Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 680 Someone’s ultimate move is being charged...

Ampera looked at the three giants standing in front of him. Which of these three was not a famous person in the universe?

Ultraman Hikari, chief scientist of the Kingdom of Light.

Zamsha, the great swordsman of the universe.

In addition, Mebius has become famous in the universe in recent years.

These three people can be said to be among the best in the universe.

But at this moment, in Ampera's eyes, he felt so weak. He even felt that he could even send these three people to die together with just a move of his fingers.

And that didn't even cost him any thought.

"Too weak, you are really too weak." The dark pattern sword did not even need to be unsheathed. Ampera still raised a hand with roots under her feet.

But this time it was different from before. This time Ampera stretched out his hand and only pulled out one finger. The power condensed on the fingertip was aimed at Hikali and was launched in an instant.

Hikali almost failed to react, and could only intercept Ampera's light blow at the last moment with his knight's lightsaber.

But even if it was blocked, Hikari's knight lightsaber instantly shattered into pieces of light, and the entire lightsaber was completely shattered.

The knight's aura became dim, and just one blow was already beyond the limit that the knight's aura could withstand.

"In the end, that's all you can do. Now, get out of the way and I can spare your life." Ampera didn't take the three of them seriously and didn't care about it at all: "Kneel down and beg for my forgiveness. If so, I won’t be able to let you go.”

"As long as you don't stop me from destroying that abominable light, you will live."

"Ampera, it's useless to talk more. There is absolutely no way I will let you hurt Nexus!" Even though the sword was gone, Hikari still clenched his fists and assumed a fighting posture.

"Oh? Is it just you now?" Ampera asked with interest.

"It's not like I don't have a trump card!" After Hikari said that, he pointed at the sky with one hand and once again put on the armor of Arbor Star that he once wore on his body, which once represented the meaning of revenge.

But this time, the armor worn by Arbo is no longer for revenge, but for protection, to protect the planet that is about to be engulfed by darkness.

This was Abai's gift to Hikali. Even when Abai perished, the planet Abai, and even the beings living on the planet, ultimately gave Hikali blessings.

"Xikali, your armor." Ampera's bright red eyes also focused on Xikali. The armor on his body was quite telling.

Is Abai Xing’s blessing to Hikali?

And the blessings from those living on the planet to Hikari?

"Shikali, I changed my mind. I want to kill you first!" Shikali's armor stung Ampera's heart. It turned out that not only Nexus, but also Shikali had obtained Such a light?

Then why.

Why wouldn't something like this happen on my former planet? !

No longer choosing to let go, no longer choosing to play with it as if looking down on it, Ampera directly used the Rezolim ray, and released it at full power.

He wants to definitely eliminate every last bit of Hikari here and completely erase his existence!

Feeling the boiling power of darkness, Hikari did not hesitate or be afraid.

Even though he knew he would die, he still chose to face the difficulties.

Whether it was life or death, he chose to face it with Abai Xing.

"Ampera, don't forget! There is still us!" Mebius and Zamsha stood beside Hikali, one on the left and one on the right, showing that we all share the blessings and difficulties, and will never give up. Who.

"Huh, stupid!" The vast torrent condensed in one hand rushed out in an instant. Ampera, who was wearing dark armor, was inspired by resentment, and the light of Rezolim rays became deeper.

It's like mud washed out from the dark abyss, stained on people's bodies, the kind that cannot be washed away.

"Come on!" Mambius did not have enough energy to activate the Flame Hero, but he still used the last light energy in his body and used the Mambius ray.

With the help of Arbor Star, Hikali exerted the most powerful Knight Ray.

And Zamsha Zamsha slashed out a crescent-shaped sword light, which was extremely sharp.

And it was wielded as the main attacker among the three.

The three rays of light that merged together hit Ampera head-on, and Ampera blocked the hand in front of him that was ready to strike.

Even the arms that had never been bent before were able to catch the fusion light steadily during the process of accumulating strength, which was enough to prove how terrifying Ampera was.

"Hmph." Ampera snorted coldly under the helmet. Facing the fusion light, his Rezolim rays were released from his hands and flowed upstream against the fusion light. There was no obstruction at all. The fusion light was not even blocked. He couldn't do it for a moment before he was pushed back directly by the Rezolim ray.


Seeing the Rezolim ray coming straight towards him, Membius interrupted the Mombius ray, pushed Hikari and Zamsha away, and chose to resist this move with his own body.

The moment the Rezolim ray hit Mebius, the dark sludge covered Mebius's body, corroding his light at an extremely fast speed, submerging Mebius's existence in darkness.

Then it exploded with a bang, completely erasing the existence of Ultraman Mebius.

Different from the half-day decomposition in the original work, this time Ampera wiped out Mumbius and beat him to ashes in just three seconds.

With his current strength, he is fully capable of doing such a thing.

The subsequent development is roughly the same as in the original work.

Hikali's Arbor Star armor was broken, and even he himself was too seriously injured and finally disappeared in the battle with Ampera.

Finally, he disappeared and turned into a knight's aura, falling into the hands of Aihara Ryu in the Phoenix Nest.

Therefore, there was only the last person left on the frontal battlefield.


Just Menbius plus Shikari plus Zamsha are of no use, Zamsha alone can't do anything.

Not to mention there's Nexus over there.

For a moment, despair filled the hearts of everyone present. In a battle of this scale and level, everyone in the Phoenix Nest was thinking about what they could do.

After seeing Nexus defeated and Mirai being beaten to ashes, Saori couldn't help but want to rush forward, but in the past, there was Marina who hugged her with all his strength and told her over and over again the huge difference in strength between them. Different places.

If you really go up, you will really die.

"Then, let me cut off your last hope now." After saying that, Ampera turned around, waving his cloak, he drew out the Dark Pattern Sword, and after a short period of energy accumulation, he directly drew a line of sword energy and rushed out. .

Saori broke free from the restraints of Mariina and the past, teleported directly in front of the Phoenix Nest, switched to the monster girl's uniform in one second, and at the same time intertwined her hands, inspired by the yellow crystal hair accessory unique to Zeton on her forehead, Saori Weaving put up a barrier and blocked it in front of the Phoenix Nest.

But at the moment of contact, the sword energy exploded, and the powerful dark energy that was completely beyond the range that she could handle rolled back, impacting Saori's body, and was knocked down from mid-air, hitting the inside of the Phoenix Nest. It broke through countless walls along the way and was eventually buried in rubble.

"The monster girl does have some merits, but it's not enough." Ampera didn't care, just casually. He could unleash such an attack countless times.

"Ampera, I'm not dead yet!" Zamsha held Hoshizanmaru tightly and stood resolutely in front of the Phoenix Nest, determined to fight to the death.

"Zamsha, you are really looking for death!" Even if Ampera did not intend to take Zamsha's life for repeatedly offending him, but he was so ignorant, then he should really die.

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