Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 679 Musashi, lend me your full moon light wave (aren’t you also borrowing your power!)

At this moment, Nexus's consciousness existed in a blue space.

This is not his consciousness space, but in the Legend Stone, which belongs to Nexus and Ultraman Gauss. The two people are looking at each other together.

Through the light of Gauss, Nexus finally saw Ultraman Gauss again.

Although they are far apart in the universe, when they meet again, it is obvious that both parties are very familiar with each other.

"Ah, it's Brother Yuan." But to Nexus's surprise, Goss's voice was not the rich voice he imagined, but a younger and more energetic voice.

"Is it Musashi? You have finally merged with Gauss again." Musashi has merged with Gauss again. This means that the plot of Ultraman Gauss has also begun, and may even have been going on for a long time.

Or perhaps, the plot of Ultraman Goss may have ended.

Musashi now lives with Gauss on Zhulan Star, but he is still in a state of integration.

"Ah, I have also remembered everything that happened back then. It's been a long time since I last saw you, Brother Yuan." Musashi also looked very happy. After reintegrating with Gauss, he also integrated the old feelings into one. The memory was restored, and naturally I remembered what happened in the first place.

The existence of the source was naturally known to him.

"What is the reason why the light of Gauss attracts me and summons me here?" After getting to know Musashi, Nexus also asked about the business: "I still have a very powerful enemy to deal with outside. Time It’s limited, so we can’t stay here any longer.”

"That's why I'm here." Gauss, who is in the blue moon god form, is full of gentle light. Even standing next to him, you can feel very comfortable: "Brother Yuan, you are really Do you think Ampera can’t be saved?”

"It is precisely because the Gaussian Light has sensed your hesitation that it will guide you."

"If possible, I would like to save him, because we are so similar. Killing him would be like me resisting myself." Yuanquan sighed, and finally began to speak: "But he is trying to kill him, and there is no way he can kill him." It’s just for the purpose of life and death. Under such circumstances, how could I turn a blind eye?”

"Even if I really don't want to fight with him, but he must destroy the earth, I must stop him, even if it is..."

"Brother Yuan, actually I once had this thought. At that time, I, Gauss, everyone on the earth, and even the entire universe, I felt that for all of us, the Kaos virus should be eliminated. It's unforgivable." Of course Musashi knew this feeling, and in fact this was what he finally realized.

The loving brave men refer to Musashi and Gauss.

"You don't want me to purify him, do you?" Nexus was not an idiot, and he quickly realized what Musashi meant: "Are you serious? That is the Dark Emperor, the carrier of resentment. .”

"The Kaos virus is not an opponent that Gauss and I can completely eliminate, but we don't have to fight to the death." Musashi smiled: "Brother Yuan, in addition to success and failure, there is a third rule. Road."

"What you say is easy. Miracle Moon God is a miracle that only you can achieve. How could I possibly?" Yuanquan simply doesn't believe that he can do such a thing. The reason why Miracle Moon God is called a miracle is because of this incident. The end of the matter itself is a miracle, the kind that outsiders would never dare to imagine.

"Brother Yuan, actually if you really want to do it, you can do it." Musashi smiled and said nothing. If you think that something cannot be done before doing it, then it really cannot be done. arrive.

Ultraman is the existence that brings miracles. If you don't believe in this hope and don't work hard, then the miracle will come to an end, and it cannot be called a miracle.

"I realize now that this does seem like something you would ask me to do." Nexus raised his hand and looked at the legendary stone flashing on his wrist: "Lend me your full moon light wave. "

"If my hypothesis is true, then Ampera is very likely to be the same existence as me." In the previous confrontation, the source felt Ampera's mood through the power of darkness on Ampera, and his Those experiences of the past.

The scene where light and darkness appeared at the same time and entered Ampera's body at the same time was remembered very clearly by the source.

Where there is light, there is darkness. Similarly, this sentence can also be reversed. Therefore, the resentment and darkness reflected in Ampera's body are not actually black to the end.

"Brother Yuan, I believe in you. After all, you have achieved miracles that I can't even imagine." The appearance of Ultraman Regedo is a miracle, a miracle that is almost impossible to replicate.

In the final analysis, that miracle comes from the source.

If Yuan hadn't come after the red ball; if he hadn't connected with Dracion; if Dracion hadn't sent Jestis, then this miracle would have been impossible to achieve.

"Miracles. I have indeed created miracles before." But what Yuanquan thought of was not the appearance of Regjedo, but the miracles he and Dagu created together.

Even now, it is still an incredible miracle.


"Brother Yuan, go ahead and do what you think you should do. Don't think it's impossible, because you have always been the one who can bring possibilities!" Musashi gave a thumbs up. This hobby was something he started with when he was a child and lost his memory. During the time we lived together with Yuanquan, we learned it under the influence of Yuanquan.

And this habit followed him throughout his life.

This also symbolizes the existence of the Fountain, and the proof that there has been a life between the Fountain and him.

Although he was forgotten by Musashi for a long time, this was also their bond.

Source, but an important person who influenced Musashi's growth.

"Indeed. Why do I think he is hopeless? Is it because he is the Emperor of Darkness?" Nexus also got angry: "If he is the Emperor of Darkness, then I am also the savior of the planet. ah."

"Musashi, thank you for your enlightenment." Putting his finger on the Legend Stone, the blue sublimation posture began to fade away from Nexus, returning to the posture of the blue youth. The source replaced the Legend Stone with the Brilliance Stone.

"Sure enough, I used the wrong power from the beginning. To deal with Ampera who has almost the same experience as me, I still have to use this." The blue sublimation form brought by the legendary stone is indeed very powerful, but when used on Ampera He seemed a bit unprofessional.

Nexus and Ampera are so similar. Using blue sublimation to deal with Ampera will inevitably lead to defeat.

So why didn't you plan to use the Brilliant Stone from the beginning?

Nexus couldn't help but ask himself.

Could it be that I, subconsciously, really believed that Ampera was hopeless, so I didn’t even think about the possibility of purifying the darkness?

Or maybe I don’t have confidence in the power of the Brilliant Stone?

If you think about it carefully, it seems that you have only used the Brilliant Stone once since you got it. I was forced to have no other choice, so I only used it once. It is rarely used in normal times.

Thinking of this, Nexus couldn't help but feel a little weird in his heart.

There are different versions of each god. Could it be that Blue Ascension has been decommissioned?

Is this the Zhihui version now?

But I haven’t used Blue Sublimation a few times in total, so I just canceled the version?

Shaking his head, Source and Musashi waved goodbye.

When the Legend Stone was replaced by the Brilliant Stone, the communication bridge between him and Musashi was naturally broken.

But it doesn't matter, he has been awakened by Musashi and knows what to do next.

He won't hesitate anymore.

The blue sublimation faded, and Nexus transformed into the radiant form. The Brilliant Stone shone with boundless light, dyeing the blue consciousness space into gold in an instant.

And this power was also reflected in the outside world, Nexus lying on the ground.

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