Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 598 Golzan: I didn’t expect that I would have to work overtime one day

"Huh...I'm so exhausted." Working almost from night to day and then to night again, this level of exertion overwhelmed everyone.

Although hospitals in the past were not deserted, they have never been as grand as today.

After changing out of the nurse's uniform, the smell of medicine on Nanami's body was still hard to wipe off, but no one cared about this.

"Will there be monsters again tonight?" This was the question my dream finally raised after leaning against the wall and pondering for a long time.

And his question suddenly attracted everyone's attention. Even they knew what it would mean if a monster really appeared.

"Haven't the two-tailed monster and Gu Dun been killed? There should be...no monsters should appear." Qihai was secretly frightened. She didn't want to work overtime again, and she didn't want to be among the people she had to send to the emergency room later. , there will be friends of your own.

"I can't say for sure. I've traveled all over the world and realized one thing, that is, the less you want something to happen, the more it will happen." Zhu Xingzhen shook his head. Although he was tired, his physical fitness Especially outstanding, this level is not difficult for him.

"I'm more curious now, who is that Ultraman." Zhu Xingzhen showed an interested look. As a group of people who also grew up watching Ultraman, he certainly knew that Ultraman did not disappear out of thin air. But there is a human body.

It's just that who this human body is, it's hard to find in the vast sea of ​​people.

Of course, Morohoshi really didn't think that way about the people around him.

It was also because Da Gu asked him to change into regular clothes in the future, so he didn't seem so noticeable.

If he was still wearing the guys' combat uniform, no one could tell that there was something wrong with him!

"I think there are already many people who want to find the human body of this Ultraman." He leaned against the wall with his hands on the back of his head. Outside the lonely hospital, Asuka looked up at the stars and said flatly: " At Tsuburaya Tokusatsu Production Company, everyone from the president to the cleaners who sweep the floors were asked to leave early this morning. I think they may be feeling sad this time."

"When something like this happened, it was understandable that Tsuburaya was asked to leave. After all... who asked them to..." Xiao Hui supported Beidou Xingsi. The old man insisted on staying here with them to work with them, but he was tired. Now, he was sitting on a chair with Xiaohui soothing his back, soothing his inner energy due to his wandering days.

"This matter should have nothing to do with them. The existence of monsters is real, but they just don't exist in our world." Beidou Xingsi grabbed Xiaohui's hand and signaled her to stop: "There must be someone behind this planning all this. They I want more!”

"What if, I mean what if, if there are really monsters tonight?" Dagu raised his head and no longer remained silent: "Do we, or the world, have any way to deal with it?"

Dagu's questions hit the mark, but unfortunately, none of them could give an answer.

As shown in the tokusatsu drama, the opponent of the monster is always the Ultra Warrior, and there are not many times when humans can cause effective damage in front of the monster.

Even if there are, they are individual.

All hope lies in the unknown Ultraman, but who can guarantee that he will definitely appear?

"There is no point in thinking so much. Let's go back first." Beidou stood up. He wanted to go back and discuss with Hayata and the others the specific progress of the matter, regarding the appearance of the monster and the identity of the mastermind behind it.

"Yes." The mood of the group was very low. No one would be in a good mood when encountering such a big change.

What happened last night, I'm afraid many people won't dare to sleep tonight.

Once you fall asleep, if you are completely unable to wake up due to the collapse of the earth, everything will be lost.

In the darkness, looking at the group of people who were about to leave, the Shadow Mage slowly raised his hand, and the dark energy stirring in his palm communicated with the space-time barrier outside the universe.

Although he doesn't know why the time to the future has been broken and he cannot summon monsters from the future, he can still summon monsters from the past.

That's enough.

Last night was just an appetizer. That sudden attack caused a lot of casualties and panic. The entire human society fell into inexplicable fear. Negative energy accumulated very quickly, feeding on it and even strengthening itself. The Shadow Mage will not reject anyone who comes, absorbing them all and turning them into his own power.

But it's not enough. The accumulation of negative energy is not enough once. It has to be squeezed for a long time, slowly driving the people of this world to a dead end.

The negative energy created a unique magic circle, which began to be constructed in the ground below the city.

It wants to summon a monster, a monster it captured from another universe.

And at the moment when the negative energy started to build the magic circle, Mirai and Beidou Seiji stopped almost at the same time, and looked back at the balcony of the high-rise building opposite the hospital at the same time.

They all felt the strong negative energy.


The ground shook and the floors were torn apart. Just under the high-rise building opposite Tokyo Hospital, the ground was collided and collapsed, kicking up countless amounts of soil. The entire building was defeated by the monsters rushing out of the ground.

Among the scattered ruins and flashes of electric sparks from time to time, Golzan waved his arms, stepped out of the huge pit, and roared to the sky.

"It's really what you said. It really doesn't give people a way to survive, right?" Zhu Xingzhen looked at the monster so close and helplessly spread his hands.

"Do you still want to complain at this time? Run!" I slapped Zhuo Xingzhen on the shoulder, and I Meng grabbed Zhuo Xingzhen's hand and ran directly.

At the same time, Dagu picked up Qihai and Yuanquan picked up Xiaohui. They looked at each other and ran away immediately.

"Uncle Beidou!" Asuka shouted anxiously, grabbing Beidou's hand.

"You go first!" Beidou broke free from Asuka's hand and ran towards the future.

Asuka wanted to chase him, but a huge boulder fell from the sky and fell in front of him, completely cutting off his thoughts and path forward.

"Brother Ace!" In the future, he materialized the Membim aura with one hand and used his energy cursor to smash countless boulders one after another to protect his surroundings.

When he saw Big Dipper running in front of him, he couldn't help but shout.

"Although I haven't remembered your name yet, in the past few days, some memories that I don't have often appear in my mind, and among them, you exist." Beidou looked at the future next to him and said in a deep voice: " There are thousands of wounded people, doctors and nurses in the hospital, and the monster’s target is the hospital.”

"Future! You must stop him!"

"Yes! Brother Ace!" The last energy cursor shattered the oncoming boulder. Mumbius took advantage of the situation and raised Mambius' aura, and the Möbius strip shone in the night sky.


In the brilliant brilliance, Mebius stood on the earth, blocking the way of the Big Dipper, facing away from Golzan.

"Hey!" Making a fighting gesture, Membius didn't dare to be careless.

Golzan was a type of monster he had never seen before, and he didn't know much about Golzan's abilities or various statistics.

Facing a completely unknown enemy, you can never be too careful.

"Come on, Ultraman!" Beidou calmed down secretly and immediately turned around and left.

When he saw Mebius, more memories of him who did not belong to this world emerged in his mind, and he gradually began to understand his identity and himself in another world. The things that happened to me.

Although he didn't know the name of this Ultraman yet, he had seen him in his memory.

He knew that this was an Ultra warrior worthy of his trust.

The Shadow Mage was not surprised by the appearance of Membius, and he actually found a suitable opponent for Membius.

However, in order to avoid his existence being discovered, the Shadow Mage needs to make some disguises and let the Hippolyte come to this world as naturally as possible, making him mistakenly think that he accidentally traveled across the universe and came to a place where no Ultra has ever existed. The world where Man appears.

After all, idiots are easier to control after all.

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