Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1746 1738: Special: Return to the path of Di Tiandi, step on the Big Dipper, step on the Tia

Chapter 1746 1738: Special: Return to the path of Di Tiandi, step on the Big Dipper, step on the Tianjiao, I am... [In the onset of the addiction to covering the sky]

"There must be a giant of light!"

This is an idea that everyone came up with under this situation.

But Carmilla has never behaved like that, she has always been a dark giant.

Then the only one who can potentially become a giant of light is Kenwu who has now transformed into Heite.

It is possible for him to transform into the Giant of Light - Teliga again. As long as he has the composite key, he can transform.

But that key has long since disappeared along with the petrification of Teliga's body. At this moment, even Teliga's stone statue is still stored in the pyramid and has no effect at all.

In order to become a giant of light, the former Heite did it with the help of the Eternal Core.

But now? What else can be done?

"No, there is another person!" Jian Wu suddenly raised his head, his originally drooped head raised again, his eyes bursting with hope.

He passed by Carmilla and ran towards the direction of the evil god again.

"Carmila! Cover me!" Jian Wu said: "I want to rescue senior Yaohui!"

"Yohui. Is that Ultraman?" Carmilla understood clearly. The Ultra warrior who was sealed and suppressed in the core of darkness was their only hope at this moment.

As long as we can save that person, then it's okay no matter what.

Kenwu took the lead and rushed out first, while Carmila was a little behind, escorting him around Kenwu, taking away those tentacles that might attack, as well as some conceptual blows from the evil god. Bear it on your own.

This was what Dagon and Hitram did in the past, but now Carmilla can only do it.

Naturally, the evil god would not watch their approach in vain, but he actually didn't care much, because in the final analysis, the strict hierarchy of the dark world made it impossible for the lower powers of darkness to resist the higher powers of darkness.

In front of the Evil God, whether it is Carmilla or Hete, no matter their power or their own selves, they can only surrender before Him.

If the dark giant can really hurt him, it will be unless there is a light giant next to the dark giant.

But that kind of existence is gone.

The core of darkness rotated slightly, as if to reveal the side that had suppressed Emperor Hope, as if to give Jianwu some hope and make him more motivated and determined.

This will give him a deeper despair.

Although most of the tentacles have been destroyed in the previous explosion, the tentacles composed of the dissipated black mist are still the same, waving and swinging like whip cords. Every time they want to attack Jianwu, but every time they are blocked. Carmilla blocked it.

Until the only remaining chelicerae poked out from the ground, catching Carmilla off guard, and hit Carmilla's chest directly, knocking her away and falling heavily to the ground.

But it was enough. Kenwu seized the opportunity created by Carmilla.

Stretching out his hands and placing them directly on the surface of the Dark Core, Kenwu activated his own power. In his own turbulent darkness, he tried to turn the Dark Core around bit by bit, revealing the Emperor of Hope sealed inside. one side.

The dark core released a terrifying electric current that swept through Heite's body, leaving him in an extremely painful state.

But even so, Heit still didn't let go, still holding on to the core of darkness, not wanting to let go no matter what.

"Give it to me! Release senior!" The darkness surging all over his body turned into rising flames, and he unleashed his full strength in the roar. Anyone who saw Heite's desperate posture would be frightened.


The evil god raised his hand to attack, hitting Hete's abdomen from bottom to top. The terrifying strange power knocked Hete directly into the air. He jumped into the air and was hit by three tentacles that immediately stood up. He flew horizontally in the air. It flew out and landed at the old shelter nearby.


Jian Wu covered his arm. Before being knocked away by the tentacle, he used his arm to block part of the attack. The price he paid was the damage to his wrist at this moment.

"Teliga?! You!" But what followed was Carmilla's shocked voice.

"Ken Wu?!" On the ground, Ji Ming also opened his mouth, looking at Heite's appearance in disbelief.

Not only him, but even Lina and others on the ground at the moment were also very surprised.

"Me?" Jian Wu pointed at himself with some hindsight: "What's wrong with me?"

"Hitram's power, blue Junmin." Looking up and down at Hete's appearance at this moment, Carmilla confirmed Hete's current posture again and again, and said with certainty: "You got Hitler." Mu’s power!”

"Hitram?" Jianwu was stunned for a moment, then looked at his body.

From this pitch-black body, he also saw the color that belonged to Hitram, that kind of blue and purple skin, which was engraved on his body at this moment.

The purple color part of him who was the Giant of Light at that time and the composite type completely overlapped with it, exactly.

"Hitram. And then Dagon?" Lina glanced at Carmilla beside her: "He is almost the same as Dagu at that time. Is he going to restore his identity like this?"

"Then it depends on me." Carmilla said: "Even having the power of both of them is not enough. If he cannot get the power of love from "me", he will never be able to return to the form of the Giant of Light. "

This "I" definitely refers to Carmilla, not Carmilla.

"I just didn't expect that they would be so similar." Lina said with emotion: "But Ditliga in this world, you are still here, but I no longer exist."

"This shows that you are a unique existence for Dagu." If it were the time when they got married, Carmilla would definitely not have said this, but she had already been united with Lina and guaranteed enough life for Lina. , have been able to do this, so naturally they will not say anything vicious to Lina.

"People like me are different in every world." Carmilla even joked about herself at the end, belittling herself a little.

"No, your meaning to him is also extraordinary." Lina shook her head.

"He wouldn't be who he is without you."

The exclamation on the ground could not be conveyed here, but the changes on Hete's body could not be faked.

At this moment, both Jianwu and Carmila understood what they were going to do next.

"You took back Hitram's power from him and gave it to yourself, so you have to take back Dagon's power too!" Carmilla seemed to understand something: "Teliga, the two of them The power will become part of your giant of light, and maybe that’s your chance to become a giant of light again!”

"But aren't they all dark giants?" Jian Wu was a little stunned: "And I, I don't know how I did it, I just wanted to save senior Yaohui, and I wanted to fight the darkness with all my life. The core is just turned around.”

"Then try again with this mood." Carmilla approved: "Anyway, the result won't be worse than this."

This sentence makes sense. Anyway, the destruction of the world is right in front of you. Since this incomprehensible thing has happened, there is no need to think too much, just regard it as the only life-saving straw.

With this thought, Heite got up from the ground, lowered his body, and the aerial moves belonging to Teliga automatically appeared in his mind.

Although there is no ring sword and no corresponding key, Kenwu knows what the power characteristics of Hitram are.

In an instant, Jianwu differentiated into countless phantoms, which spread around the evil god in the blink of an eye, constantly changing their positions as they moved around.

But when he used it like this, Carmilla was a little surprised.

Why do you feel that Hitram's power is stronger?

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