Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 262 Please teach me about sword skills (×) I feel itchy ()

What happened outside the time and space barrier was not perceived by the source. Even when this period of time and space almost collapsed and perished, the beings living in the current time and space were not aware of it at all.

In the final analysis, it is the power of the Demon God that transcends time and space, and is truly an ability that involves the rules of the universe.

"Yo! I'm back." Lan raised his hand easily and walked back calmly as if nothing happened.

It's just that he inevitably kept his eyes on Yuanyuan for a long time, and then moved away belatedly.

"We came back just in time. We have determined the time and space fluctuations in the Time and Space City. If Arena is willing to cooperate, we can use Arena's ability to travel through the mirror into the Space and Time City." Temple friend Ichijo also didn't sleep all night. He would never be willing to just lie down like this if he could bring down the Time and Space City.

"It's been such a troubled time. I don't know where these guys jumped out from." Jinno rubbed his eyes. The heavy dark circles under his eyes meant that he was definitely in a bad mood now.

After all, it was his team members who were imprisoned in the Time and Space City.

"Things are always like this. They won't develop in the direction we want to develop. However, this is the world, this uncertainty." Lan shrugged and sat next to Yuanquan.

"I don't have much experience in this area. What you want to ask is about this guy. He has fought side by side with the teams on Earth."

"Fight side by side?" As a robot, Mana already has emotions. It can be said that apart from her robot identity, she is no different from humans.

And she also broke away from the biggest villain boss in Galaxy S TV, and stabbed her master in the back before she changed her ways.

From below to above, everyone knows it.

"Yes, I was Ultraman fighting side by side with the teams on Earth in another time and space. That cherished memory is a treasure worth cherishing for a lifetime." Yuanquan finished speaking with a smile and immediately stood up: "I'm going to find Xiao Guang and Axiang. Sero, you have to be careful of Etaluga's sneak attack here."

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, nothing will happen." Lan waved his hand and said confidently.

But looking at the back of Yuanquan gradually disappearing, the smile on Lan's face gradually disappeared, because the team he was referring to was not just the victory team, but also his past, in that world everything, those

Although he knew that his unintentional words might have caused some pain in Yuanquan's heart, Zero still kept his mouth firm.

Although he didn't apologize, the guilty look he showed couldn't be faked.

Now think about it, when I was still talking about something shamelessly, Master Leo called me over and told me something specifically.

Thinking about it now, Zero thought, how many scars had he unintentionally exposed on the source?

It's no wonder that when that guy was training himself, his attacks became harder every time!

Hehe, that guy Zero is still as outspoken as ever.

But since he came from the future anyway, his future self must have taught him a lesson.

I was thinking about some things that were not there. Yuanquan walked through a dense forest that he had to pass before going to the cliff. It was in this dense forest that Yuanquan was attacked, and gravel was thrown from a distance. attack.

The flying speed of these stones is very fast, and it can be seen that the person who projected these stones used great strength.

But these attacks are nothing to Yuan Quan. He easily bypasses his body and completely avoids these attacks, making these attacks completely unable to touch his body.

It wasn't until the last stone was grasped by the source, or even crushed directly, that a follow-up attack followed.

It was an attack launched by Xiaoguang who jumped down from the tree. It was powerful and heavy, and it used the hand knife attack that Yuanquan had used before.

Yuanquan did not dodge or evade, and raised his hands to block the top of his head to resist firmly.

But at the same time, Axiang, who was flying past, hit Yuanquan on the ankle, causing Yuanquan to have to withdraw his hand and throw Xiaoguang out.

Axiang jumped over the tree trunk, hugged Xiaoguang's body, and removed the power from Xiaoguang's body. Then the two of them rushed towards each other in tandem without saying a word.

Yuanquan took a few steps back, feeling very relieved. Although it was only preliminary, it could be seen that they had changed.

But is that all? Can there be more to show?

The source lowered his body, waiting for the coming impact.

But this guy Axiang directly took out the gun of victory, pulled the trigger from a position behind Xiaoguang, and launched an attack on the source.

This also forces the source to move away from its original location to avoid being hit by these rays.

Destroying the posture prepared by Yuanquan on the spot, Yuanquan was unable to accumulate strength in a hurry. What Xiaoguang was going to face next was not a guy who was as strong as a monster.

"Drink!" The body jumped up in the air and punched the source. The same attack, the same treatment, even after special training, it was impossible to go beyond it.

In a hurry, Yuanquan grabbed Xiaoguang's fist. Compared with last time, this time Yuanquan took two steps back before fully catching it.

Seeing this, Xiaoguang immediately raised his other hand to attack again, but was still caught by the source.

This gave Axiang some opportunities.

A hand was placed on Xiaoguang's shoulder, and his body leaped into the air and kicked out boldly towards Yuanquan's face.

He bent his legs to avoid Xiang's kick. At the same time, Yuanquan showed no mercy and aimed directly at Xiaoguang's foot and stepped on it.

A powerful force kicked Xiaoguang's feet, causing Xiaoguang's feet to be trampled deep into the soil. This severe and completely unbearable pain made Xiaoguang scream in agony, and he was even unable to organize a follow-up. After the attack, he fell completely to the ground, covering his feet and howling.


How could Axiang have imagined that Xiaoguang would be killed by a single move? Xiaoguang shouldn't be so fragile.

Or is it really that painful to have your toe stepped on?

"Okay, I know you want to give me a surprise and show the results of your training, and I have seen these." He calmly exposed the two guys' attempts to beat him up. Yuanquan doesn't get angry with them like this.

Anyway, he is not the one being beaten violently now.

"Compared with before, you have made great progress. I believe you can try to prepare for fusion." Yuanquan said, quite curiously.

"By the way, how far have you completed the plan I made for you?"

"Climbing down the cliff, running away from rolling rocks, and fighting with you." Axiang glared at Yuanquan angrily. If you let an ordinary person do these things, I'm afraid it will cost someone else's life.

But for Xiaoguang and I, the most dangerous thing is the last option.

I'd rather jump off a cliff than fight with you.

"It seems that you have implemented it very well." Without any sense of being a devil in the eyes of others, Yuanquan clapped his hands: "Congratulations, you can start training now."

"No, before I go out, I want to learn your swordsmanship." A Xiang's eyes revealed fighting intent.

"I heard from Zero that your swordsmanship is very powerful, I"

"Swordsmanship? I'm actually not very good at it, but of course I won't refuse your request."

"bring it on."

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