"Don't you have something to say to me, let me hear it."9

Su Chen smiled and looked at Ouyang Wuji, who seemed to be babbling.

"Your Majesty, my grandson doesn't understand anything, and I hope His Majesty will save my grandson's life when he destroys Xuantianyuan, abolish his cultivation, and go back to various places.

Su Chen looked at Ou ~ Yang Wuji and smiled.

"You are smart, I agreed to your request, but you will never go out.

After saying that, he turned his head and left without looking back.

Only Ouyang Wuji knelt down and saluted in the cell, shouting: "My minister, thank you Lord Longen!

After returning from purgatory, Su Chen sat on the low couch, with the secret report handed over by the local government on the table in front of him.

The four schools of the first hospital have already learned about the Tongfu Inn, and there is already a lot of noise in the rivers and lakes.

"The news spreads very quickly, it seems that someone is deliberately spreading the news.

Su Chen smiled. These past few days, Shen Tianle was sitting on the gate of the imperial capital every day, waiting for people from the first courtyard and the four schools.

"You guys have to come quickly, or I will go to your place when my second god and demon is summoned.

He murmured that in the past few days, the people from the rivers and lakes in the imperial city have almost disappeared, which made Liu also happy for a while.

As for the people in the rivers and lakes caught in the past few days, Su Chen did not kill any of them, and all of them were thrown into purgatory to increase the luck of Da Qin.

As for the sect cultivators caught in the future, it will also be handled in the same way.

I just don't know if purgatory can be installed or not.

He has a system in his body, and he can summon every month.

Their hearts have already been raised wild, how can there be people who are summoned by the system to use it.

Daqin border, outside Beiyangguan.

The vast desert is full of wind and sand.

But the sergeants at Beiyang Pass didn't care, all of them stared at the yellow desert outside with wide eyes.

Countless huge scorpions drilled in the sand, occasionally sticking out their heads to look at Beiyang Pass.

This is not the first time they have fought these scorpions, and this weather is their favorite time to attack.

The strength of the scorpion plague beast is not strong, but the scales are hard, the tail needle is hard and highly poisonous.

And every time they appeared, they were in groups, which made the defenders of Beiyang Pass feel miserable.

The sound of the scorpion came, and the veterans who had survived several battles quickly became alert. This was the signal that the scorpions were about to attack.

Sure enough, countless black gigantic scorpions emerged from the sand, clawing their teeth and claws at Beiyangguan.

"dong dong dong"

The alarm bell was rang, and the defenders in Beiyang Pass quickly climbed up the city wall and prepared their weapons to aim at the scorpions below the city wall.

"This time I'm going to trouble the seniors. 35

A middle-aged general bowed to a scruffy old man sitting under the city wall.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, this seat can't see the beast slaughtering the human race, so it will help you."

"Of course, it's not free, I want alcohol."

Saying that, the old man untied the gourd around his waist and took a sip of wine.

"It's natural.

The middle-aged general surrendered again.

Although this old man is sloppy, he is a solid gold elixir.

If every time the scorpion attacked, the old man would stand up and repel the scorpion king, this Beiyang Pass would have been broken long ago.

From the desert to Beiyang Pass, it is an endless plain. Although there are no civilians in Beiyang Pass, there are several big cities behind Beiyang Pass.

No matter what, the calamity beast cannot break through Beiyang Pass.

The middle-aged general clenched his fists and climbed to the wall.

Beiyang Guanshou was not there, and the lieutenant also went back to ask for help, and he was the only document left to command the army.

Fortunately, most of the Beiyangguan defenders were veterans, and there was no trouble even under his command.

The old man took another sip of wine. He was a good drinker, and he called himself a drinker.

His face was red, but his eyes were very clear.

He knew that the scorpion on the opposite side was very difficult to deal with.

The scorpion didn't know where it came from. It made the bloodline purified, and its strength became stronger day by day.

After fighting for the past few days, the Taoist drinker felt more and more that the scorpion was difficult to deal with.

Thinking that when he first arrived here, although he couldn't kill him, he could easily cause him to retreat with serious injuries.

But these days, it's getting harder and harder to hurt it.

There were even times when the scorpion master had to use the means of pressing the bottom of the box to repel the scorpion king.

There are also those little scorpions under the scorpion king, from the size of a local dog at the beginning, to now they can catch up with a sheep.

The sergeants had to pay even more for killing scorpions.

There are also those poisonous needles of scorpions, as long as they are stabbed once, they are almost impossible to save.

This seemingly sturdy Beiyang Pass is actually in jeopardy.

The wine man looked in the direction of the Great Qin Emperor, the adjutant had been asking for help for several days, and it was time to go back now.

"Hopefully it will come. 35

・・0 flowers 0・・

The drinker sighed and took another sip of wine. This wine is his strength, and he is now accumulating strength for the next battle.

After all, the scorpion couldn't wait any longer, and neighed and launched an attack on Beiyang Pass.

Although I don't know how the scorpion neighs, no one has the heart to think about this problem now, only that the sound almost pierces the eardrum.

The black scorpion swarms covered the original yellow land and rushed towards Beiyangguan like a tide.

The scorpion group collided with the Beiyangguan city wall without restraint, slamming the city wall for a while.

True Qi surged on the city wall, and the great formation appeared, but it did not collapse after all.

But the scorpion has already climbed the wall.

The scorpion's feet are hard and sharp, and directly cut small pits on the city wall, leading the scorpion's body to climb up.

The scorpion tail needle glows purple in the sun, which is a symbol of high toxicity.


These days, the most sergeants died from scorpion venom.

"Be careful with the tail needle, if you get hurt, you will die!"

The corporal in the army reminded loudly.

"Be careful to attack the joints, mouthparts, eyes, you can't pierce the carapace!

However, before the corporal was about to take care of him, the scorpion had already climbed up the city wall.

"Raise the spear!"

Under the loud command, the sergeants raised their spears in a conditioned reflex.


With another order, the sergeant clenched the spear in his hand and stabbed it with all his strength.

"Pfft. 35

The sound of the spear piercing the scorpion's body and the tail needle piercing the human body sounded at the same time.

The screams of pain and the wailing of the sergeant instantly drowned out the wind.

"Raise the spear!"

No time to grieve, no time to grieve, because the order has come down again.


The sergeants thrust out their spears with all their might, and they could not back down, even if the blood stained their armor, even if death was about to come.

"Raise the spear!


The voice of the order changed, and the sergeants knew in their hearts why, but they had no time to grieve.

Because the order has been given, they are going to carry it out.

Finally the spear broke.

Finally the sergeant fell.

It doesn't matter, though, because someone took their place.

"Raise the spear!

"Thorn! 55

It was another voice giving orders, it overcame the wind, over the hiss, over the wailing, over the fear in the sergeant's heart, and it became the only voice in their ears.

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