Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 781 Nexus VS Belial, I’m done with it...

This is not the first time Nexus has done this alone. When he was in the Tiga universe, he rushed to the Naga space fleet alone, and then stirred up the storm there and overturned their fleet. .

Now converted to Beria, the scale and strength are not the same.

But it is a pity that the Nexus of today is not what it used to be, and it is definitely not the Nexus of the past.

The spark sword flashed left and right in the enemy group at a very fast speed. The blade of the sword drew a blue phantom. Every time it passed by, it brought up large swaths of sparks. It was difficult for anyone to stop the destructive gesture.

Nexus, on the other hand, was carrying the Storm Sword, like a wolf entering a flock of sheep, and no one could stop him.

He wasn't just rushing in, but he was heading towards the device that teleported the Dark Cyclops.

Although the previous cross storm had damaged a lot, it was still just a drop in the ocean compared to the Talon Mothership, which was larger than the planet.

The mechas were unable to stop them, and the dark Cyclops gathered together in groups of three and three. At the same time, they used the red laser light from their one-eyed eyes to form a powerful attack.

But this power is only relatively speaking. Nexus spread out one hand in front of him and unfolded the ripple shield to block the concentrated red laser light.

The next second, the Spark Sword came galloping forward, and the blade pierced the Dark Cyclops. Then, its power did not diminish, and it rushed straight to the transmission device below, and then... was stirred in like a drill.


Nexus's strength was somewhat beyond Beria's expectations. How could he have imagined that this mere Ultra Warrior could achieve such a level.

With this strength, this ability, when I went to penetrate the Kingdom of Light to seize the plasma spark, why didn't I see you jump out?

"You really brought a surprise to me." Beria turned his attention to Lan: "Ultraman Nexus, won't you introduce him to me?"

"Hmph, I have nothing to say to you, Beria!" Lan roared angrily: "You just need to know that your end has come!"

"My end? It seems that you really believe in this guy's power." Beria rubbed the scars on his face with his sharp claws. While feeling the pain, he was also making plans in his heart.

"Then, the whole army will be dispatched."

"Your Majesty! Do you really want to send out all the troops for one person?" Dark Gena asked in disbelief.

"Isn't that good? I want to see how strong he can be." Beria didn't feel much about this. The army pressed on him, and winning was the key.

The numerous mechas and Cyclops that were already densely packed suddenly became even larger after Beria gave an order.

If it was like a bee returning to its hive before, now it is like a basin of water pouring down directly, connecting into one piece without any gaps.

"Follow me closely." He ordered behind him, and Yuanquan stayed where he was and summoned the Spark Sword.


Although this was the second time I saw Ultraman Nexus take action, his power had been fully demonstrated in the unparalleled performance just now, once again refreshing the three views of the princess, Xiao Zhi and others.

Even the Mirror Knight has to admit that Nexus is powerful.

But Nexus just wants to say that what you see is not his complete body yet...

"Get ready..." Putting one hand on his chest, Nexus' whole body began to glow with blue light, and the red stripes on his body gradually faded away, replaced by a blue shadow as far away as the blue sky, and a picture outlined with white clouds. Pattern.

The next moment, the overwhelming mass of mechas and dark Cyclops were torn apart, and a series of explosions sounded. The so-called encirclement could not have any effect at all.

In the blink of an eye, a blue phantom appeared in the main control room.

Nexus raised his hand with one hand, and the blue light and shadow all over his body gradually dissipated.

What was used as a foil was the imperial army that was instantly passed behind him.


The speed was too fast. After Nexus stood here, a series of explosions were heard from the broken encirclement, reflecting the anger buried deep in the heart of the blue giant at this moment.

"You're a pretty good guy!" Beria stood directly in front of Lan. He wouldn't let this guy have the possibility to save Zero.

"Beria, this is our first meeting." Nexus nodded slightly and walked forward: "There should be no grudges between you and me."

"But the war you started in this universe is the last thing you should do!"

"It's a joke, you Ultraman guys are too arrogant to meddle in their own business! This is not the Kingdom of Light! I can do whatever I want!" The sharp claws tore apart the red afterimage in front of him, and Beria continued He said: "Look at the color of your body. You are not from the Kingdom of Light."

"Do you know what happened in this universe? Do you know what the so-called Emerald Ore is?" Nexus said calmly: "You think this universe is easy to bully, and it was you who established the empire. The place?"

"Actually, you have no idea."

"Here, there are things you can't imagine."

"Why are you talking so much nonsense! You guy, just become my subordinate!" Beria didn't want to say more, just threw away the big coat on his body, spread out the sharp claws on his hands and rushed forward.

The Spark Sword flew from behind Nexus and was suddenly inserted in front of Nexus, blocking Beria's path forward.

"You use the power of alien beasts to deal with me?"

Wiping away the smoke with his hand, Nexus pulled out the Spark Sword. The blue legendary stone washed away the light energy and covered the entire blade of the sword.

"Beria, I will chop off your mutated claws without mercy!"

The sword edge approached, directly in front of Beria's face, but Beria used the sharp claws of both hands to block the edge of the Spark Sword.

But he himself was smashed through the wall of the main control room by Nexus and flew out.

"His Majesty!"

Steel Dragon and Dark Gena exclaimed, and were about to follow them to fight, but James Robert and Mirror Knight finally rushed in after them.

The spark sword hit Beria and landed on a huge boulder. His feet made marks and he tried his best to stabilize his body. Beria only felt that the power of Nexus was quite powerful.

"You guy...is really not a nobody!" Even though he blocked the sword's edge with his sharp claws, it still couldn't stop the sword's penetration. In desperation, Beria could only raise his hands to forcefully transfer the spark sword's attack. Location.

Nexus had no scruples, let go of the Spark Sword, and slapped Beria on the chest with one hand.

He himself raised his hands in the air, wouldn't he let someone hit him when the door was wide open...

After knocking back with a palm, Nexus directly used his arm blade to swipe across Beria's waist, drawing out large swaths of sparks.

Beria screamed and was knocked back, rolling on the ground.

He put down his hands and covered his waist. Feeling the severe pain, Beria focused his hateful eyes on Nexus.

The spark sword fell aside. Nexus did not choose to get the sword, but moved towards Beria with his fists clenched.

"When you were wreaking havoc in the Kingdom of Light, you were lucky enough to escape in the Monster Cemetery." Using one hand, the powerful force shattered the rock under his feet, and huge cracks stretched out along the way.

"You won't have such good luck today!"

"How dare you say that, boy!" Both claws grew longer, and infection factors were spread on the mutated claws. Beria crossed them in front of him: "I was careless just now. Now, you won't have that kind of luck. !”

"Really?" Lowering his body and assuming a fighting stance, Nexus ran forward without saying any more nonsense.

Beria waved his claws one after another, tearing out bright red claw-like waves and hitting Nexus.

Nexus showed the arm blades of both hands, without dodging or evading, crushing all attacks with the arm blades, approaching with the strongest posture, and the cold-light arm blades went straight to Beria's neck.

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