Ultra-Order Mage, Starting from The Awakening of Thunders Affinity

Chapter 230 Su Chen Fights the Scorpion King\r

The battle is fierce, whether it is against the scorpion group or Beiyangguan.

The sergeants of the Beiyangguan garrison who failed to get on the city wall are preparing, and they will make up for it when the people on the city wall die, lose their strength, and get injured.

But there are not many sergeants who can actually retire.

There are too many scorpions on the city wall, and the sergeant will be killed before he loses his strength.

The sergeants who were replaced later pushed the bodies of their comrades down the wall with unwillingness, because most of the sergeants who died of scorpions were poisoned, and the complete corpses piled up on the city wall, making it unsteady to stand.

Those who can converge are tried to be converged into the wall, and there is really no way but to push it down.

Watching the corpses of their comrades being bitten and swallowed, the people on the city wall could only stab the spears in their hands again and again.

Su Chen was no longer sitting under the city wall.

He sensed the breath of the scorpion king, and it was stronger than before.

Sitting on the city gate, drinking wine, "807" was actually already prepared.

The first one who couldn't hold back was the Scorpion King. It emerged from the sand and pierced everyone's eardrums with its hissing sound.

The scorpion king, who was almost as high as the city gate, rushed over with blood and rain.

With a flick of the black and purple long tail, the venom was sprayed towards Beiyang Pass.


Su Chen's eyes narrowed, and a mouthful of wine entered his throat, and when he spewed it out, it was already a raging flame.

Burn all the sprayed venom.

The scorpion king had already recognized the sloppy Taoist who had been pushing it back, and he was about to rush forward with a neigh.

Su Chen did not dare to let it approach Beiyang Pass, so he stepped forward and rushed over to meet the Scorpion King.

When people arrived, the wine was spilled first.

The mellow liquor was spilled on the desert, and a raging fire was instantly ignited.

Countless scorpions neighed in pain and burned to ashes.

It's a pity that such a fire can't cause any harm to the Scorpion King, but the death of the clan's people makes the Scorpion King inexhaustible.

With a flick of the long tail, the tail needle flashed a cold light and stabbed at Su Chen.

Su Chen had just burned a piece of white ground in the desert, and before he could stand still, he heard a gloomy wind in his ears.

He quickly blocked it with the wine gourd in his hand.

This wine gourd is not an ordinary product, and it is one of the reliances for the Su Chen people to settle down.

Tail acupuncture on the wine gourd made a sound of gold and iron clashing, but no one could do anything about it.

A hint of surprise flashed in the Scorpion King's eyes, he knew the sharpness and hardness of his tail needle.

But he didn't expect that even a seemingly fragile gourd could not be broken, and he was stunned for a while, daring to attack.

Su Chen clenched the gourd in his hand, his arms were numb for a while, and he secretly rejoiced in his heart, if this was real, he was afraid that it would cost him half his life.

The scorpion king did not dare to go up, but the surrounding scorpion beasts were not afraid of death, and rushed up like a tide.

"court death!

Su Chen's brows wrinkled, a mouthful of wine poured into his throat, and a roaring flame erupted from his mouth.

He spit out a circle of flames around him, and the burning scorpions retreated.

Without the trouble of the scorpion swarm, Su Chen looked at the scorpion king intently.

Raising his hand and taking another sip of wine, Su Chen roared with his finger at the Scorpion King.

"Come and die!"

The Scorpion King has already opened and naturally knows what Su Chen said.

With an angry neigh, he stepped over the flames and attacked Su Chen.

The shiny metal pliers waved airtightly, trying to clamp Su Chen.

As a sure-kill tail needle waiting for the opportunity, vowing to kill the enemy with one blow.

Su Chen still has a high level of cultivation, and his movement skills are also very good.

From time to time, he could spit flames on the Scorpion King's face from time to time.

That flame is a true flame, and when combined with aura wine, it is like a maggot attached to a bone.

Soon, the Scorpion King was enveloped in flames and let out a painful neigh.

It's a pity that the flame still couldn't cause too much damage to the Scorpion King, and Su Chen jumped into the air.

The true energy in the body is poured into the gourd in his hand, and the gourd grows in the wind, and finally becomes bigger than the scorpion king.

Su Chen smashed the wine gourd on the Scorpion King's head with force.

"Bang" sound, smoke and dust everywhere.

The Scorpion King was smashed into the ground by Su Chen with a gourd, and a big pit even appeared under the wine gourd.

When the movement came, all the scorpion disaster beasts turned around and let out an angry neigh.

When Beiyangguan saw Su Chen's bravery, he burst into cheers.

However, Su Chen didn't dare to care about it, and the infuriating energy in his body kept supplying.

The wine gourd has also been suppressing the underground scorpion king, and gradually disappeared.

After sensing it carefully, Su Chen's brows furrowed deeply.

The breath of the Scorpion King disappeared, but Su Chen was sure that it was not dead.

The gourd shrank, revealing a large pit in the ground.

Su Chen looked down, but there was only one smashed scorpion shell.

"not good!"

Su Chen was shocked, the scorpion came off its shell!

The cloudy wind suddenly rises, and the black and purple light flashes..0

Su Chen hurriedly used the gourd to block.

This time, Su Chen was kicked out.

Smashed through the scorpion group, hit the bottom of Beiyang Pass, and leaned against the Beiyang Pass city wall with a "bang".

A mouthful of fresh blood splattered on the ground, and the blood that was mixed into the ground quickly disappeared.

Su Chen stood up forcibly and looked at the scorpion king with claws and claws.

The scorpion king lost a layer of shell, and the wounds originally burned by the infuriating flames disappeared.

He swallowed a mouthful of wine mixed with blood, and Su Chen's injuries recovered a lot.

He can't retreat, at least until the golden core of the court arrives, he can't retreat.

As soon as he retreats, no one can stop the Scorpion King, and there will be a bloody storm in Beiyang Pass.

"Ha, it's going to be hard."

Su Chen took out a small porcelain vase from his arms, and poured a dark red pill from the vase.

"It's a loss.

Su Chen threw the Dan Wan into his mouth, and his whole body was full of indignation.

The injury recovered in an instant, and even the lost infuriating energy also recovered.

Su Chen laughed loudly, stepped on his feet, and rushed towards the Scorpion King.

"To die again!"

When the Scorpion King saw that Su Chen quickly recovered from its blow, he couldn't help being a little frightened.

Seeing him rushing over aggressively again, he cautiously took a few steps back.

Su Chen is reluctant to give up such a 0.5 chance, and his state will not last long.

The wine entered his throat, and it was another breath of infuriating flame.

The Scorpion King subconsciously stretched out a pliers to block it.

But that flame was even more aggressive than the flame that burned the Scorpion King at the beginning, and directly ignited one of the Scorpion King's pliers.

The flames burned towards the Scorpion King's body along the pliers, and it would stick to anything.

The Scorpion King tried several times but could not put out the fire of infuriating energy, and the ruthless color flashed across his eyes.

With a "click", the team's pliers were cut off.

Pain struck, and the Scorpion King raised his head and neighed.

A pair of eyes looked at Su Chen with undisguised hatred in their eyes.

Su Chen took another sip of wine, put it in his mouth, and tried to breathe fire again.

The scorpion king took a few steps back in horror, and with a neigh, he retreated with the scorpion group that attacked Beiyang Pass.

Cheers came from Beiyang Pass.

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