Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 210 Yuan, are you Ultraman?


Not at all.

There is no trace of Dr. Tango in the ground headquarters at all. This guy who had colluded with Masaki Keigo early in the original work and even secretly transported away the fragments of the giant stone statue was the source of the attempt to find the breaking point.

After finding Dr. Tango, there is no way to hide Masaki Keigo’s whereabouts from him.

Because in the original work, Masaki's transformed Xie Di emerged from underneath the Sedic Technology Company he built.

In other words, above the evil stone statue, it was built by Masaki Keigo to confuse others.

Yuanquan tried it last night, but even if the entire Sedic Technology Company was turned upside down, there was nothing related to Ultraman at all.

Not even one of the laboratories shown in the original work exists.

It seems like a real company.

But will the Fountain believe it?

You're just like Mephistopheles who won't come to him, the probability is low.

It was precisely because of relying on the information in the original plot that Yuanquan wanted to tell the victory team about this matter after searching for a long time but not finding Masaki and Dagu.

After all, he is only one person, and the Victory Team has a lot of energy. Maybe they can find Masaki?

Dr. Tango was not found at the ground headquarters. Source immediately went to the TPC offshore base through the underwater passage, and found the biological experiment laboratory on the 65th floor underground.

This is where the fragments of the giant stone statue are stored, and it is also the laboratory of Dango in the original work.

Wearing a uniform, Yuan Quan came to this laboratory, only to find that the place was already deserted. Apart from the neatly arranged experimental items, there was not even a single person to be seen.

Even the boxes containing the fragments of the giant stone statue were still placed on the table one by one and no one moved them.

"Isn't he here too?" If Tango can't be found, how can he find Masaki?

Is it true that all we can do is wait and do nothing?

Yuanquan stretched out his hand and brushed it from the box containing the fragments of the giant stone statue. He looked around at the experimental equipment. They were all new and looked like they had never been used before.

Without the foresight provided by the original plot, Yuanquan suddenly fell into confusion.

What’s next?

What else can be done?

I know that the stone statue of Xie Di is in the underground tunnel of Kumamoto City, but there are at least thousands of underground tunnels in Kumamoto City, and there are many underground tunnels that are not included in the statistics or are even covered by something.

Search for them one by one. When will you find them?

Perhaps the existence of Xie Di should be told to TPC, so that with TPC's manpower, the location of Xie Di's stone statue can be found in about a day.

But if TPC finds the stone statue, what will be the result?

Yuanquan Da can completely imagine that once the Eagle Faction staff who are eager for Ultraman's power get the Evil Di Stone Statue and even know Masaki Keigo's abilities and methods, it will be a disaster for this world.

Yuanquan couldn't imagine what he would do when the scene of openly and officially cooperating with TPC to develop the power of giants happened in front of him.

So, do you want to believe it?

human nature?

Think about Luluye later, and then think about the artificial Dyna in Dyna. With all these things in front of you, what about human nature? Do you still need to believe it?

Light suddenly appears, but darkness lasts forever. This is what the source said to the witch at the beginning, and it is his judgment on mankind.

So he believes even more in the uncertainty of human nature.


The sound of the communicator brought Yuanquan back from his trance, and when he turned on the communicator, he was even more stunned.

"Vice Captain, come here! Captain... Captain, he is crazy!"


Without any reservations, running light energy to boost its own speed, Yuanquan rushed in almost as soon as Liang's communication was disconnected and arrived at the medical department of the sea base.

It was here that the Evolution Truster began to flicker, and the flickering light was like the source's heart at this moment.

Behind the broken door, no, the guy in hospital clothes who broke out of the door, just looking at the back, was indeed a human being.

But looking at his tentacles dragging on the ground and the spikes tearing off his clothes on his back, can he be called a human being?

He drew his gun and pointed it at the opponent, but Yuanquan did not pull the trigger after all, because judging from the familiar look on the opponent's face when he turned around, it was... Gosuke Kibi.

