Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 209 The pursuit of destiny (It’s over, I can’t say anything bad anymore)

"Now, an urgent news break. This morning, a large-scale infectious disease broke out across Japan. Major hospitals are overcrowded and there are many patients."

"It is said that this is a new type of virus, and Japan is not the only one affected..."

I pressed the remote control and changed the TV station, but even if I changed the station, the news was still the same. This is true regardless of replacement.

"Most of the patients suffer from complications, ranging from mild symptoms such as cough and fever to severe symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, and even serious effects of organ failure."

Even if the channel is changed, the news is still the same. After all, it is still explaining the changes to the world.

Simply turning off the TV, Yuanquan lay on his back on the sofa, watching the lights flickering on and off, and fell into speechlessness for a moment.

Although it was a glimpse, the dispatch of TPC ground troops on TV was not an illusion.

Not everything can trigger the dispatch of ground troops.

And this also represents something unusual.

Faust, could this be Faust's fault?

At the same time, Yuanquan's cell phone suddenly rang. Yuanquan, who was in a slightly exhausted mental state, answered the call, and the voice of Beidou Seisi came from it.

"Is Yaohui at your place?" Beidou Xingsi got straight to the point, without any intention of beating around the bush.

"No, isn't he interested in a girl? In order not to disturb him, I haven't contacted him for a long time." Yuanquan finished speaking subconsciously, and then he grasped the point: "You mean, Yaohui is not at home?"

"He hasn't come back for four days. I suspect something has happened to him." Even though they were not face to face, Yuanquan could still hear Beidou Xingsi's solemn voice: "This matter is probably not simple. You are weak." , don’t fall into it. Just leave it to my people.”

"That won't work. I'm Yaohui's eldest brother. Something happened to my little brother. As the eldest brother, I can't stand by and watch." Yuanquan shook his head, grabbed his clothes and prepared to leave the house: "Don't worry, old man, I will also look for someone everywhere." Found it."

"You kid, but..." Yuanquan didn't hear what he said clearly, because the moment he opened the door, the giant sword suddenly fell on his head, interrupting Yuanquan's subsequent words.

Even in this unexpected sneak attack, Yuanquan did not have time to fully react, causing the phone to be smashed to pieces by the powerful arm.

Naturally, Beidou couldn't hear what he said.

Yuanquan rolled a few times on the ground, and after getting out of the opponent's attack range, he immediately pulled out the energy blast gun and pointed it at the enemy. When he saw clearly what it was, he shouted in surprise.

"Who are you!"


As if nothing had happened, Yuanquan clocked in on time again and arrived at the ground headquarters.

And this time even Nakajima fell ill.

And I heard that most people in the ground headquarters have been infected with the virus mentioned in the news, even the victory team is not immune to this.

Horii, in particular, was the first to bear the brunt. Now he was lying on the hospital bed in a daze, saying some incomprehensible words.

Facing the empty activity room, Yuanquan clenched his fists, went out directly, and rushed to the ward where Horii was currently located.

After roughly pushing the door open and startling a bunch of people, Yuanquan happened to see everyone in the ward.

Everyone from the victory team was there except Dagu.

"Yuan? You came to see us too." Xincheng, who had come to visit Zongfang before, was now lying on the hospital bed next to Zongfang. He was yawning and in good spirits. He could even raise his hand to say hello to Yuanquan.

"You guys..." Yuanquan looked around. When he saw Zongfang, who had started to show his vitality status with an electrocardiogram, he immediately took a few steps forward and asked, "What's going on? Weren't you fine yesterday?"

"The doctor said that the condition suddenly worsened last night, causing the commander to completely fall into a coma. Whether he can wake up depends on the commander himself." Lina was very worried. All members of the victory team had problems, Dagu disappeared, and all these pressures On her body, Lina could hardly breathe.

"...What if I say that this incident is not a natural disaster?" Yuanquan said silently. The people here are soldiers fighting on the front line and are also his trustworthy comrades.

Maybe there are some things that they should know.

"What do you want to say? No, you noticed something?" Hui Jian, who had been silent and observed the subtle changes in the source, seemed to have caught something important, and went straight to the topic as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Masaki Keigo, all this is related to Masaki Keigo."

After all, Yuan still did not reveal the existence of Faust, but placed the responsibility on Masaki Keigo.

But there is one thing to say, the development of this matter is indeed inseparable from Masaki Keigo.

"Masaki? I heard that he is an outstanding scientist, has a great reputation in academia, and is very rich. What does he have to do with this matter...?" Yerui was a little confused. What is Masaki Keigo's information? The secret can basically be recognized at a glance.

Why would a guy who is famous all over the world and destined to have a bright future be so troubled?

"Did you find anything on him?" Hui Jian continued to ask.

"He is conducting a very cruel experiment, the alien factor, which is the name of the virus sweeping the world this time." After closing his eyes and thinking for a while, Yuan finally decided to speak out.

"It is a parasitic modification factor with super infectivity and regenerative properties. Once it lodges in a living being, it will corrode and infect the original cells and flesh of the organism in a short period of time, changing in the direction of parabiosis."

"Once you become an alien beast, you will become a carrier of the alien beast's factors. Even if you just stand there and do nothing, you will become a fixed source of viruses."

"And... makes a living by eating people."

God knows what kind of mood Yuanquan said the last few words, because it was something he had been trying not to think about, and even wanted to forget.

A team of ten teammates, starting from the first one infected by the alien beast, developed into teammates who hunted down their own teammates.

As they die one by one, there are fewer and fewer teammates, and the number of alien beasts is increasing.

Until the last four alien beasts were left.

And those are all his comrades.

The scene of the alien beast's mouthparts chewing up flesh and bones, crushing bones, and devouring its companions is still vivid in my mind.

The comrades who turned into alien beasts are eating their own comrades?

Hehe, I must have been the one who was frightened and at a loss what to do at that time.

It was a horror that could not be forgotten and buried deep in the deepest part of my heart.

Mentioned by Faust, it was eventually brought up again by the source from the depths of memory.


Quan has never said these words in such a heavy tone, and each word combined to form a sentence is something that each of them has never experienced before.

"But, if it was really Masaki who did it, what is his plan, just to destroy this world?" Shinjo struggled to ask the reason. If he hadn't been lying in bed and couldn't get up, he would have gone to Masaki Keigo right now. Trouble.

"I will report this matter to the director and formulate a plan." Hui Jian knew that rashly attacking a person with a great reputation in academia without the permission of his superiors would likely lead to disputes.

Yuanquan knows this, but time is running out. What will happen to the entire earth after the TPC meeting is over?

How many people will still be standing at that time?

"Please do it as soon as possible." Yuanquan nodded, turned around and left in silence.

He was going to the sea base to find someone.

A person who can break things.

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