"If the King of Kexing loses his way and breaks his royal court, then it's not my Kexing, it's not.

"This time, I not only sent scouts from the frontier troops, but also insect catchers to go deep into the Wisdom Tree. In addition to understanding the situation, I also surveyed and mapped the Wisdom Tree map."

"If he dares not to submit, I will fight him until he submits; if he dares to tear up the covenant, I will fight him to re-establish the covenant; if he dares not to worship, I will send troops to his royal court to take it in person! 35

"I, Kexing, must be invincible to make all sides surrender.

After some words, the old minister burst into tears, knelt down in front of Su Chen, and shouted.

"Your Majesty is wise, I, Kexing, will surely make all parties surrender with an invincible posture!"

In Kexing Purgatory, Mr. Shan Wan couldn't figure out why he was attacked by the imperial court in his yard.

Zheng Shi has been helping him analyze.

"Tell me about the situation at the time."

"That day was my birthday banquet, and that night I was drunk and sent back to the courtyard by my disciples.

"Then I remember that my son Shan Zhi brought Shan Wanzhong to see me."

"Wait a minute, who is Shan Wanzhong?"

"That was a worshiper of my in-laws, and the few Jin Dan were not his enemies.

"I saw that his cultivation was profound, so I wanted to bring him under his command."

"Shanzhi brought all the people to see me, and I asked him to bring them here."

"At that time, I was drunk and saw my son and Shan Wanzhong take a step back in a daze, and then my son burst into a cultivation level stronger than me, and stabbed my dantian with a long spear."

"At that time, I didn't even have time to run the infuriating hangover, and I was hooked all of a sudden.""

"When I wake up again, it's here. 99

"Your son? Shan Zhi? Does he have Yuan Ying cultivation?"

Zheng Shi asked in surprise.

"Impossible, he is too lazy to cultivate, and now he is only innate.

"Did you read it wrong, someone else killed you?"

"No, I can see clearly, and his breath will not change, it is indeed him."

"That Shan Wanzhong should be a member of the imperial court. Although I have never met him, I have seen the one hundred golden core blue star royal guards."

"Everyone uses a golden spear. Your son's sudden increase in cultivation may be a combined attack technique. This kind of thing exists in the Kexing Palace. 99

Ouyang Huan had been listening by the side, and when he was very bored, he also hurriedly participated in the discussion.

"It's just that this kind of exercise is extremely difficult to practice, and it is impossible for the innate people to have the cultivation base of Nascent Soul."

"At most, it's just to strengthen a big realm. If there are five hundred people working together, one can push a golden core to the peak of Nascent Soul, no more is impossible."

"So there are only two possibilities, one is that your son has long been a member of the imperial court. He not only has cultivated to the high level of Jindan without telling you, but also often practice joint strike techniques with the imperial court.

"It's impossible! I've spoiled him since childhood, and he rarely even went down the mountain, so he never had the chance to get in touch with the people of the court.

"And I often personally determine his cultivation base. I know exactly how his cultivation base is. Under that kind of careful inspection, it is impossible for him to hide his realm."

Before Ouyang Huan could say the second possibility, President Shan Wan shouted.

"That's the second possibility, your son is dead, they used some kind of secret treasure or secret method to disguise as your son, and most likely disguised as you!

"What!?" The elders of the first courtyard and the four sects exclaimed in unison.

"I don't know if such secret methods exist. Anyway, I have been in the court for so many years, and the treasure house of the royal family is often in and out, but I have never seen it."5

"But I haven't seen it either, it means it's not there, after all, the palace is so big, there must be places I haven't been to.

"I still underestimate the background of the Kexing royal family in the end. These things can't just come out of nowhere."

"And those two distracted cultivators, the golden core generals who are distributed all over the world.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, how much are you hiding from us?

After he finished speaking, he ignored the elders, but found the jug and took a small sip.

After smacking for a long time, he raised the jug in his hand and shouted.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty, congratulations to my Kexing! Hahaha!"

It seemed that a little bit of alcohol really made him drunk.

The elders had not recovered from Ouyang Huan's words, and they couldn't help but wonder if the people around them had been replaced by people from the imperial court.

Then the more I think about it, the more suspicious it becomes, and the more I think about it, the more afraid it becomes.

The elders, who were full of confidence in their own sect, began to worry about their own sect for the first time.

"No, no, this news must be told to the sect!

"Senior Brother Zheng Shi, how long have you been here, and how can you get out? This matter is too important and must be known to the sect."

Zheng Shi shook his head in frustration, and later thought that President Shan Wan could not see at all.

Just sighed.

"Junior Brother Xiulin, this is impossible, once you get in here, you can't get out. 35

"'This is Kexing Purgatory, I'm afraid it's a magic weapon, it can seal the true qi of my waiting, and it will also extract the qi of my waiting.

"After entering here, unless someone is rescued from the outside, it is impossible to get out.

"Otherwise, why do you think there is not even a jailer here?"

"They're not worried at all about us escaping."

When Shan Wan heard these words, he was stunned for a long time, and then he said decisively.

"Anyway, I'm always going to try."

Saying that, he sank into his dantian to try to break the ban.


Ouyang Huan said softly, and the elders other than President Shan Wan also sat up cross-legged, keeping their minds.

A strong suction came, almost sucking their souls out of their bodies.

The unsuspecting President Shan Wan suddenly let out a scream, and he could feel that something very important was leaving him.

This kind of emptiness of losing important things made him cry bitterly, and when he thought of his son who may have died (Zhao Ma Zhao), he cried heartbreakingly.

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Su Chen's hobby recently is to watch what Ouyang Huan and the sect elders say every day.

The sense of hopelessness and the dark and silent environment of the hopeless escape in Kexing purgatory made them very talkative.

And here they are no longer secretive, they are all following their hearts.

This represents the two sides of the court and the sect, and sometimes the confrontation of ideas in the words can bring him a lot of thinking.

Today's Ouyang Huan's guess really made Su Chen know about his intelligence.

"Huh, just based on a few words from President Shan Wan, I guessed the matter closely, and I even guessed the combined attack technique and Xia Lan's transformation technique.

"Ouyang Huan, I really don't know whether I should be happy or resentful."

"It's a pity, it's a pity, you are so smart, how did you show up in prison?"

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