Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 979 Chapter 971: (Brothers, it hurts too much. The machine has collapsed and cannot be repai

"It's really strange. I didn't expect that in this universe, I could actually see the Baltan people who had disappeared long ago." As a space businessman, the Knuckle star, also known as Bondiro, has a clear understanding of the old and powerful people in the universe.

He also knew the glory and end of the Baltans, once the old enemies of the Ultra clan.

Originally, after the last Baltan was buried, there were very few traces of Baltan in the universe.

The rarity has changed from being a bad thing in the past to now being a limited character that needs to be drawn from the card pool, which can be said to be very rare.

As a cosmic arms dealer, guys like Baltan are also within its sales scope.

Of course, the prerequisite is that it can really take this Baltan as its own and capture him as a slave.

"I have made up my mind not to ask about what is happening in the universe, and to live my life peacefully, but because of this, you cannot appear here." The appearance of the Baltans is not for invasion, nor is it In order to destroy, but to protect, to protect these humans standing behind him.

"Living your own small life? Baltan, the majestic space ninja, has lost all his energy and spirit? He is actually reduced to doing boring things that only Ultraman can do." He raised the laser gun in his hand and faced him. Having identified the Baltans, Bondillo said directly: "Come with me, I think someone must be very interested in you."

"Don't worry!" The pair of pincers opened, and the spraying guns poured out bullets, covering Bondillo's whole body.

Although Bondiro has plans to capture Baltan, it is also wary of Baltan's methods.

A race that can leave its name in the universe is not an ordinary character.

While its cloak was rolled up in front of its face to block Baltan's sight, Bondillo quickly escaped from the embarrassing situation face to face. As it ran, it continuously launched attacks with the laser gun in its hand, but was blocked by Baltan's double pincers. .

"Except for the red toilet-head devil, I don't even care about you!" After blocking all the attacks, Baltan took advantage of the situation and wanted to further force Bondillo.

When the earth shook and the mountains shook, the bodyguard monster-Black King emerged from the ground, waving his claws and roaring, announcing his existence to the world.

"You guys brought other monsters here?" The moment they saw King Black, the Baltans understood the identity of Bandillo: "An intruder?"

"Once again, I am not an intruder. I just came here by accident and found a treasure worth getting." King Black raised his steps and walked towards here. The dust flew up and caused great damage in the city.

"Bartan, look, this is the terror you once inflicted on mankind, and now, you are actually on the side of mankind!" Bondillo opened his hands: "Have you forgotten your glory as a space ninja? "

"That kind of thing never existed at all." Baltan said in a deep voice, and then he enlarged his own existence and returned to his true Baltan appearance, and took steps to stop King Black.

"Humph, I really don't know what to say." After the Baltan star left, Bondillo was not surprised. He was speechless about this guy and did not think about the reason why Baltan became like this.

He has only one goal in coming here.

Using shrinking light to shrink the entire Xio-Aramis chariot to the size of a palm, Bondillo held it in his hand.

Taking out the space jumping device from his arms and opening the space-time door, Bondillo took his treasure and prepared to run away.

However, the next second, the door of the dimensional tunnel was opened, and Zero, wearing the ultimate armor, fell from the sky, aimed at Bondillo's body with the most classic flying kick, and roared down.

"Found you! Bondillo!"

"Hey, the ghost is really lingering." Hearing this familiar voice, Bondillo was extremely unhappy.

Why is it that a guy like Zero, who can travel freely through dimensions, is targeting it? It doesn't even have a chance to run away.

Although there was an unexpected variable, namely Baltan's interception, Bondillo was not without a chance.

He took out a certain shining doll that he had picked up in the universe before coming to this universe from his arms. After injecting a lot of energy into it, Bondillo threw it out to stop Zero.

"Bring Liu Yi back quickly! Bemonstein's card is still in the car. If this guy takes it away, the station here will lack the shield!" According to the plan, Liu Yi will use the card that can defeat Kaguya. Gorgon's shield was delivered to Ax, but a sudden change made this plan that should have been perfectly implemented no longer possible.

"That's the Assassin's Spaceman - the Knuckle Planet." Quan said Bondillo's race.

"The other one is Ultraman Zero, who is famous in the universe." The doctor followed closely and said, "It's really lively. I didn't expect so many changes to happen all of a sudden."

"Doctor, are you still in the mood to joke?" Sayuri Tachibana was quite nervous: "What should we do now?"

"Let's see if Ultraman Zero can defeat that guy." Xio has sent out all the power he can, and there is really nothing he can do now.

We can only place our hopes on Ultraman Zero.

And on the battlefield against Gargon, because they had already learned about the accident on Liu Yi's side, the planned Bemonstein card could not be delivered smoothly, which made Hui and Daichi's hearts wiped out out of thin air. cast a shadow.

Gargorgon would not wait for them, it ran forward with its hands open, speeding towards Fai.

Bemonstein's card could not be delivered smoothly, but the battle still had to continue. Hui drove Ludian, Ax and Daichi also attacked one after another to fight against Gagorgon.

"Did Yuan Nai delay the flow of time, so these three episodes were superimposed?" Izumi looked at the broadcast of the three battlefields displayed on the terminal's split screen and fell into deep thought.

"The original plan can be implemented perfectly, but there are variables due to the existence of Bandillo. In other words, Aix still can't escape the fate of being petrified?" There is a glimpse of the leopard, and from this matter, It seems that the universe has an absolute will that does not allow changes to everything it has arranged.

Even if there is an accident in the middle, are there still various possibilities to adjust the plot to the original one?

"It's destined... Huh, if it's destined, then is the split between me and that guy also destined?" Taking a few steps back, Quan disappeared from the main battlefield, walked down the stairs to the corner, and took out the Evolution Truster.

"If you are destined, I will give it a try."

Darkness surged, instantaneous, and black thunder flashed across the sky. The huge energy fluctuations were captured by xio's satellite, but xio did not detect where this energy came from.

Passing by the battlefields of Gorgon, Aix, and Fai, Senna went straight to the chaotic area over there, using thunder to bombard the earth, causing horrific destruction, throwing up gravel, shaking the earth, and descending with a crash.

Appearing in the roar of thunder falling on the earth.

The moment he landed, the bright red energy core caused Zero, who was fighting, to suffer from PTSD and take a step back unconsciously.

Sero felt horrified and panicked at that moment.

After the smoke and dust dissipated, Zero took a deep breath when he saw the figure of this guy clearly.

wdnmd, it’s you! Dark Nexus!

Damn, you actually chased me?

...But you are so small this time.

Ignoring Sero's solemnity and fear over there, Quan Nai locked his gaze on Bondillo, activated his body instantly, and snatched the Aramis from Bondillo's hand.

But...looking at Aramis who was shrunk by the shrinking light in the palm of his hand, Izuna's claws became numb for a moment.

How to do this thing...?

He doesn't know how to change an object shrunk by the shrinking light back!

"Who are you!" After realizing that his treasure had been taken away, Bondillo pointed his gun at Quan Nai and roared.

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