In fact, Su Chen was hit by an illusion magic circle at this time, and this magic circle will bring everyone to the stories of previous lives.

Next is the matter of Su Chen's previous life.

It's morning again today.

After many ceremonies, Su Chen sat on the dragon chair and listened to the minister's report.

In fact, they have nothing to report, mostly the appointment and removal of officials.

The infiltration of the four sects of the first hospital by the warriors was carried out in secret, but its influence had already been passed on.

Many officials were found to have colluded with people in the arena, and these are first-hand evidence that even bug catchers could not get.

The corruption of Kexing officials, especially local officials, has amazed the people in the DPRK and China.

The dismissal of a large number of officials from the first hospital and the four cases also made the people in the first hospital and the four cases realize that there was an internal problem.

They were busy with self-examination, but they did not cause any trouble for Su Chen, and the Lan "Seven Three Three" Star Continent entered a rare period of stability.

The story of the people in the mountains has spread among the Hanwu soldiers, and other Hanwu soldiers have followed suit, and now many people have been ambushed.

When these affairs were over, Su Chen was just about to retire when an old man suddenly stepped out of the queue.

"Liu Quanlan, the minister of Dali Temple, has a written recitation.

Honglu Temple is a matter of Kexing's diplomatic affairs and court ceremonies.

Kexing is a powerful country on the Blue Star Continent, but after all, the land that can be ruled is limited.

There are many small countries around, which used to be vassal states of Kexing and paid tribute regularly.

Honglu Temple was originally responsible for the reception of messengers from small countries and the arrangement of tributes.

But after the cataclysm, none of these small countries existed, and the Blue Star Continent was unable to manage them, and gradually lost contact.

Honglu Temple is only responsible for the ceremonies and festivals of the court, and it can be said that its status has plummeted.

Now I don't know what needs to be reported by Liu Quanlan, the Dali temple minister.

Could it be that someone does not conform to the ceremonies of the court?

But this kind of thing shouldn't be brought to the conference.

"Oh? Dali Temple Minister? What's the matter?"

Dali Temple Secretary Liu Quanlan took out a memorial from his arms, held it in both hands and handed it to the eunuch next to him.

"A presentation of the Wisdom Tree Country and Pediatrics.

Wisdom Tree Country is a group of small countries in the west of Kexing, in fact, they each have their own country names.

It's just that the place has been chaotic all the year round, and the country has been changing.

But no matter which country it is, they all recognize the "father-son alliance" with Kexing as the "father country" and they are the "child country"


Therefore, Kexing people are too lazy to distinguish and collectively call it the Wisdom Tree Country.

As long as there are enough offerings every year, don't bother about him.

The Wisdom Tree Country is rich in cattle and sheep skins. During the catastrophe, the people of the Wisdom Tree Country almost wiped out the species, and they haven't recovered yet.

The worship has been broken for a long time, and now the leather used in the palace is produced in Kexing.

Su Chen took the memorial and opened it to take a look.

The memorial is already a bit worn, and even some of the handwriting has been blurred, but it is still recognizable.

And Pediatrics is the monarch of the Wisdom Tree State, now the largest country.

This person is also magnanimous, saying that Kexing must be the upper country, and also clearly stated that he has basically unified the wisdom tree.

Perhaps knowing that Kexing collectively calls them the Wisdom Tree Country, and wants to become the orthodox wisdom tree recognized by Kexing.

He called his country the "Wisdom Tree Country".

This time, in addition to discussing the amount of offerings for next year, the other thing is to ask for help.

In the memorial, there is a big write-up of the friendly relationship between the Wisdom Tree Kingdom and Kexing, and a big book about how rich the offerings they have prepared.

Of the thirteen sheets of memorial, only the last one had the request for help.

Su Chen roughly browsed the memorial, and was not interested in others, so he directly turned to the last content of asking for help.

The Wisdom Tree Country is a country composed of many small countries.

In order to unify the wisdom tree, the father of Pediatrics made a wish to go out for many benefits to win over some tyrants.

Now that the Tree of Wisdom is unified, as soon as his father dies, those tyrants will tear their faces and take care of themselves.

Almost surrounded the royal court of pediatrics.

It can be said that this memorial for help can be said to have gone through a lot of hardships.

"The King of Wisdom Tree asked our Kexing for help, what's happening in Western Xinjiang recently? 35

"Go back to Your Majesty, talking about this matter, the last will think of one thing."

"A friend of the last commander wrote to the last commander, saying that many refugees-like people suddenly appeared at the border."

"It's just that they didn't punch the card and there was no threat, so the matter was not reported to the Ministry of War.

"It seems that the civil unrest in the Wisdom Tree Country has been going on for a while..0"

"Dali Temple Minister, how did this memorial get to the imperial capital. 39

"Go back to Your Majesty, the envoy of the Tree of Wisdom came to Honglu Temple yesterday, and a group of thirteen people are now resting."

"Well, treat yourself well, since they admit the 'father-son alliance', I, Kexing, will show the bearing of Kexing. 35

"As for the support, the Ministry of War told the Wisdom Tree Border Army to send scouts into the Wisdom Tree to see what the situation was.


The Minister of War issued an order to receive orders.

After the discussion on this matter was over, the Great Court meeting also disbanded.

Su Chen had just returned to Yangxin Hall, and Xia Lan was already waiting in Yangxin Hall with the latest information from the four schools of the first hospital.

"Your Majesty, Shan Wanzhong and the others want to make a move, and they are going to replace an elder of the Emperor Supreme Sect.

"Since they want to do it, then do it, and ask the warriors in the emperor's territory to fully cooperate with them, and tell them to be careful. They have already lurked, and their identities cannot be exposed. If the plan risks exposing them, they should stop immediately.

"Yes, and the fact that Xuantian Academy is different from the other four schools is a little troublesome to infiltrate."

"It doesn't matter, as long as it can penetrate, it's really impossible to control the other four schools, what kind of waves can a single Xuantian Academy make."

"Subordinates obey.

"By the way, select a group of warriors and let them go to the Wisdom Tree Country and tell me the situation of the Wisdom Tree Country as soon as possible.

"My subordinates obey the order, and I'll get rid of people later.

"Okay, you can go down at 0.5."



Xia Lan bowed and disappeared into the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Su Chen took out the memorial of Pediatrics and looked at it again and again, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

These small countries are one of the outermost barriers of the Blue Star Continent.

The reason for leaving them aside is that the territory of the Blue Star Continent should not be too large, and it is easy to block information.

If it takes a long time for the news of the court to reach the place, then the place is de facto separated from the rule of the court.

Others also have the meaning of using them as a barrier against foreign enemies.

Originally, Su Chen thought that he would only be able to deal with the big and small countries after he had dealt with the four cases in one hospital.

Unexpectedly, Pediatrics directly gave him the opportunity.

This Kexing army goes in and then lets them withdraw, but it needs to be broken and broken.

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