It is easy to ask God, but difficult to send God.

Since you dare to invite me, the god of Kexing Army, if you want to send this god back, it depends on whether you have fed this god enough.

"Huh. 35

Su Chen chuckled and threw the memorial to the side.

The tiger father didn't give birth to a dog, he gave birth to a fox. He had to bear humiliation and burden on his head.

As soon as Xia Lan retired, an eunuch came in and reported that it was Liu Quanlan, the minister of Dali Temple, who asked to see him.

"Xuan. 35

Immediately outside the palace, eunuchs shouted: "Xuan Dali Temple Minister Liu Quanlan has an audience.

Liu Quanlan trotted in, and when she saw Su Chen, she knelt down and saluted.

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

Su Chen looked up and said, "Aiqing is flat. 35

"Thank you, Your Majesty.

Dali Temple Secretary Liu Quanlan is an old minister, because when he was young, he traveled abroad in Kexing. After becoming an official in the dynasty, he entered Honglu Temple and finally became the Dali Temple Minister. It can be said that the official has already achieved his head.

As for the understanding of foreign countries20, no one can match.

Su Chen just wanted to ask someone to call him to ask about the situation of the wisdom tree, and he came.

After all, Liu Quanlan was old, and he had been standing for a long time at the great court meeting just now, and he had been waiting outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation for a long time.

When he first came in, his steps were a little vain, and now his forehead is sweating, and he didn't dare to wipe it.

"Come on, give me a seat.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

A soft chair was moved by the Blue Star royal guard, which Su Chen later ordered to be replaced.

In the past, the palace used hard stools and chairs to padded, but the stools given to ministers did not have such treatment.

They didn't dare to sit down in front of Su Chen, their buttocks were half-legged and their bodies leaned forward, making Su Chen very uncomfortable.

Soft chairs like this make it impossible for them to sit like that, but they do give people a rest.

Liu Quanlan sat down, feeling like he was stuck in a chair.

It's a little hard to stand up, but it's really comfortable.

"Shang Aiqing, why are you coming to see me at this time?

"Returning to Your Majesty, it's about the Tree of Wisdom."

Liu Quanlan bent down as hard as she could, looking very humble.

"Oh? Didn't it already say at the DPRK meeting, send someone to check the situation first, and then make a decision? 35

"Go back to Your Majesty, I have something to add about the tree of wisdom. 55

"Oh? Why didn't you say it at the meeting?

"This... is actually a private matter of the minister, and it is not easy to tell it in the court, but the minister still feels that His Majesty needs to know.

Su Chen suddenly became interested.

"Tell me about it."

"Actually, when I was visiting the Tree of Wisdom when I was young, I met my paediatric father, and he could be regarded as a friend."

"This time, it is not only the memorial of Pediatrics, but also a letter to Weichen. 35

"The letter asked me to help facilitate this.99

Su Chen nodded.

"Then you're here to be a lobbyist for that and the pediatrician. 35

"Your Majesty, this minister is not here to be a lobbyist, but to persuade Your Majesty to ignore this matter.

Su Chen was taken aback, this was what he didn't expect.

"What does this mean?"

"Your Majesty, in fact, this is not what I should say, but after the catastrophe, Kexing was unable to take care of the wisdom tree.

"The Western Border guards haven't even seen the Wisdom Tree Man, so they don't know.

"But when I was young, I visited the Tree of Wisdom and knew about the Tree of Wisdom."

"The trend of the tree of wisdom, it is better to divide!"

Su Chen is very interested in this topic. As the saying goes, knowing oneself and knowing one's enemy is the only way to be undefeated in a hundred battles.

"Aiqing explained in detail.

"The land of the Tree of Wisdom is barren, and there is no food to grow, but the pasture is abundant. The people of the Tree of Wisdom all live by herding and are very good at riding and archery."

"Moreover, there are many treasures in the Wisdom Tree, and the cultivator's strength is 10% stronger than that of the Central Plains."

"'In the previous dynasty, there was a wisdom tree king who unified the wisdom tree, which became a major problem in the previous dynasty. 35

"I, Kexing, have been able to control the Wisdom Tree for so many years, because of the endless chaos among the Wisdom Tree small countries, the strength is mostly used for internal friction, and it is unable to expand.

"But the people of the Wisdom Tree have long coveted the abundant water and grass in the Central Plains. If the Wisdom Tree has a unified day, it will be a day when I will rejuvenate the unevenness of the Western Xinjiang.

"Now my Kexing First Hospital's four cases are seriously suffering from internal problems, and it is not suitable to establish foreign enemies."

"It's better to let the kings of the tree of wisdom and the royal court of the pediatric department fight, and wait for the troubles of the four cases in one hospital to subside, and what will happen to the tree of wisdom is up to me, Kexing! 35

"Now if we send troops to help and quell the rebellion in the pediatric department, when the hidden dangers of the first hospital and the four sects are eliminated, and the wisdom tree has recovered its vitality, it will be extremely difficult to pacify the wisdom tree at that time. 55

Su Chen fell into deep thought, he said to Liu Quanlan.

"What kind of person do you think this is related to pediatrics, tell me.

"As for this person in the pediatric department, Wei Chen has seen him before, but he was a child. When he was still a teenager, he was ruthless and could endure the humiliation of others. He was indeed a traitor. 35

"He is not the eldest son, but the youngest son of the Wisdom Tree King, who could not inherit the throne originally, but when the Wisdom Tree King was seriously ill in bed, his elder brothers died one by one, and in the end he was the only one left. He finally took the throne.

'The person of the tree of wisdom respects martial arts, and when he was born in Pediatrics, his mother had a difficult childbirth, he was less than a month old, and he was born thin.

"Although he is a royal family, even commoners can bully him, and he never makes a sound after being bullied, but everyone who bullied him is said to have a bad end. 747"

"This person is a real villain, and his letters to Wei Chen are all about friendship and flattery, and business affairs only account for a small part of it, which is really unbelievable.

Su Chen squinted his eyes, and a prairie man with dark eyes appeared in his mind.

Such a person can't really be trusted.

"At this time, he asked me Kexing to admit the 'father-son alliance', and when everything is settled, he will definitely tear up the covenant and invade our Kexing.

"Therefore, Wei Chen advised His Majesty to ignore him.

Su Chen tapped the imperial case with his fingers, and the sound of "dong dong dong" was recalled in the hall.

"I am inclined to send reinforcements."9

Liu Quanlan was suddenly shocked.

"His Majesty!"

"Ai Qing, don't be impatient, you should listen to me first, and you can't make a decision on this matter now, you have to wait for the report of the wisdom tree to come up.

"My Celestial Dynasty is owned by the Shang Dynasty, but it is not a vassal state of the Wisdom Tree Kingdom. Kexing lost contact with the kingdoms before. If you want to let them return to their hearts in the future, you must always make a gesture."

"The upper kingdom of heaven will have the appearance of the upper kingdom of heaven, if he really gives me a confession, I will send troops to support him.

"Such a posture must be done enough, otherwise other small countries want to return, they must think about this."

"However, if I send troops to quell the rebellion for him, and he still disobeys me, then he is not a minister!"

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