Ultra-Order Mage, Starting from The Awakening of Thunders Affinity

Chapter 232 Su Chen Kills the Scorpion King\r

The aura from the battle between Su Chen and the Scorpion King was like a candle in the dark night. The monks within a hundred miles could feel it clearly, but they didn't dare to check it out.

Shen Ping flew the Koreans in the rain, and they felt the fluctuations of the battle a hundred miles away.

The Korean eye canthus is split, looking at the direction of the fighting breath.

"General Kou, it's Beiyang Pass, and the beast has attacked the city.

Shen Ping's face became cold when he heard the words.

He looked around and said to the Korean.

"I'm going to rush over, but the speed is too fast, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it, it's only a hundred miles from here, I'll put you down and go ahead. 39

"General Kou can rest assured that he will go back as soon as possible at the end, and also ask General Kou to rush to Beiyang Pass for assistance.

Shen Ping placed the Koreans on the top of a mountain, and the speed more than doubled under the surging infuriating energy.

Outside Beiyang Pass

Su Chen is still at a stalemate with the Scorpion King, and the flames on Su Chen's body have broken through the Scorpion King's body-protecting infuriating energy and are stained with the Scorpion King's pliers.

The newly grown pliers was smaller than the other, but now it was covered with flames and quickly burned.

The Scorpion King let out a painful scream, but did not pull back, because the gourd full of flames was still on top of its head.

Su Chen is like a king of flames, his whole body is burning with flames, only one pair of eyes is not covered by flames.

The anger in his eyes is like a sword, and it also reveals a lot of perseverance.


With another shout of anger, Su Chen added a few more points.

The sand beneath the Scorpion King collapsed instantly, and half of the Scorpion King's body was crushed into the soil.

It neighed, and one of the pliers was nearly consumed by the flames.

In the end, it made up its mind, and the ruthless color flashed across its eyes.

The tail pin that has not been used for a while is swung.

The scorpion's tail suddenly lengthened, let it pass the gourd, and appeared behind Su Chen.

The middle-aged general saw it clearly on the city gate, his eyes widened in anger, his whole body shook with indignation, and he shouted.

"Senior be careful!

It's still too late.

The tail needle turned into a purple-black afterimage, instantly piercing Su Chen's back.

Although it was also stained with flames, it really plunged into Su Chen's body.

Su Chen's eyes were wide open, and he wanted to reach for the poisonous needle that had pierced his back.

Unfortunately, he has lost his strength.

The flames on Su Chen's body dissipated, leaving only the Scorpion King Megatron and the flames on the pincers still burning stubbornly.

Soon, Su Chen's face turned black and purple, his hands and feet hung down weakly, and the look in his eyes gradually dimmed.

The gourd also returned to its original size and landed on the scorpion king's head, with a "`" bang" sound, and fell into the sand.

The sergeants at Beiyangguan shouted in unison, the grief in their hearts could not be released, and the spear in their hands stabbed with more force.

That Scorpion King, the flames on his body were not supported by Su Chen, and soon went out.

And Su Chen's is still hanging on its tail needle, and the scorpion king holds the tail needle high, as if showing off his achievements.

The scorpions next to him also neighed in unison, celebrating the victory of their king.

When Shen Ping arrived on the battlefield, what he saw was such a scene.

The scene of Su Chen being hung on the tail pin was imprinted in his eyes instantly.

Anger rose from the bottom of my heart, and under the agitation of infuriating, the tyrannical aura belonging to the peak of Jindan unabashedly impacted the battlefield.

Both humans and beasts shivered under this breath.

The scorpion king let out a neigh, and the sergeant in Beiyang Pass could hear the fear in his voice.

With a flick of its tail needle, Su Chen's body was thrown out, and he turned around and wanted to escape.

Shen Ping caught Su Chen's body in a flash, placed it lightly on the ground, and then raised his head to look at the Scorpion King who had run far away.


A golden light flashed in Shen Ping's eyes, and a long infuriating spear condensed in his hand.

One step forward, the hand holding the spear stretched back.

In the next instant, a golden light cut through the rain clouds in the sky and galloped towards the Scorpion King.

The Scorpion King heard the movement and looked back, then neighed in fear and fled to the distance at a faster speed.

But how did it escape?

How can Shen Ping, who is at the peak of Jindan, make an effort with all his strength and let him escape?

The golden light spear caught up with the Scorpion King almost instantly, and fell from top to bottom.


The shock wave from the golden spear smashed the sand around the Scorpion King, and when the sand fell, the Scorpion King was already lying in the sand.

Shen Ping's shot directly shattered its head, and together with its divine soul, it was smashed into ashes.

The scorpion plague beasts on the battlefield felt the death of the scorpion king, and instantly became restless and fled towards the surroundings.

"Want to go!?"

The anger in Shen Ping's heart has not dissipated, and when he saw the scorpion group trying to escape, and then thought of the many corpses on the Beiyangguan city wall, he suddenly became angry again.

He raised his eyebrows with anger, infuriated, and a large knife appeared in his hand.

Swinging with all his strength, several sword qi scattered in all directions.

No matter where the scorpion plague beast fled, it was chopped into pieces by the sword energy.

For a time, the clear rain outside Beiyang Pass turned into a real rain of blood.

Shen Ping didn't care about them anymore. After dissipating his infuriating sword, he walked slowly to Su Chen's side.

Su Chen has lost an inch of his body, his skin has turned purple-gray, only one pair of eyes are still open angrily, as if he is about to stand up and point at the person in front of him and curse.

"'Sorry, I'm late. 99

Shen Ping squatted down and closed his eyes for Su Chen, tears oozing out of the corners of his eyes.

Although he did not know this person, he could feel the full breath of this battle.

The determination, anger, and unwillingness that Su Chen broke out at the last moment made Shen Ping admire.

He gently picked up Su Chen's body and walked towards Beiyang Pass.

The gate of Beiyangguan has been opened, and all the sergeants in the city are waiting.

Shen Ping walked slowly with Su Chen in his arms, and the sergeants in the pass all bent down and knelt down.

This old man who fought hard until his death won the respect of all soldiers.

"Senior. 35

The middle-aged general, covered in blood, clasped his fists and waited outside the city gate.

(for money)

When Shen Ping arrived, he took over the body of Su Chen.

"Thick burial."

Shen Ping opened his mouth.

"It's natural.

A sergeant carried a stretcher and respectfully carried away Su Chen's body.

"All the soldiers in Beiyang Pass thank the seniors for their help, and also ask the seniors to tell me my identity. I, Blue Star, will never treat those who have meritorious deeds badly."

The middle-aged general bowed to the ground and said respectfully.

After Shen Ping helped him up, he took out the document seal and something that could prove his identity from his arms and handed it over.

The middle-aged general took a look at the document and knelt down on one knee.

Among the Blue Star Army, subordinates do not need to give big gifts when they see their superiors, they only need to kneel on one knee.

"At the end of the day, General Han Shi paid a visit to General Kou.

"Get up, from today onwards, I will be the guardian of Beiyang Gate. Later, you will report to me how much damage the Beiyang Army has suffered in the past few days, and I will ask the court for credit. 99

Han Shi lowered his head and said, "Yes.

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