Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 599 Some people’s motivation in life is very simple, such as lsp

Monsters appeared again, Ultraman appeared again, and with the lessons learned last night, everyone seemed to have expected the appearance of monsters and Ultraman.

This kind of thing has always been divided into once and countless times.

Mebius moved his steps carefully, not daring to rush up and attack.

Although this unknown monster looks bulky, it also shows its exaggerated physical fitness.

Physically, Golzan's strength is definitely better than his own.

Membius did not dare to rush up to fight, but Golzan had no such scruples. Waving a pair of short hands, it stepped forward, ran out of the hole, and went straight to Membius.

Membius did not dare to force the attack. He was afraid that he would not be able to withstand Golzan's strength and would be pushed backwards. In that case, he would hit the hospital.

This is completely contrary to his original intention of transforming.

He would never allow that to happen.

Jumping on the spot, Membius passed over Golzan's head, flipped his body and landed behind Golzan.

After adjusting his position, he turned around sharply and let out a war cry to challenge.

Golzan followed Mebius's movement trajectory and changed direction, and was successfully led away by Membius, avoiding the possibility of Golzan destroying the hospital.


Striding forward, Membius kept shouting, and punched Golzan in the chest with his first hand. He was unable to cause harm to Golzan, and could not even make him take a step back. Membius was not discouraged. Instead, he took advantage of the punch and took a few steps back, gradually leading Golzan to an open area.

Gorzan left with Mebius. Feeling the powerless fist of Mebius, Gorzan might even feel quite satisfied.

After Membius guided him all the way and finally led Gorzan to the right position, Membius crossed his hands in front of him, gathered the golden-red light energy, extracted the blazing energy sword and concentrated it on his hands, facing Brother Erzan's running body was punched out directly.

Although the power has not changed, Mebius has added special effects.

A brilliant spark burst out, causing Gorzan to feel the pain and for the first time he was knocked back several steps.

Not only that, it also felt some familiar feelings in this punch.

Membius used the Lightning Fist, which was a move that Nexus uploaded to the database in Ultra Science Academy. Membius learned it and mastered it with ease.

With his hands in front of him, Membius continued his rapid and fierce offensive, once again stepping forward to block Golzan's retreat, and punched him continuously on the side, causing Golzan to retreat in embarrassment, roaring continuously.

He crouched down to avoid Golzan's counterattack with his claws. At the same time, Membius formed a hand knife and gathered the light energy scattered around Golzan's body, condensing it into a ball of fire and gathering it on his feet.

The continuous leg technique of spinning four consecutive kicks was used continuously on Golzan's body. This is a physical technique passed down from Master Leo, and it is a move learned through personal experience time and time again.

Membius kicked back four times in succession, each time using flames to leave scorched marks on Gorzan's body.

There is no way... In terms of physical skills, Mebius cannot be as refined as Leo. His four consecutive kicks lack a lot of power, so he can only use some special effects to add extra attack power.

The addition of flames is Mebius's compensation measure.

Of course, in his idea, he wanted to add Membim Atomic Explosion to these four combos. In that case, he felt that his combat effectiveness might be able to be improved again.

Golzan roared repeatedly, and the familiar feeling became heavier and heavier. It always felt like he had been punched and kicked by an Ultraman like this before.

Gorzan already had plans to run away. Even though he was summoned by the Shadow Mage, the cunning etched in the genes of the super-ancient monster still made him choose to run away when the situation was bad.

The idea was good, but Mebius's final blow, the charged punch, knocked Golzan away and landed beside the river not far away, wailing and unable to get up.

Seeing this, the Shadow Mage hiding in the dark began to gather negative energy.

With the number of his clones all over the world, even if only part of the negative energy extracted from each clone is fused together, the magnitude of this negative energy is still extraordinary.

The strength of this energy attracted Membius's attention, and before he could prepare, this ball of negative energy instantly entered Golzan's body.

Mumbius was startled, but his reaction was not slow. He immediately began to draw the Mumbium breath to accumulate light energy, get rid of the forward swing as quickly as possible, and release the Mumbium ray.

The red plasma energy with blazing unique properties hit Golzan's body. Membius knew that he had no time to stop it, but before this power came into play, he took the lead and killed Golzan, which was also a solution.

His speed was already very fast, but he still miscalculated the use of his special move.

If he had used atomic explosions instead of dreambeam rays, Gorzan might actually have been killed.

In the smoke and dust, Gorzan's fiery red body stepped forward step by step. Veins like blood vessels crisscrossed his chest, forming armor-like stripes. A convex shape extended above his clawed arms, like shoulder pads. .

His appearance became more ferocious, and his overall size even grew larger.

The fiery red figure gave Meng more pressure than before.

"Did you transform into an enhanced Gorzan with the power of Mebius?" Inside the Spark Arms, Nexus watched the outcome of this battle. Gorzan's unexpected evolution made him even more convinced. His guess.

The Shadow Mage is definitely not the Shadow Mage from the original version.

Or maybe there is a deeper power behind it!

"Can Mebius win?" The people who escaped gathered together again, watching the battle over there and the debut of Golzan's new posture. Yuanquan clenched his hand and asked in a low voice.

"If you are still unwilling to transform, then tell Mebius on my behalf." Nexus didn't force anything, and there wasn't much he could do in this world.

"Go tell Mebius that before using the light technique, use physical techniques to break the veins on Golzan's body. Those strengthened veins can absorb energy and replenish Golzan himself. The light technique is useless."

"Use physical skills or sword skills to end Golzan's life!"

"...Are you serious?" Looking at the battlefield over there, Yuanquan swallowed.

If he ran over there and the ground shook, would he still be alive?

"I have already told you how to defeat Golzan. If Mebius is defeated, there will be no Ultraman in this world. At that time, Golzan can do whatever he wants. There will be no obstacles." Neither the provoking method nor the gentle method can make Yuanquan change his mind, so Nexus can only use this method.

"This is your world. Everything you love is here. If this world perishes, it will be useless for you to regret anything."

"Think it over for yourself." After saying that, Nexus cut off the spiritual link.

"...If you use this term, then I..." After being unable to contact Nexus anymore, Yuanquan gritted his teeth and glanced at the battlefield over there, and then at the people standing around him.

Of course, the main focus is still on Xiao Hui's profile.

If the world is destroyed, will Xiaohui also...

The moment this idea came into being, Yuanquan's heart couldn't stop trembling, and panic swept through his body.

There was a dull pain in my brain, as if some memory was about to resurface.

After staring for a long time, Yuanquan gritted his teeth and secretly made up his mind.

After Nexus cut off the link, he immediately noticed signs of flow of his light energy, and part of the light was blessed by the source, providing him with more powerful power.

Realizing this, Nexus couldn't help but feel relieved.

Sure enough, he was not really hopeless.

…But isn’t it still possible to change your body?

Who can tell me what is this guy’s heart?

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