Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1745 1737: Noah: Telika becomes the savior Telika becomes the savior [My Wishes Come True is

Chapter 1745 1737: Noah: Telika becomes the savior...Telika becomes the savior [My Wishes Come True is activated]

But before the subsequent words were finished, the black mist that suddenly spread wrapped up the location of Xie Te at an extremely fast speed, and the tentacles stretched out from the mist immediately wrapped around his hands and feet. Without anyone reacting, Xie was directly pulled back into the black mist and submerged into the black mist of shadows.


But there is absolutely no way that Heite could just watch Zabiru being killed. Even if he said those words before, Heite would not have any grudge against him.

Because that's the truth.

Although it doesn't sound good, the fact is the fact and it cannot be changed no matter what.

If you have to watch the other person die because he just told you what you have done, then why should you regret it? What else can you say to make up for it?

It's just sanctimonious.

In the shadows, Xie Te's figure was hung upside down in the sky. He was bound by the tentacles and before he could stop him, more tentacles wrapped around his body, and even painful roars came from the black mist. out.

The reflected shadow appeared in front of everyone, allowing them to see with their own eyes the appearance of the evil being tied up.

Heite took the lead and rushed into the black mist. The arm blades of both arms cleared the black mist while chopping, and there was even a faint sound of screams in his ears.

It's as if these black mist are alive.

Breaking into the black mist, the scene that could be seen clearly from the outside world completely lost its direction after entering it. Heite could not find the whereabouts of the evil god, nor could he find the whereabouts of the evil god. He was in the vast black mist. , he lost his sense of direction and his senses were greatly suppressed.


The screams of evil spirits kept coming from all directions. The shrill sounds were so chilling and shuddering that even Heite couldn't avoid it.

But while he was frightened, he was also particularly worried about Zabiru's current condition.

"Zabiru! Where are you?!"

"Evil God! Come out and fight me!"

He kept twisting his body left and right and looking around, but the dissipating black mist remained calm, completely blocking Heite's sight and unable to see anything.

【Calm down! Jianwu! Calm down! 】

"This voice..." The gradually agitated heart made Jian Wu appear particularly irritable, but after the voice appeared in his heart, Jian Wu miraculously calmed down.

But he was also confused about something.

"Who are you? If the senior is not dead, who are you?" Once, Jianwu thought this voice was that of the deceased senior, but the source appeared in front of him alive and well some time ago.

In other words, this voice is not a senior at all.

So who is he? Why does it appear in my heart?

Why can…

[I am another possibility of you, different from you in darkness, and also different from you in super ancient light. 】

[You are when you need me most right now]


[This is the moment when you are finally reborn, you have to take back your power, in this posture]

If these words are separated, Jianwu can understand them, but when combined together, Jianwu is quite confused.

What does it mean? Can you make it clearer?

Can you please stop saying things like this that are meaningful but don’t mean much?

[What you are about to embark on is a road to salvation. This road was opened up by your predecessors and given its existence]

[His successors gave hope and gave it the threshold of its arrival]

[And you, if you want to defeat the evil god, you must become the third generation]

[Only the savior can completely kill the evil god]

"Only the savior... can completely kill the evil god..." Jian Wu murmured these words.

[The first generation savior, the source, once faced off against the great evil god of darkness - Gatanjie, and the uncrowned king of the evil god - Lucifer, and defeated him]

[What the savior possesses, the special attack against the evil god comes from him]

[You must become the savior of the third generation and inherit this ability to defeat the evil god]

"Savior?" Jian Wu clenched his fists: "Tell me, how can I become the savior!"

[There is only one way to become a savior, and that is...]

The subsequent sounds became intermittent until they disappeared completely and were completely inaudible.

"Hey! Don't only tell half of your words! Tell me the most important thing!"

"Hey! Hey! Don't half-talk!"

"Why are you like Senior Yuanquan, slipping up at the critical moment?"

Being done like this twice at important moments in a row, Jianwu rarely complained.

But after the sound disappeared, the black mist suddenly began to flow, from being originally motionless to becoming extremely violent, moving left and right.

The next moment, terrifying high pressure fell from the sky. Heite shook his head suddenly and saw the figure of the evil god falling vertically above his head.

Before he could react, a white light cord broke in from outside the black fog, wrapped around Hete's wrist, and pulled him out, allowing Hete to escape from the darkness smoothly and see the light of day again.

Being hugged by Carmilla, Hete and Carmila looked at each other. They didn't say anything to each other, but nodded and turned to face the evil god over there again.

The black curtain hanging down from the sky no longer maintained its position of landing on the ground. The entire sky curtain moved upward and returned to the sky.

And when the curtain opens, it naturally means that the show is on again.


A cold light flashed in the dark core, and the evil god let out a thundering roar, and the spreading sound waves forced Hete and Carmilla back a few steps.

But after retreating, the truth after the curtain was raised again was exposed to everyone's eyes.

After "that guy" finally regained his footing, not only Carmilla and Jianwu, but also everyone else still on the ground could clearly see the huge scars on the evil god's body.

The scar extending from the shell to the flesh and blood was not healed by the evil god's terrifying self-healing ability. In fact, it still existed and could not disappear at all.

This leaves a gap in the evil god's unbreakable myth, making his despairing immunity and self-healing no longer so mysterious.

"It's injured!" Yu Ming shouted excitedly: "It seems that the self-destruction of Akira Rento and Ignis did not cause no harm to Him!"

"Furthermore, the injuries caused by the simultaneous explosion of light and darkness made it impossible for his self-healing ability to take effect, making it impossible for him to recover." Guangguo took off the device. As early as when the black curtain fell from the sky, Feiyan The number fell to the ground together with the Victory Falcon, losing the ability to fly again.

The terrifying pressure caused by the falling black mist covered the sky and cut off all radio waves.

All electronic equipment could no longer be used, and the Nastis was lost in the black fog. As the black curtain fell, it was also revealed on the ground, with sparks flying and it lost the ability to move.

"But... we are now short of a giant of light!"

Kengo turned into a dark giant again, and Carmilla also regained the power of transformation. The dark giant that was lacking before became sufficient at this moment.

But the Giant of Light was completely destroyed in the previous battle, and not a single one was left.

"Yao Hui." Looking at the dark core in the center of the evil god's chest, they all knew clearly that on the surface behind the dark core, the Emperor of Hope was engraved on it and was sealed inside to be suppressed and unable to escape.

That is the only giant of light that can still be counted on.

Heite and Carmilla looked at each other. Although neither found any trace of the evil agent, their goals would not change. The two left their places in an instant, coordinating left and right, and attacked together.

Hete fired blood-colored light arrows from his arms one after another, which fell on the evil god without causing any damage. Instead, they were all absorbed by the evil god without causing any ripples.

The same goes for Carmilla.

The power of darkness cannot shake the evil god of darkness, and he is not even qualified to be his opponent.

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