Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 263 Everyone is in the atmosphere, only you are still in the ground layer

"Although there are still some shortcomings, we have made great progress compared to before." Yuanquan walked into the UPG headquarters first, and his voice could be heard from far away, which also made Zhan Zhi Everyone else in the headquarters focused their attention on it.

Among them, Elena was the most excited. She suddenly stood up from her original position, pinched the corner of her skirt and looked at the door expectantly.

"It's too late in time. If Etaluga gives up capturing you here and chooses to leave, it will be very troublesome for us to find it, so you can only try to perform fusion transformation and use the Ultra that Zero gave you. Fusion bracelet." He walked in first, and the source was like a gust of wind, bringing brand-new news.

Following him were Xiaoguang, who had a sad face and walked awkwardly, and Axiang, whose face was bruised and red, and who had been beaten badly.

"Whether you can summon a miracle depends on you. Furthermore, the extent to which Ultraman's power can be exerted after the fusion also depends on how united you are." His face was as usual, and he did not beat A Xiang at all. The feeling of guilt after the pause was better said than that after the beating. Yuan Quan was in a better mood and passed by Alena with a smile.

He was in a good mood and even had the thought to reach out and give Alena a high-five.

"Captain Jinye, Yuya, Arena, and Zero, we will prepare a battle plan and break into the time and space city to rescue people!" Turning around, Yuanquan took the initiative in his hands without hesitation.

Under the current circumstances, he must do the same.

"Youye, the task of calculating the frequency of space-time fluctuations in Time and Space City is left to you. You are the only one here who is qualified to do this."

"Captain Jinye, please prepare the satellite and issue an evacuation order. That guy from Etaluga will definitely bring the Time and Space City to the city."

"Xiaoguang and Xiang, please stay where you are."

"Zero, let's break into the time and space city with Arena!"


Everyone raised their fists magnificently. This exciting moment filled their hearts with fighting spirit.

"I don't know what Etaluga did, but if there is anything wrong with it, I hope you can give it a chance to explain." Before setting off, Alena looked around and finally hesitated to say it. In this case.

Because in her memory at this moment, Etaluga is still her savior.

Yuanquan stretched out his hand to stop Lan's move to say something. He knew that Zero didn't know what happened before. If Zero said something wrong and irritated Alena, the so-called plan to break into the time and space city would be just that. Just talk.

"Don't worry, we won't hurt Etaluga." Yuanquan is also good at lying. He can deceive Alena and so on. With his thick skin, he can easily catch her.

"Yeah." No one knows how many levels of sources Alena believes.

But Alena did take off the mirror hanging from her waist and unfolded it in a circle.

The light reflected by these mirrors in their respective mirrors tangles together to form a channel made entirely of mirrors.

Alena nodded and walked in first.

Lan subconsciously covered her right wrist with her hand, where the Praji bracelet was.

And the source also secretly hides the evolution truster in his sleeves, always ready to transform.

"Already located!" After waiting for more than ten seconds, Youye's voice finally came through. This was also the signal that Yuanquan and Lan had been waiting for. The two immediately stepped into the mirror. In the next moment, they went from one to the other. They jumped out of the narrow exit and both landed on the ground, stepping on solid ground.

"Are those the other sealed Ultra Warriors?" Lan looked at the dark space above his head. In the mirror floating in that dark world were the sealed Ultra Warriors.

"Dagu, I'm here to save you." With his head lowered, his eyes converged from the mirror fragments lying on the ground. Yuanquan turned his eyes to Arena, as if he wanted Arena to unlock the mirror's seal.

But at this moment, Alena who is still standing here is no longer the Alena they are familiar with, because a stream of black and blue light rushes downwards from the top of the time and space city, hitting Yarina with incomparable accuracy. Rena's body completely enveloped her in darkness.

Correspondingly, her false memories that had been suppressed once again dominated her current personality, returning her to the time when Source first saw her.

