Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 978 Gorgon’s Fantasy Adventure (bushi)

"Legend has it that... Perseus used a shield to reflect the sight of the Stone Demon Eye, which caused Gorgon to be killed by his own abilities." After calling up the information about Gorgon from Greek mythology, everyone also Saw the death of this mythical creature from Greek legend.

"So, if Gorgon is exactly the same as this mythical story, then this is the way to defeat it?" Asuna didn't expect that the mythical story would one day become true. Asuna was quite unbelievable: "But this guy is not Is it alive and well here? It was not killed by Perseus."

"Where can we find that mythical shield?" A'Du was very frustrated: "The shield that can reflect the petrified light of Gorgon."

"It doesn't have to be that shield. What we need is knowledge and an idea, an idea on how to defeat Gargorgon." Quan said: "As long as we have shields with the same ability."

"You mean..." Dr. Hermann reacted immediately and noticed something keenly: "Use Bemonstein's card?"

"That's right, the Bemunstein card created by Liu Yi has inherited Bemunstan's greatest ability: absorbing energy. Therefore, using the Bemunstein card can be enough to become the shield that will kill Gagorgon." Looking around, Quan continued: "But the Muscadine cannot withstand the high pressure of absorbing reflections. We have to give the Bemonstein card to Aix!"

"Bemunstan Armed Forces can do this."

"In other words, the shield of victory is actually in our hands from the beginning?" Sayuri Tachibana said: "Akers...is he suitable?"

"I believe in him, as well as everyone at xio, and xio's fighting methods have shown a high level of efficiency. I am willing to believe in him." Aix's voice came from the Aix terminal.

Ordinary people on Earth couldn't hear this sound. The only one who could hear it was Ultraman Izumi.

"Akers, are you ready?" Dadi asked in a low voice.

"Yes, I have also heard of the name Gargorgon. It is a monster that has destroyed many civilizations. Even if it gets what it wants, it will never let go of human civilization."

"Then be prepared. When Aix appears, Liuyi, you immediately hand over Bemonstein's power to him, and the others move out immediately!" Captain Shenmu gave the order again.

Hui on the side looked at these earthlings formulating a battle plan in a short period of time, and it was a battle plan targeting Ga Gorgon, which seemed so unreal.

It doesn't make sense at first, but if you think about it carefully, it actually makes sense.

Why didn’t everyone at Gold Star think of this...

A hand was placed on the shoulder of Fai, who was a little distracted, and Daichi gave him an encouraging smile.

At the same time, Aix conveyed his opinions to Hui through the contact with the earth.

Suddenly hearing Ax's voice, Hui was startled and looked at Dadi in surprise. Only then did Fai see what he thought was a red giant from behind Dadi.

That was a giant too.

"I am X, Ultraman X, the person who everyone in XIO will entrust their hopes to, Hui. I need your help." X kept the story short, time was tight, and he got straight to the point.

"Aix...you are what they think is the Aix who can kill Ga Gorgon." He whispered and repeated Aix's name, and hope gradually rekindled in Hui's eyes.

That is the anger that can get what you want and revenge, that is the light of redemption that can save everything. He watched everything being turned to stone, and he ran for his life in a hurry. Finally one day he can take revenge on this guy!

"But remember, in mythology, if Gorgon's magic eye is pierced, the things petrified by the petrification ability will be restored." Turning around, Izumi patted Hui's shoulder, and let the earth on the side do his best. Want to reduce their sense of existence.

Because there is a secret in his body, Dadi is really guilty.

"Hui, if the Golden Star remains in its initial petrified state, the relatives you care about can be restored."

Judging from the fact that Ga Gorgon was hit by his own petrifying light and turned into stone, and then destroyed by Hui using Ludian, it can be seen that after being petrified, his physical condition is really similar to that of stone.

In other words, if it is destroyed in the petrified state, it cannot be restored even if Gargon dies.

Because the stone statue was broken, it was really dead.

This is probably the reason why Atlantis was not recovered after Gargorgon destroyed Atlantis and sank into the sea. in vain.).

"Ah, I understand!" His eyes suddenly lit up. After being told the news, Hui suddenly became full of confidence in the future and had more motivation to eliminate Gagorgon.

There is still salvation, everything that has been destroyed, there is still salvation!

"Okay, everyone, let's get moving." After clapping his hands, Dr. Gehrman, a Vandun star, ordered everyone: "Dadi, go and send Hui."

After Cong Quan learned that Dadi was Aix, although the doctor didn't tell anyone else, he still consciously created opportunities for Dadi to have abilities and an independent personal space.

"Understood!" Dadi's eyes also lit up. He was just having a headache thinking about what excuse he would find for his disappearance later. He didn't expect that the doctor would give him the opportunity so quickly.

Putting his arm around Hui's shoulders, Dadi pushed him away and left the conference room with Hui.

The battle plan has been drawn up, and everyone has their own things to do. Asuna, Hayato, and Watamae went to the main battlefield, while Ryui, the doctor, and Mamoru went to the laboratory to prepare for the data information of the Bemonstein card. , be ready to transmit to Aix at any time.

Quan, on the other hand, visited the frontline battlefield in person. In his words, if there were any changes, he could adjust the battle plan immediately.

But in fact, Izumi was prepared to go up and take care of it himself if anything went wrong.

Within a moment, Gargorgon descended on the earth, tore through space in the form of a ball of light, and landed instantly from outside the earth at extremely fast speeds.

Warcraft are different from ordinary monsters. The power they possess generally involves the laws of the universe, which is much greater than that of ordinary monsters.

Just after Gagorgon appeared and roared, the air combat Maskedi immediately fell from the sky.

At the same time, Asuna was on the way driving the landing battle Maskedi.

But the faster ones were Aix and Ludian. The moment Gagorgon appeared, Aix had already appeared from the data stream, and next to him was Ludian who had returned to his full state.

Appearing in the brilliance of gold, it transformed from a sphere into something like a Bakugan. The round-tube machine guns in its two hands can release powerful artillery fire to cover the fire.

The two looked at each other, Aix and Ludian, one behind the other, watching intently.

"Aix, get ready to accept the data!" The strategy discussed in the combat conference room was not only acceptable to Dadi, but also Aix, so the two of them did not rush forward immediately, but waited. xio help.

"Doctor!" After Ax appeared, the doctor and Liu Yi, who left the base and rushed to the front line with the card data, did not move for a long time and had no intention of helping Ax.

The anxious Captain Shenmu took the earphones and shouted directly.

"Under attack, we are under attack!" In the chaos, Liu Yi's screams and Mamoru's panicked voice made Captain Shenmu's heart sink.

"Turn the screen around."

The operator projected the satellite broadcast onto the big screen, allowing everyone to clearly see the two opposing parties in the picture.

One is the assassin of the spaceman-Nazak, and the other is the Baltan who stands in front of Liu Yi and protects everyone.

This enemy appeared out of thin air, causing unexpected changes in the plan.

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