Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 656 Darkness materializes! Dark Mephistopheles!

PS: Fifth update

"What kind of monster are you!" Seeing a person falling from the sky and appearing from the light, Zichuan was frightened.

Could this be a power possessed by normal people?

They look normal on the outside, but they are actually just cosmonauts wearing a layer of skin!

Yuanquan didn't speak, but looked flatly at this guy's face.

I have to say that he does look a lot like that guy. He is probably the parallel world counterpart here.

But even if he is a peer, he is still not a good person in this world, right?

It’s really a setting where the bad guys would still be the same in another world.

Raising his hand, he aimed the energy blast gun at Hiruchuan's position and pulled the trigger. The red beam rushed out in an instant, passing by the panicked Hiruchuan, and hit the Yabo man standing behind him.

"I don't have the habit of killing people." The attack of the energy blast gun stopped, but Zichuan looked embarrassed and wet with sweat: "But I can beat people, and you will be beaten to the point where you are worse than dead."


Hiruchuan was very frightened, threw away the laser gun in his hand and ran away like crazy.

Seeing the beam of light coming towards him and passing by his face, Hiruchuan did not have the courage to face death. He was so scared that he ran away with water stains seeping from his trouser legs.

"Ultraman Nexus, you are finally here." Although he was hit by the energy blast gun, the Awa people did not feel any pain.

It would be better to say that the appearance of Ultraman Nexus was in line with his plan.

"The last time we met, you were embedded in that guy's body and became a part of it. Are you finally resurrected now?" Source adjusted his body, blocking the future and Jinguji Sai behind him, and faced the Awa people. .

"Hmph, I felt it from that shot just now. It has the same power as your light. It's really nostalgic." The Yabo man sneered and mocked: "I have to thank you, Ultraman Nexus. , if you hadn’t eliminated that guy, I, who was not dead at that time, would never have had a chance to be reborn, and would have been imprisoned by it.”

"Your bright light brought me new life and allowed me to stand here. But..." Yabo raised his hand slightly, and his plain and frivolous tone suddenly became furious: "But you wrapped it with light energy To this day, I still remember the pain of the heavy fist hitting me in the face and the light washing through my body!"

"Hey! Every injustice has its own owner. I just sent out a light. Isn't it the one who used your face and body to block it? It's none of my business!" Yuanquan interrupted Yabo. People describe themselves inexplicably and provide explanations and refutations for their actions.

"I'm not the one. He's holding your body to block the light. It's his problem!"

"Shut up! Anyway, the light you put out is right, that's enough!" The Yabo man spread his hands and interrupted the source: "For so many years, you will not feel how much I have resented you. resentment!"

"You really can't feel it. I told you that you hate the wrong person!" Yuanquan said with a lot of complaints.

"Look, the resentment I have had for so many years has driven me to be so powerful!" As he said that, the Yabo man raised his hand in front of him and spread his fingers. In the deep dimensional fluctuations, he recognized the source, but he was absolutely Things that should not appear in this era were caught in the hands of the Yabo people.

The clone of Dark Spark - Dark Flash.

"This is...you guys, have you seen Luchiel?" The moment he saw the flash of darkness, Yuanquan immediately understood what the Yabo people's trump card was: "Do you know who it is? The person who cooperated with it Can you, the Abo people, bear the consequences and the price you have to pay?”

"Shut up! The worst thing is death! Even if the Yabo people die, the Yabo people's resentment will never die!" Pop up the dark flash to open it, and the Yabo people take out a spark doll and use the tip of the dark flash Stabped at the foot of the Spark Doll, it materialized instantly.

"No, as a result of cooperating with him, you may not even be able to die." Looking at the existence that was liberated from the spark puppet in the boiling dark energy and revealed its true form, Yuanquan murmured: "Stop everything Time, how can you be resurrected and how can you resent being turned into a puppet?"

But it is too late to say all this now. The materialization of the Spark Doll is irreversible, and the source does not have the corresponding Galaxy Spark to cope with the current situation, so it can only watch helplessly.

"Brother!" After setting up Jinguji Aya's hiding place, Mirai immediately came to the source and stood side by side: "Brother, I will fight with you!"

"Membius, go deal with the Yabo people. That guy is holding a dark flash in his hand. You have to be careful with that one. Don't let it hit the timer, otherwise everything will be over." Although it is not. The genuine Dark Spark in Luciel's hand, but even with only a partial ability, the power of this Dark Spark is enough to deal with an Ultraman.

Especially the timer that was hit in the chest.

"What about you, brother?" The future materialized in Menbeam's aura and asked.

"I have an old friend here who needs to entertain." As he said that, Yuanquan looked at...Tranter who emerged from the darkness.

The fusion monster of the Showa era was powerful, but it was not yet one worthy of the Source's attention.

Because there was a guy, the guy who was scared to death by him, came back again.

"You can tell me, you can turn me into Ultraman, you can let me kill this guy who makes me embarrassed!" Hiruchuan walked back tremblingly, looking at the dark sparks in his hands, revealing A cruel and crazy smile.

"Of course. Isn't that what I entrusted to you?" The Yabo man laughed wildly and said, "Sa, show your inner strength and release your true attitude! Human being!"

"No matter what happened, I will never let you tell anyone about what happened today." Turning on the dark spark, Zhichuan's gloomy face was full of murderous intent: "I, who are so embarrassed, and you who threaten me, must all Die here!"

Yuanquan narrowed his eyes dangerously, and Hiruchuan picked up the Dark Spark. What could he become?

Are you really going to become Zaki?

But it's impossible. Zaki's Spark Doll Source has always been carried with him. After O-50 defeated the Spark Doll Zaki, Source had no intention of exposing this thing.

There shouldn't be Zaki's Sparkling Doll on Luigi El's side.

Could it be that what Zichuan River turned into...

"Darkness materializes!" Zhichuan's body was wrapped in thick darkness, and then appeared together with his gradually taller body and his painful roar.

"Dark Mephistopheles!"

The dark fluctuations were dispersed in an instant, and the dark giant fell from mid-air.

Looking at his hands and touching his body, Hiruchuan really couldn't believe that one day he would become Ultraman.

"It's really a good power." Feeling the killing intent and anger swelling in his heart, Zhichuan showed a cold smile: "You guys, just give it to me..."

"Mumbius!" Mirai held up Mumbius' aura, changed his form in the bright Mobius ring, and returned to the posture of Ultraman Mumbius.

"It's really the figure of an old friend and the face of an old friend. I'm overjoyed." Withdrawing the energy blaster, Source took out the Evolved Truster and pulled it out: "I didn't want to transform in the first place."


Just as the plain words fell, the red light of life began to beat. Next to Membius, a red giant stood on the earth.

The heavy pressure that hit his face made the Yabo people who had faced Nexus once subconsciously take a step back.

"Sure enough, you have been hiding on the earth. The rumors from the outside world are all false!" The moment they saw Nexus, the Yabo people immediately understood: "The rumors in the universe about you being seriously injured and unable to transform , it’s all fake news spread by the Kingdom of Light!”

Rubbing his wrist, Nexus smiled disdainfully, and a cold light flashed through his arm blade.

"Heh, guess what."

It's rare for an editor to pay a lot of attention to it, so I won't just rush into it.

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