The hand holding the gun trembled slightly. Even if he had known that such a situation would happen, seeing it with his own eyes was still hard to accept.

"Vice...Vice Captain..." Liang's weak voice came from the ward. Yuan took a deep breath, put back the Hypa Victory Gun, and walked up with bare hands.

The people watching from a distance only thought that Yuanquan was going to die, but those who were lucky enough to see Yuanquan knew that in the entire TPC, there was no one who was better at killing monsters with the physical body than this guy.

"Source...Am I..." Even though he has begun to transform into a beast, Kibi Gosuke still retains the consciousness that humans can understand.

He has not been completely transformed into an alien beast.

"Don't worry, captain... The victory team is already thinking of a way." He grabbed Kibi Gosuke's tentacles without any scruples. The source continued to inject light energy into Kibi Gosuke's body to relieve his pain. Alien animal transformation.

After calming down the restlessness of the alien beast factor, Source supported the unconscious Kibi Gosuke and returned to the ward.

The broken door did not provide any shielding effect, but the source no longer wanted to pay attention to it.

Putting Kibi Gosuke on the hospital bed, he looked at Nakajima and Koda, who were also frowning, as if they were struggling in a nightmare, and Ryo, who was unconsciously injured by Kibiki Gosuke's rage and was also infected. Taking a deep breath, he took out the Evolution Truster.

But when he was about to transform, the entire sea base suddenly experienced a strong vibration, attracting the attention of other people who wanted to come over and take a look.

A unique roar rang in the ears, and the familiar fluctuations of alien beasts stimulated people's nerves.

The waves of darkness were like Faust standing in front of him.

"Faust..." While everyone's attention was being attracted, the source pulled out the Evolved Truster, turned into a bright red light, broke through the window, and came to the sky above the TPC sea base.

And above the tpc sea base, a big fluttering moth that is very long and embarrassing to the audience is hovering above the tpc sea base.

Judging from the degree of mutation and curiosity of this moth, it is true that it has been eroded by the alien beast factor, but it looks like this...

Could it be that it couldn't bear the transformation of the alien beast factor and became divided?

This guy is so weak that he can't even be called an alien beast. He probably doesn't even have long-range attacks.

Nexus only discovered this when he saw the moth holding two large stones on its feet...

Looking at this thing speechlessly, Nexus raised his hand and released a photon blade.

This little trick is an irresistible kill for this moth. The moment it is hit, its body is cut open, and it turns into blue light particles and dissipates in the booming explosion.

After destroying the alien beast, Nexus turned around, brushed the bird timer on his chest with one hand, extracted the red life light flow, released the cell conversion beam, and projected it into the bodies of Kibi Gosuke and others.

The energy consumed by the cells to convert the beam was significant, but Nexus had to do it.

This was the only way he could think of to eliminate Kibi Gosuke's mutation.

He is also very lucky now. Fortunately, he can learn the cell conversion beam from Diga in time. Otherwise, he really has nothing to do.

Kibi Gosuke's mutation began to reverse under the illumination of the cell conversion beam, the tentacles returned to human hands, and the spikes on his back fell off, revealing new skin.

After completely curing Xibi, Koda and others, Nexus's bird core began to flicker, breathing heavily.

Both physical strength and energy were severely depleted.

But the goal has been achieved, and that's enough.

After canceling the transformation, he turned into a phantom and disappeared. The source appeared on the rooftop of the TPC sea base. As soon as he landed, his legs became weak and he couldn't hold himself up and fell to his knees.

Sweat condensed like rain, and the consumption of releasing the cell conversion beam was greater than imagined.

The energy loss is stable, but the physical loss is really too serious.

Struggling to stand up, Yuanquan sat cross-legged on the ground and turned on the communicator.

It just so happened that at this time, the alarm sounded throughout the TPC sea base.

And this represents the order to assemble. There is a very important matter that requires the dispatch of ground troops.

But now the sixth team...

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