Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 782: Zero: It can be seen that he was merciful when he beat me.

The blade of the sword reflected the scale of this battle, with claw marks all over it and fist light flying everywhere. During the battle between the two, neither one gave in to the other.

Beria felt that apart from losing one hand to Cero, there should be no one in the entire Kingdom of Light who could be his opponent.

...Except the Ultra King.

Let alone him who was exiled in this universe and became even more powerful now?

Even if Zero is standing in front of him now, Beria is confident that he can defeat him.

Where did you Nexus come from? Can I, Beria, lose to you?

As the claws waved, Beria's invincible posture stood out. Although he disdained and did not think Nexus would be his opponent, Beria still became serious.

There is no other reason than that the Ultra Warrior in front of him is indeed quite strong.

And Nexus...

He can only say that letting you Beria live for a while is his last mercy.

Use the Nexus weapon to block Belial's claws, and at the same time Nexus pulls the arm blade down, forcing Belial to retract his arm in advance to avoid being scratched by the arm blade.

But in this way, the offensive and defensive forces were exchanged. The moment Nexus retracted his arm, he popped out the Storm Sword and made a diagonal sword mark on Beria's chest.

There was no doubt about the sharpness of the Storm Sword. Beria took a few steps back, feeling the pain in his body, and couldn't help but feel a little angry for a moment.

Isn't your sword stuck there? Why do you still have an energy lightsaber?

Can you handle so many swords?

After forcing Beria back, Nexus immediately stepped forward and caught Beria's lower body with his staggered steps, forcing his feet to be unable to stabilize his body.

Immediately, Nexus slapped Beria hard on the chest and successfully knocked him away. He turned into a rolling gourd and retreated in embarrassment.


His claws pulled scratches on the ground. Seeing the Ultra warrior lowering his body over there, Beria was extremely angry and rushed forward with his claws in hand.

Nexus raised one hand high and allowed Beria to rush at him at great speed. He accumulated enough strength in his fist, aimed at Beria's charging body, and punched him.

Naturally, Beria would not turn a blind eye to such a long forward move. He was also careful to guard against this punch, so he was already prepared when Nexus punched.

While dodging sideways, he stretched out his arms, trying to penetrate Nexus's body with his sharp claws filled with infectious factors, and then control this guy.

Unfortunately, the other free hand was already prepared. Nexus used his palm to claw to resist Beria's attack.

Even he himself did not take a step back.

"This is the power you get in this universe! It's really unbearable." Nexus has faced even the alien beast factor. This is an infectious factor that was transformed due to absorbing excessive ore energy. He would not know it at all. Take it seriously.

"Boy, just wait, you will obediently serve me as your master." Beria looked at Nexus with his narrow red eyes. He had to admit that many Ultra warriors he didn't know showed up. The power was beyond his imagination.

"I serve you as my master? Do you know what the energy of the ore in your body is?" Nexus infused light energy and held Beria's wrist with his palm: "The so-called Emerald ore is the alien A kind of ore that evolves over a long period of time after the animal dies and is neutralized by extremely pure light energy.”

"Its essence comes from alien beasts."

"Do you know what the alien beast is?" Flames burst out all over his body, and Nexus gradually gathered them under his feet, forming a unique mark hidden in his feet without being noticed by anyone.

"To me, your so-called strength is just to remove the remnants of alien beasts from your body." Nexus burst out with power and knocked Beria back a few steps.

Before Beria could counterattack, Nexus took a step back and kicked Beria directly in the stomach.

In an instant, distant and mysterious runes suddenly appeared, and Beria was kicked away directly. With a series of miserable wails, his body broke through the speed of sound, causing waves of ripples, smashing countless boulders, and fell into the depths. null.

Nexus rose into the air, his blue figure pulling out phantoms, and he chased after him without giving Beria a chance to react.

"That's it, Beria!" After Nexus left, the spark sword trembled for a few minutes, rose from the ground and followed Nexus.

By the time Nexus jumped into the air to catch up, Beria had stopped flying out. He was hanging upside down on a boulder and was already ready. He pulled out a stream of dark red light with his hands. They gradually gathered together in the rush, and were immediately released by Beria with his hands in a "cross" posture.

Disium Ray.

This is Beria's special move, and it was because he wandered into this universe and absorbed a large amount of ore energy that he mutated into a stronger Disium ray.

Nexus did not dodge or evade, but charged directly forward, not even thinking about releasing the light to block it as well.

The spark sword caught up and floated in front of Nexus. Then the whole sword rotated at high speed. The spark sword formed a rotating defense, completely blocking Disium's light.

"What?!" Beria never expected that his killing blow would be blocked so easily.

This kind of thing, how could this Ultraman named Nexus be so strong!

Unable to accept the power of Nexus, or unable to accept his own weakness, Belial roared and increased the output, making the Diszom ray stronger.

It's a pity that he didn't know that with the help of the Spark Sword's resistance, the source had successfully activated the blue sublimation behind the Spark Sword. Then, he summoned the Spark Sword back and turned it into a cremation weapon again and remained on his arm.

Seeing that damn sword disappear, before Beria had time to be happy, he saw a scene that horrified him.

With his five fingers spread out and one hand in front of him, Nexus' flying speed did not slow down. He resisted Disium's light with a single palm and faced the difficulty directly without any obstruction.

The so-called special move, the so-called Disium, was blocked by an open hand, an arm equipped with cremation weapons.

Even though Beria increased his energy output, it only caused Nexus' body to pause for a moment, and then he was forcefully clamped on the face by this hand.

"Your end has come!"

Grabbing Belial's head with one hand, Nexus slowly lifted it up.

Although the palm of his hand was a little hot, Disium's light had not yet been able to break through his defense.

Especially this hand, and the arm armor composed of spark weapons, which Disium can't break through.

"Is there really a strong man like you in the Kingdom of Light? This guy can't compare to this kind of power!" Even though he has been defeated, Beria is still thinking about making a comeback in his heart, because he still has The last resort remains, which is a planet's Emerald ore collected under the battleship.

As long as he absorbs the energy of all the ores, he will be able to achieve the most complete evolution and gain the most powerful power in the universe!

"What nonsense are you talking about? Aren't you giving up?" Light energy began to accumulate in his palm, and Nexus was ready to kill Beria right here.

But just as he was about to do so, a deep and extremely powerful dark energy spanned the universe and acted directly on him.

Appearing together, there was also a sound of silence, but it contained a crazy sound.


Hearing this familiar voice, Nexus just turned his head away when he was hugged by a figure filled with dark gas, and was immediately taken away.

Beria, who was left alone to save his life, was still in a daze and didn't understand what happened for a while.

At the same time, at the place where Beria used energy to open the cosmic channel, a pair of hands suddenly appeared, and then forcefully tore the space apart.

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