"Zero, Nexus, I have been waiting for you for a long time." Aitaluga's voice came through the distant floor, and the pride in his voice almost overflowed.

"I have been prepared for a long time, just waiting for you to come in."

"So what?" Yuanquan nodded to Zero, who also understood very well. He directly raised his hand to summon Zero's glasses from Palaji's bracelet, quickly put them on before his eyes and pressed the button.

In the red and blue light, Zero's huge body squatted on the ground, and the dust swept around, covering the surrounding environment.

Etaluga instantly appeared in front of Zero, standing behind Arena.

"Aren't you going to transform? Ultraman Nexus." It was just Zero transforming, but the source didn't move at all. Arena was still a little surprised by this.

Do you want Zero to fight alone? I think I think too highly of Zero.

"Etaluga, although you guessed that I was going to break into the time and space city, do you think I couldn't guess that you would be waiting for me here?" Source ignored Alena and directly took out Shepparton's gun. The crystal doll, with light energy instilled in it to inspire Shepparton's power, raised its hand high and pointed it at the infinite darkness above its head.

Shepparton's power turned into a beam of light, breaking through the blockade of darkness in an instant, directly instilling power into the body of the mirror that sealed Ultraman.

This power is so powerful that it can even vaguely resonate with Arena's power, and it can cause great damage to the seal set by Arena.

A sound like a shattering mirror sounded, and all the mirrors sealing the Ultramen were shattered. The Ultra Warriors, who were still in miniature form, seized the opportunity and immediately flew away from the time and space city and escaped into the vast dark universe.

"You! What kind of power is that! Why would you!" This scene was beyond Etaluga's understanding. How could the source control the power that could break the seal?

What on earth is that crystal monster, and why can it break through Alena's seal in an instant?

You know, even Aleister cannot do such a thing.

"Aitaluga, you don't have time to guess now!" No one could answer Aitaluga's question, because Sero rushed up to fight it immediately, and the two sides were wrestling with each other. He broke through the wall of the time and space city and fell outside the universe.

"Damn it, if that's the case." Aitarujia was furious after kicking Sero out.

The Ultra Warriors he had captured with great difficulty during this period, and the SSRs he had finally collected!

"Don't even think about running away!" With an order, Etaluga controlled the space-time city to fall towards the earth. The broken space-time wormhole connected the distance between the universe and the planet, allowing the space-time city to appear in the urban area in an instant. within.

The Ultra Warriors who flew out all turned into light and stood at the back of the UPG headquarters. Then they dissipated one by one and returned to their human form.

Because they stayed in the mirror for so long that could be called eternity, Dagu and the others were still in the moment when they were defeated by Etaluga, and their own condition was definitely not good.

Therefore, after escaping, even the transformation could not be maintained and could only be transformed into a human body.

But the appearance of the huge space-time city emerging from the wormhole also made Dagu and the others look very serious.

What if he was caught again?

"Etaluga!" But when the time and space city appeared, Zero was not the kind of person who would just look at him for no reason. Wearing the Paraji armor, he also opened a wormhole and came to the earth in an instant. Hengjian was on the spot, and then Once blocked in front of Etaluga.

".Sero, Sero!" After being blocked by Zero several times, Etaluga's hatred for Zero was already very huge. In addition, all the SSRs he had collected with great difficulty were all gone. Etaluga, who had an unbalanced mentality, couldn't help it. To think too much, go straight to Zero's hateful and hateful face.

He must suppress Zero today.

In the time and space city, the source that was about to leave was stopped by an energy bomb.

If he wants to find Musashi and the others, he has to see if Alena agrees.

Some changes have been made here. Can you believe that after the sealed Ultraman are freed from the seal, the screen will be full of energy, and they will even have the energy to pass on their own light to the Galaxy and Victory?

Are you being sealed?

They were running around and full of energy, so I thought for a while that Diga and his gang were on vacation, as if they had been defeated and sealed away.

Who believes it!

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