Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 657 Why did Tyrant suffer the same fate as the Five Emperors?

Question: It is known that there are at least two monsters on the opposite side. I ran away because I was too scared. After the Yabo people gave me Dark Flash (the split of Dark Spark), I gained the power to become Ultraman. I feel that I I was stable, so I came back and wanted to trample these three humans to death.

In the blink of an eye, one of the two men turned into Mebius and the other turned into Nexus. Is it possible for the newly debuted Ultraman here to win?

Answer: (Abo erased the answer with an eraser and drew a middle finger)

Hiruchuan's true wish was to kill people, but when these two humans turned into Ultraman, Hiruchuan felt fear and fear for a moment.

But then he realized that he was also Ultraman now, so there was no reason to be afraid.

So Hirukawa puffed up his chest and spoke proudly: "So what if you are also Ultraman? Who is not now?"

"Dark Mephistopheles..." Looking at the overly familiar posture, Nexus finished speaking softly, and he laughed out loud in hindsight: "Zhichuan, this image suits you quite well."

"Why are you laughing! Die!" Mephisto didn't understand why Nexus was laughing, but at this moment he controlled the dark flash and materialized Mephisto's doll, and he had very powerful power.

In Zichuan's eyes, he is a very powerful one.

But the Spark Doll's materialization means that he possesses the power of this Spark Doll, but power is strength, and the corresponding combat experience and reaction speed will not be inherited at all.

All of this tests the quality of the person who materializes the doll.

Hiruchuan may not be good at anything else, such as reaction speed, combat skills, etc., but there is only one thing about him that other owners of Dark Flash do not have.

That is the power of the heart.

Dark Flash is essentially the user's own power. After it is embodied, it can be used as a manipulator, that is, as a transformer.

Hiruchuan may have average physical fitness, but the evil of human nature overflowing in his heart is the greatest nourishment for the darkness.

Even though he is a rookie comparable to Super Eight Sources, the energy he can give Dark Mephistopheles to materialize is terrifying.

Perhaps, this is indeed worthy of his status.

Whether he is Zaki from another world or the first being in this world to embody the evil of human nature in Mebius TV, he is worthy of this malicious responsibility.

Nexus noticed this. The level of dark energy overflowing from the dark Mephisto in front of him was very exaggerated, even more exaggerated than the Mephisto he met in O-50 before.

This level is even close to that of Mephistopheles in Gaiyari.

"Zhichuan, I really can't underestimate you at all. I still underestimated how bad you can be." Nexus made a fighting gesture, parrying Mephisto's fist, and holding it with both hands. Push it back towards Mephistopheles and move it away.

Nexus followed up with a backhand, blocking Mephisto's retreating position with his steps, tripping him to the ground.

"But your fighting skills are not as good as your energy."

"What a shame!" Mephistopheles grabbed the ground with one hand.

Originally, Dark Mephisto would not be able to do this move, but the excessive overflow of energy allowed Dark Mephisto to casually use this move, which was a release of energy.

The surging dark energy turned into a sweeping wave and hit Nexus's feet, forcing him to jump to avoid it.

And it was this jump that Tyrant, who had been waiting for, seized the opportunity.

A veteran platoon monster formed by the fusion of five Showa monsters, although Tyrant's recent performance has been poor, it can't cover up its past glory, can it?

The blazing flames instantly spurted out from the mouth and headed straight for Nexus, aiming at this momentary opportunity that others could not avoid in mid-air.

Nexus opened his shield, and even though he was pushed down from the sky by the strong kinetic energy of the flames, he avoided being hit in the end, and the indestructible shield was still powerful.

"Brother!" He pushed back the Abo people with one punch. Membius noticed the dangerous situation on Nexus' side and immediately became worried.

"Mebius, focus on your own battle, I can handle it." He moved his hands and used the rotating shield in an instant, diverting Tyrant's freezing ray to one side.

After sideways dodging the dark wave ball thrown by Mephistopheles, Nexus gathered his hands in front of him, gathered a large amount of blue light energy, gathered it into a ball in the palm of his hands, and then pushed it out.

The inherited skill of Ocean Light: Reckoner.

Sensing the sense of mortal danger, Mephistopheles spread his hands in front of him, trying to open his shield like Nexus.

He succeeded, and the dark flash responded to his thoughts. The dark purple shield emerging from his hands shone faintly with cold light, blocking all the liquidators from the outside without breaking the shield at all.

Nexus was not surprised. How strong the power exerted after materialization depends on the power of the soul of the transformer.

Nexus certainly understands the darkness of Hiruchuan's heart.

But during the time he was resisting the Reckoner, Nexus was not idle. He turned around and faced Tyrant behind him. He put one hand on his forehead, and the red and blue colors gradually brewed. The light began to emerge and appeared above the head.

This is a unique skill that can be used as a proof of the light of the earth: the stupid light!

The photon ice blade was used in an instant and headed straight for Tyrant.

Tyrant, who is also a fusion of five monsters, has the ability to absorb light like the five emperors. The torso that makes up his body comes from Bemonstein, so Tyrant's belly button has the ability to swallow light. Ability.

The attack of the photon ice blade is absorbed. If it were another Ultraman, it might be completely absorbed. However, Nexus is using the photon ice blade now.

As we all know, Gaia is very against monsters that are good at absorbing light. The more the opponent absorbs, the more powerful the photon ice blade or photon crusher will be.

As a result, Nexus directly charged up the second stage and then the third stage, and directly turned into a spiral light cannon. In an instant, it exceeded the limit threshold that Tyrant could handle, and directly exploded a huge one in Tyrant's chest. of wounds.

The three-stage charged photon ice blade is really too powerful.

Tyrant was blown away, rolling on the ground waving his hands and wailing in great pain.

After releasing the three-stage charged photon ice blade, Nexus immediately raised his arms and flew into the sky without thinking.

The next moment, the speeding dark light swept across the area where Nexus had just been standing.

"You run so fast." Dark Mephistopheles put down his hands, and Nexus, who was looking at the sky, immediately caught up with him: "But I won't let you go!"

"How dare you threaten me like that! It's unforgivable! You must die!"

Hatred turns into pure dark energy, which is continuously converted into energy by the dark flash and supplied to the Spark Doll, strengthening the energy of Dark Mephistopheles.

And part of it was transferred to the main body by the dark flash, and the dark spark was absorbed by the owner of the dark spark.

Popping out the Storm Sword with one hand, Nexus made a big circle and headed towards Mephistopheles.

Seeing Nexus pop out the lightsaber, Dark Mephisto flipped on his wrist for a while, but a moment later, a dark flash appeared in Dark Mephisto's hand, and a piece of it popped out from the front of the opened dark flash. Black light blade.

Seeing that he also had a weapon in his hand, Hiruchuan's confidence became even more abundant. With a few sneers, he controlled Mephistopheles and flew towards Nexus.

The two sides did not dodge or evade, but directly collided head-on. The Storm Sword and the Flash Sword, two completely different lightsabers, one golden and one black, collided together, and a strong sonic boom erupted in an instant.

Because of his unrecovered injury, Nexus was unable to switch forms, but the red youth was the form he was best at and used the most.

He will never lose.

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