the Evil God's claws. On a pair of pliers.


Using both arms hard, the force generated when it burst out exploded, causing huge damage to the joint of the pair of claws.

But in the blink of an eye, the severely damaged scar healed quickly, and it took less than five seconds to return to the original state, just like brand new.

This healing ability is also the fundamental reason why they have never been able to effectively kill the evil god.

Nexus came up from behind, and his platinum-gold body condensed a lot of energy on the hand knife held together with one hand. From a distance, it looked like a knife. The moment he waved his arm and slashed horizontally, he finally healed. He even started to dance again and caught Ao Zu.

The other hand also released a strong light, even if it was slashed, it was killed in one blow and cut off by the roots.

Pulling the evil god's claws back continuously, Emperor Hope and Nexus fought side by side.

This was also the first time that they caused some real damage to the evil god, unlike before, where they couldn't hit him as fast as he could recover.

But there is something that needs to be confirmed.

Looking at the constantly twisting tentacles, they waited for a moment, and indeed saw no sign of the lost claws growing back. Only then did they truly confirm that the evil god's healing ability could not regenerate severed limbs.

"Is there an upper limit to his healing speed, or is it really that this light has exceeded the limit of his immunity?" Akira silently calculated everything that might happen: "If it is the former, then it needs to be stronger and more violent. Output."

"But if it's the latter..."

The power of light that Akira can feel, even if it is Yonghui Telika, the light is far less than what he is now.

With so much light condensed, all it could do was tear off one of his claws. Thinking about it this way...it was really a disappointing gap.

Emperor Hope and Nexus looked at each other, feeling their respective determinations in each other's eyes.

"I hope that Emperor Hope's power... really has a dark side..." Delta definitely has dark power, there is no doubt about it.

But Delta's own output is not enough, so Hope Emperor's output is enough, but no one knows whether Hope Emperor has dark power.

I don’t know the source either.

"No matter what, try again!" The special move has been released once before, so this time, Akira will use another move.

The Emperor of Hope took a few steps back, accumulating the light energy in his body, trying to inspire the only... power that belonged to the Order of Beria.

Akira, on the other hand, directly launched his special move, which was the ultimate light arrow-storm used again.

This move can deal damage, but it cannot suppress the opponent's self-healing effect.

But what Akira wants is to break the evil god's defense.

In this way, the King of Hope's ultimate attack can directly penetrate the body of the evil god, and the final blow will be completed by the King of Hope.

The white-gold light arrow flew out and hit the evil god's body again, causing a huge explosion.

Before the smoke and dust dissipated, Emperor Hope immediately activated the power of all the crystals, and in an instant he also launched his special move, causing colorful and brilliant beams of light to crash in and hit directly into the smoke and dust.


The smoke and dust were dispersed by the violent light particles, and a wall of flesh composed of dozens of tentacles blocked the evil god.

Behind this wall of flesh, only some cracked scars on the shell are gradually being repaired. Compared with the injury when the whole shell was shattered after being hit at the beginning, this time it seemed even weaker.

This also made Akira feel how terrifying the evil god's adaptability was.

An attack that only takes one hit will no longer have any effect if it is hit a second time.

That kind of adaptability and tolerance makes even a sure kill for Him only the first time has the greatest effect.

This can be seen not only from him, but also from Emperor Hope's fatal kill.

The damage caused by the colorful light stream to the evil god was even far less than the first time.

At this moment, at this critical moment, the core of darkness separated from the body of the evil god and floated in mid-air around the body of the evil god. The rotating dark core cast its shadow on the Emperor of Hope.

At the moment when no one reacted, Emperor Hope's body disappeared in an instant. In the shadow cast by the core of darkness, Emperor Hope was completely swallowed up and ceased to exist.

The spinning dark core slowly stopped, and on top of the dark core flowing on the surface, the Emperor of Hope was imprinted on the surface of the dark core, like a painting.

It's just that the Emperor of Hope is not stationary, but is constantly beating on the circular surface.

All the actions made by the people in the painting were clearly seen by everyone, but none of them knew what to do.

Because this move was completely beyond their expectations. It involved moves at the level of rules or spatial dimensions, and no one could understand it.

"Mr. Haruki!" Akira raised his head and looked at the Emperor of Hope floating on the surface of the dark core. He popped out his platinum lightsaber and was about to fly up to hit the dark core.

But as soon as he ejected the lightsaber, a violent black hand grabbed his wrist, pressed it down forcefully, and then hugged Nexus from behind, put his hands under his armpits, and hugged him tightly, never letting go. .

(Love is stronger than gold and the seven-day lock!)

Akira quickly turned around and immediately saw Ignis with red eyes and the black mist surging around him.

"Ignis...you are..." While struggling, Heite was blessed by the darkness of the evil god, and his power was already extraordinary.

This is just like King Gulant, who is blessed by the power of the Zeuda brothers, and even needs the combination of the six Ultra brothers to defeat him. Ignis is now blessed by the dark power of the evil god, and he must not be underestimated.


The core of darkness returned to its original position, and the evil god turned around to face the two people who were fighting over there.

Black Te's wrists, waist, feet... these powerful joints derived shackles, which restrained Nexus's feet, hands, and waist. Together with Black Te, they completed the binding. Regardless of each other.

The power of darkness came, cutting off all the flow in the surroundings except for the rule of darkness. Whether it was space or time, any law was pulled away, making Nexus unable to use any ability to escape. here.

He could only stand there as a target.


The relaxed and melodious roar added a touch of pride, and the dark core began to emit a misty purple light. Black-purple beams of light escaped from the surface of the dark core little by little.

This is the destructive death light that can swallow up all light and cut off all life. It is the ray of death that turns any organic matter into inorganic matter.

Full of plunder and erosion.

"Akihito!" On the ground, Jianwu pulled the trigger one after another and kept hitting the evil god, but he couldn't stop it at all and could only watch helplessly.

This is undoubtedly cruel to him.

"Eternal Cannon!"

Above the sky, the Nastis, which had been charging for a long time, found an opportunity and unleashed its golden cannon at the core of darkness.

Captain Tatsumi wants to detonate the power of darkness.

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